ForumsWEPRLife is Pointless.

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Just sayin'. There has not been one permanent thing done by a human on this Earth, to Earth. Our lives revolve around the fact that we want to be happy and make a lot of money, but what is true happieness, and if we find it, it is pointless to another human who is still searching for their happieness and vica-versa.

Not trying to be a downer here, but I just want to know what you think about the futility of being a mortal with no real purpose other than to find a personal Utopia.

  • 156 Replies
1,573 posts

Man, you've been on a role the last few weeks =)

I know... I should start my own bumper sticker business :P ha!

Not to mention it is a huge blow to the ego to think that we spend all of our time living and creating that when we die it amounts to jack squat.

Agreed. Hence why I give life meaning. I mean... why not. Regardless of there being a cosmic point, in the short run I feel inclined to make one. Not only does it satify my ego but it might just give some good faith to those around... and we dont have nearly enuf good faith, plenty of bad faith e.g. religion, pessimism, non altruistic corporate behaviour, dog eat dog attitudes of "I dont care cos noone else does"

True, but look at the numbers who have died and had no relative impact, compared those who have begun advances upon which we have built on. The overwhelming majority of us will have no real lasting impact outside of our immediate circles of influence.

Well, I believe we amount to more than we think. I alone am capable of creating waves that amount to more than my personal sphere of influence could possibly affect. These waves travel from person to person. I have had these waves pass thru me and so I pass them on as ideas, philosophy, attitude etc... Its also why the internet has busted the human race wide open. Suddenly the globe is connected in a way never possible before. In a way, Im trying to say what mage said with this

I think what I'm trying to get at can be summed up in the quote "there are no small parts, just small actors"-Milan Kundera (I think?) is kind of what I'm trying to get at. Remembering or not remembering a person name or deeds I don't see as really mattering. For instance let's take Ghostbusters. I could give you the names of each of the four actors who played the Ghostbusters but I wouldn't be able to tell you the entire special effects cast and they were just as important.

I really feel this extends to the universe. We may not see or ever know the influence we have had but there is no doubt its there. I dont mean that in an egotistical humans are good way... I just mean that we impact regardless. Everything, living and dead, alive or otherwise, has an impact on each and every one of us. We dont have a choice.

Whether that equates to our species having a point is, I guess, personal and down to how we see our species i.e. in a negative or positive light. If we think our lives suk and that humans are generally bad its not too hard to swing into the thought pattern of "what I do or anyone does matters not... we all die, get cheated on, beten up" etc etc...

Im prone to this as well but recently I just cant be bothered giving up. I am here to make waves and create thoughts in people. I hope I have a positive effect in the end but I also concede that I will never know the greater influence I have had.

So once again... I make my point because I want to have one.
Im not being egotistical or bigging myself up. In fact Im being quite detached yet positive.

Life is not pointless because I say so
9,462 posts

I know... I should start my own bumper sticker business :P ha!

That last one would be better on a t-shirt.
9,462 posts

hit submit by mistake.

Agreed. Hence why I give life meaning. I mean... why not. Regardless of there being a cosmic point

Don't see why not either. I was giving this some thought on "we are pointless on a cosmic scale". If so, seeing as we are the observers wouldn't it be more accurate to say that the cosmic scale is pointless to us?

I really feel this extends to the universe. We may not see or ever know the influence we have had but there is no doubt its there. I dont mean that in an egotistical humans are good way... I just mean that we impact regardless. Everything, living and dead, alive or otherwise, has an impact on each and every one of us. We dont have a choice.

Yes that's what I was getting at good or bad we have an effect.
1,573 posts

wouldn't it be more accurate to say that the cosmic scale is pointless to us?

I like that thought.
4,005 posts

I was giving this some thought on "we are pointless on a cosmic scale". If so, seeing as we are the observers wouldn't it be more accurate to say that the cosmic scale is pointless to us?

I suppose, in the sense you are using, that it would. However I apparently failed to elucidated my point. I was meaning that when we look at the universe as a whole and see our place, our 'urpose', in it, there really is none. Sure, we make small ripples with our lives, but when viewed as a part of the entire universe we really are pointless. It doesn't need us, and we can't do anything to it except observe it. That was what I meant that, on a cosmic scale, we are pointless.
5,001 posts

Begs the question, what do we do with all this pointless time?

9,462 posts

It doesn't need us, and we can't do anything to it except observe it.

I can think of ways we could screw with the universe but we don't have the capabilities right now.
9,462 posts

Begs the question, what do we do with all this pointless time?

Come up with subjective points to live out our finite existence and points that have meaning to our species. In ways I would think this is more important then what ever we do or not do on a cosmic level.
4,005 posts

Begs the question, what do we do with all this pointless time?

I prefer to spend it in bed (with a partner of course) or educating myself and debating. But we all have our preferences .
5,001 posts

Me too!

I'd have to toss in some manual labor, though. I like to work hard, then rest. Makes it sweeter.

4,005 posts

Yeah, I like working, especially outside. I used to do masonry, but it's really slow here now. I'm hoping I can find a job before we move, even though it will be difficult working and going back to school, especially cause I'm old now XD, but I'm looking forward to it.

97 posts

Begs the question, what do we do with all this pointless time?

Repopulate the earth :P
256 posts

I can think of ways we could screw with the universe but we don't have the capabilities right now.

Screw with the universe? Do tell.
9,462 posts

Screw with the universe? Do tell.

We have a basic understanding of the forces in the universe. If developed methods that could manipulate these forces on a large enough scale, that would defiantly effect things at a cosmic level. If we did manage this, I wouldn't be all that surprised if we did it in a way that would result in the universe burning out faster.
256 posts

We have a basic understanding of the forces in the universe. If developed methods that could manipulate these forces on a large enough scale, that would defiantly effect things at a cosmic level. If we did manage this, I wouldn't be all that surprised if we did it in a way that would result in the universe burning out faster.

Humans are good at burning things out for their own entertainment. That is why i hope we never acquire this ability. Not that i think we ever will; we'll definitely kill ourselves long before then.
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