I didn't think this was a big problem, as my local news paper showed it. But apparently other news papers were not showing it. I mean come on! Are we seriously that afraid that we are not even going to kind of sort of suggest that Muhammad is in the picture?
Also, Muslims have every right to be offended about people drawing Muhammad
Sure they are allowed to be offended. But to tell people to take it down! That's just plain offensive. Im drawing a line here between lightly offended, which all good comedy can do and blind offence. I would be lightly offended if a muslim said all non believers were silly and needed gods forgivness, I would be really quite offended if they said all non believers were trash and deserved to die.
Any muslim that is highly offended by this comic is blinded by their faith and, in my view, strayed from their teachings.
Okay, please understand what I am saying. The reason people draw the cartoons is because certain Muslims do not know how to properly reply to such offenses.
Sure they are allowed to be offended. But to tell people to take it down! That's just plain offensive.
I don't know, I think if you're offended by it, you have every right to tell the person you are offended. I mean, should they ask politely?
Okay, please understand what I am saying. The reason people draw the cartoons is because certain Muslims do not know how to properly reply to such offenses.
[quote]Sure they are allowed to be offended. But to tell people to take it down! That's just plain offensive.
I don't know, I think if you're offended by it, you have every right to tell the person you are offended. I mean, should they ask politely?[/quote]
I understood and fully agree. Yes asking politely would be one way and it would carry a much larger message if the newspaper was bombarded with letters politely asking them to apologise. This is not what happens tho. They get death threats and public outcry's of anguish and despair at their beloved messiah being depicted at all, I wonder if they even truly thought about the cartoon. In fact, no, I think they DIDN'T think about it. They saw a direct joke poked at them for their crazy expectation that is literally forced thru fear on the rest of the world and then decided to carry out the very action that creates so much hate and segregation for all muslims in the western world.
You do realize that I have no problem with Draw Muhammad Day, I just want to make sure that people are against their threats rather than against them being offended as there is a difference. One is unacceptable and the other isn't.
You do realize that I have no problem with Draw Muhammad Day
Are you talkin to me? Are YOU talkin to ME! You must be talkin to me cos there aint nobody else here!
Sorry I had to check. I know dude, I dont mean to come across as if Im arguing against you because I also agree that people have a right to be offended. There is a limit to how much offence I allow someone to take depending on the action and reaction.
Shoot my mum in the face, expect a hefty amount of reactive offensiveness. i.e. steel bbat around the cranial noggin. Draw a cartoon. Write a letter showing your anger (death threats count towards over the top)
I know you agree but think you are also taking the middle ground which every good mod should... (go on, let your hair down once in a while)
I find this rather commical. I actually laughed out loud. But yes it could be considered offensive. We have the common perception that all Muslims have the "bad" factor, when the Muslims who are good, normal people like the rest of this, would find it an outrage to find their religion directly and obviously pointed out; to make fun of. If it were "Wheres Jesus", I'm sure a number of believers would be upset, except this would seem more "wrong". Because Muslims hold a number of extremists that make it a point that they are indeed Muslim - and do what they do in the name of their religion - people find it less wrong, and even okay to poke fun at these people, who people stereotype. As a side-note, if a book were created with the title, "Where's Osama?", with a "Where's Waldo" style layout, I must confess that I would buy one.
I think I understand what you are saying although its not made easy by the lack of grammer. Im not dissing, I misspell on purpose and I dont use punctuation most of the time. Re-read your post once to make sure it makes sense.
Any decent Muslim would see the joke and at most be mildly offended.
It's a shame that Muslims don't have a thick skin. I'm not sure, but I don't think people are supposed to make an image for God (Christianity), yet Family Guy and many other TV shows do it. You don't hear reports of radical Christians sending bomb threats for showing Jesus in a sacrilegious way, or God hitting on a girl at a bowling alley (Family Guy). I consider it in bad taste, and as such, I won't watch when they do stuff like that.
It's a shame that Muslims don't have a thick skin. I'm not sure, but I don't think people are supposed to make an image for God (Christianity), yet Family Guy and many other TV shows do it. You don't hear reports of radical Christians sending bomb threats for showing Jesus in a sacrilegious way, or God hitting on a girl at a bowling alley (Family Guy). I consider it in bad taste, and as such, I won't watch when they do stuff like that.
that's why it's fun to be an atheist (FSM to be exact RAmen!)
You know, the really interesting thing about the whole "Draw Muhammad" thing is that nowhere in the Qu'ran does it say you can't draw pictures of him. Actually the surahs pertaining to images state that "those who paint pictures will be punished on the day of resurrection".The surahs relevant to the topic say quite clearly that any art made of sculpture or with paints/chalks are a sin, no matter who or what they depict. Also several surahs pertaining to art as a sin also say that angels won't visit a home where there is a dog (which I found rather odd. Apparently the angels don't like dogs or something.)
Looks like I'm safe then, 'cause I have a dog and lots of artwork around the house, so no Muslim angels can come in my house and pick on me! XD
Oh, and let's not forget that muslims themselves, most notably the Persians, depicted Muhammad in their art as early as 1299 CE, and this continued, rather commonly, until the late 16th century.
For reference read: Hadith, Sahih Muslim vol.3, no. 5268; Sahih Muslim vol.3, no.5271; Bukhari vol.8, book 73, no.130;
those who paint pictures will be punished on the day of resurrection
Thats quite harsh. What if you draw something by accident?
"Did you draw that face" "No! I dropped the chalk" "Sorry but that's a smiley face... right sonny, you will be punished on the day of ressurection. No ice cream for you when Mohammed comes back"
By the way. Is that on the day of Mohammed's resurrection or Jesus's? Or do they both have some kind of schedule?