ForumsNews and Feedback[AG3] how should name changes work?

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2,891 posts

AG3 will probably let you change your username to something which another player hasn't already chosen (for those that ask, there *is* a player named '1337' on the system already).

The old AG2 system ties more information to your username than a unique identifier for your account, so changing your name on AG2 became a nearly impossible feat. On AG3, we're making sure to do everything with the unique identifier (which is common practice, and just plain good design, in my opinion), so a name change will be much easier.

The only thing is whether or how we notify other users that you've changed your name. Maybe we'll overlay your armatar with a small icon for a few weeks that indicates you've changed your name or something.

  • 45 Replies
1,360 posts

Or perhaps we... uhm, you should just add a free span of time where people could go correct their names if they have made spelling mistakes or something, and then lock it after the change.

I agree with this idea if people insist on changing names, when AG3 launches set a time for people to change their AG2 usernames, once only, and they will have to use that username from then on.
2,891 posts

A one-time change might be good, as long as their requested change doesn't conflict with another user's name.

1,989 posts

You should get rid of all the inactive accounts because theirs new members out there that probably will be active and want some of those usernames.

I wanna change my name to something along the lines of FuZzyKiLLeR.

1,766 posts

So will the "one time" username change be for sure when AG3 comes out?

2,891 posts

We're unsure yet if it will be a one-time change, or something we'll allow every so often.

5,061 posts

As one of the mods pointed out earlier this could get confusing the name changes could get confusing when dealing with a troll/spammer.

I'm not sure how the whole ban system works but perhaps when the mod attempts to ban the user it will show how many times the user has been banned before, for what reasons, and by who. That way your repeat offenders are obvious.

2,891 posts

Mods already keep track of how many temporary bans they've given a user, and then they start talking about a permanent ban.

9,504 posts

I wanna go back to my previous idea on this real quick, since I think it needs clarification...

Account Name: Freakenstein

Nickname: Frank

When you go to find someone's profile, you would use the account name. The nicknames will be shown when that person comments or posts on the forums. The account name is just a username registered into the database

The regular account name is unique and stays with you, but the nickname could be shown on the community and is not unique, meaning anyone can have the same nickname. Many people have Ivan in their name but they have different social security numbers, right?

What could happen would be to include the idea of having stats being pulled up when having your pointer over someone's name and showing their information, as well as account name.

If the nickname was shown somewhere (the forums for example) and it was linkable, it would take you to the real account name, as well as the profile. Those that know how the internet works can also note that the link is shown before you click it on the lower-left side of the screen, exposing the username. What I wanna know is, how would having non-unique nicknames be confusing, when the information of their account names can be shown in multiple ways?
4,375 posts

The ebst possible name, is to under your real name it says "formally: name here"

And on your profile it says up top if it was changed.

2,891 posts

Guys, I've already said: we're not going to have nicknames. It will be too confusing.

In the future, we MAY add a field on your profile page where you can list your real first name, or a nickname, but it will only display on your profile page.

9,504 posts

Okay... I just wanted clarification why though. It doesn't seem that confusing to me. Maybe to others, but that's why we got veteran users.

1,126 posts

~My idea~

Under your name on your account page and on the forums it would show the username you started with and what you had 2 months ago. That way if you liked calling someone a certain name that related to an old name that isn't their first username, then users who don't see that user much won't get confused.

First username would be for easier tracking by mods/admins/players you know who haven't been on in awhile.


But yeah, only being able to name-change every couple months sounds good. And a karma system sounds good, but what if you didn't understand the rules when you first came? It should have a percentage of how many of your posts are unwanted by mods so people know you have improved after awhile, so if you spammed about 100 times when you first joined, how would you like a moderator always behind you?

1,739 posts

It would make moderating REALLY hard if we had name changing.

Well, Cormyn said something about everyone having a unique identifier. I'm guessing that's in the form of a number. If it were under your name on your profile, or mods could see this number, it might work. Of course, it would mean you'd have to note numbers instead of names, which is a lot harder...

And a 6 month wait is way to long for me: If (Because you rush or something with the system goes wrong) your name comes out garbled, then it sucks for you. One week or a month maybe?

You should get rid of all the inactive accounts because theirs new members out there that probably will be active and want some of those usernames.

/Giggle/ a lot of those usernames are the inappropriate ones. or small, not very informative names like 'god' or 'hair'.

Under your name on your account page and on the forums it would show the username you started with and what you had 2 months ago. That way if you liked calling someone a certain name that related to an old name that isn't their first username, then users who don't see that user much won't get confused.

That's kind of... Complex.

i dont think ANYONE would change there name from like samy to boobyFKlopterhal or somthing

If they're really bored. And if they want to go inactive, as a name like that would stand out in the forums and comments.
2,226 posts

That's a good feature as alot of people wish they could change their usernames. I think something should be put on to limit the frequency of one user changing their profile too often, though.

2,891 posts

I'll finalize this with Larry and Dan soon, but right now I'm thinking that we might only let users alter their username one time when AG3 launches, and add a &quotreviously known as" (pka) field. Maybe we'll award an "evading arrest" achievement or something fun to note that they've done a name change.

The p.k.a field would get populated with the user's previous username, and shown on their profile page, but would be un-editable by the user.

Also, we'll consider adding a "nickname" field to your user profile screen, which you can edit as often as you like, but again, it will only be viewable on your profile page.

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