Any change in AP, whether it's forum posts increasing from 1 to 2AP or comments decrasing from 2 to 1AP, wouldn't change the fact that there will always be a lot of people who will be thinking about ways on how to get more AP by lesser effort... but that's my opinion... :/
Why don't we just wait for cormyn to update us after he has had the chance to discuss this with the rest at AG-HQ and we'll discuss it more from there on?
^If you don't have armor points on the next version, maybe you could have some sort of conversion to whatever different point system you create. If you decided to ditch them, the older users who have spent alot of time on the site gaining AP over the years would be back at square 1...probably wouldn't stay on the site very long after being de-throned.
Joe96, if you read the big sticky post I made about the AG3 Armor Points update, you'll see our current plan for points "conversion".
SerbianHero, yes, that's the model we want to switch to: points will be awarded for game interaction, and 'karma' (or whatever we end up calling it) will be for site interaction (comments, feedback, etc)