ForumsWEPRLife is Pointless.

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1,255 posts

Just sayin'. There has not been one permanent thing done by a human on this Earth, to Earth. Our lives revolve around the fact that we want to be happy and make a lot of money, but what is true happieness, and if we find it, it is pointless to another human who is still searching for their happieness and vica-versa.

Not trying to be a downer here, but I just want to know what you think about the futility of being a mortal with no real purpose other than to find a personal Utopia.

  • 156 Replies
8,257 posts

What about human husbandry of all organic life? Doesn't this role of caretaker quality the human race as having an objective point to life?

Hmmyes, and no. It's still an arbitrary decision, not objective, to try and save life, or biodiversity, or whatever. You take as granted that life is good and must be preserved, but life is not good as well as not bad either, it just is and will survive us no matter what we do anyway.
4,005 posts

What about human husbandry of all organic life? Doesn't this role of caretaker quality the human race as having an objective point to life?

Seriously? If that is our goal then we are doing a piss-poor job, because we've probably exterminated more races of life than we will ever know. And no, again, it isn't an objective purpose. It is not a universal purpose independent of individual perceptions. It may be a personal objective to some, but it is still a subjective purpose common only to those individuals who recognize and/or embrace it.

The point here is that there is no objective purpose to life, it simply is. There is no higher meaning, divine mandate, or universal reason for our lives. They simply are, and it is up to each of us to define what we want from life in order to give it whatever meaning we choose.
489 posts

this is a hell of a discussion for a videogame site....

9,462 posts

Wiki defines it as, "a central and elusive philosophical category,... a proposition is generally considered to be objectively true when its truth conditions are mind independent that is, not the result of any judgments made by a conscious entity or subject."

This doesn't fit the definition you provided.

"I can think of several objectives I would like to accomplish but I can't speak for the entire human race's objective on this earth."

with the advent of religion, it became uncivilized to cremate the remains but to bury them instead.

This depends on the religion, even some of those who previously didn't allow have been allowing it in more recent times.
1,573 posts

"A man said to the universe"

A man said to the universe:
"Sir, I exist!"
"However," replied the universe,
"The fact has not created in me
A sense of obligation."

Stephen Crane

1,573 posts

Regardless of the universe having an infinite timespan, if the actions of anything, living or not, affects anything then it has a point. And if anything, living or not, does NOT have a lasting effect, then life is still no more pointless than that which is not alive... therefore... life is not pointless, otherwise everything is pointless.

I would be quite happy to say that everything IS in fact pointless but to single life out as if being pointless was a demeaning trait compared to something thats not living being pointless and that being ok, well this is quite unfair dont you think? Or to say that we have nothing to do with the making or shaping of that which is everything, to this I strongly disagree. We are no more pointless in life than in death. And since I am living, with cognitive thought, I decided life, all life (and everything for that matter), whether anyone likes it or not, has a point. My universe is the only one. I am the alpha, omega, the bacon sandwich, the objective AND subjective view. I can only experience others viewpoints thru a process of thought that is my own subjective thought. I cannot be you. This is why I am allowed to say life has a point. This is why someone can say god exists. The minute we try to argue in objective fact about these subjective, personal views, we have failed already.

If life is pointless I just made one.

1,255 posts

I would be quite happy to say that everything IS in fact pointless but to single life out as if being pointless was a demeaning trait compared to something thats not living being pointless and that being ok, well this is quite unfair dont you think? Or to say that we have nothing to do with the making or shaping of that which is everything, to this I strongly disagree. We are no more pointless in life than in death. And since I am living, with cognitive thought, I decided life, all life (and everything for that matter), whether anyone likes it or not, has a point. My universe is the only one. I am the alpha, omega, the bacon sandwich, the objective AND subjective view. I can only experience others viewpoints thru a process of thought that is my own subjective thought. I cannot be you. This is why I am allowed to say life has a point. This is why someone can say god exists. The minute we try to argue in objective fact about these subjective, personal views, we have failed already.
If life is pointless I just made one.

Good argument. I like your reasoning. To bad it has no point at all.

I guess the title of the thread should be everything is pointless, because no matter what you do, or do not do. No matter if the Sun shines or if it does not, no matter anything, everything is pointless.

We all work to benifit something, someone, some cause. Those things, people or causes, have no point. They work to fulfile there own personal needs and that is that. Once they percieve their goal to be obtained, they let it go. In about the next 600 years, this planet will have forgotten all about what they did.

They just simply won't care.

Not that it matters.

Not that my ideas will matter.

Not that anything will matter.

4,871 posts

'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony this life
Trying to make ends meet, you're a slave to the money then you die

Life has only the point you give to it but after you die what happens to the point you assigned to life?
230 posts

From a religious point of view, many would say that the meaning of life was to worship his or her God(s), and later be either punished for your bad actions or rewarded for your good actions posthumously. Which makes me
wonder whether religion was created as a justification for living by good morals and so life wouldn't seem so pointless, with a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

In a nonreligious point of view, life may seem pointless, apart from the search for happiness, love, money, etc. This makes me think back to when humans were supposedly simple creatures, and what
caused a sudden spark in intelligence which allowed us to advance further than surrounding species.

Othewise, I consider

4,871 posts

OBVIOUSLY EVERYTHING has a point, regardless if it seems pointless.

To whom? Does the point of an action necessarily have a point? Do all of my actions have ramifications in the future? Again life has only the point you give to it but because you will die that point will die with you.
3,437 posts

Everything has a point or else it would not be done. The point doesn't have to be known or even a good one, but still we acted for a reason. We may act for to prove nothing, but isn't that proving something in itself?

4,871 posts

We may act for to prove nothing, but isn't that proving something in itself?

The individual action may have a point but does that mean that because of that the entire life does? There's only a point to life if something happens after life based upon how we lived in this life.
3,437 posts

There's only a point to life if something happens after life based upon how we lived in this life.

what about those we affect when we leave this world? Doesn't that create a point as well?
4,871 posts

what about those we affect when we leave this world? Doesn't that create a point as well?

Perhaps but for anything to have a point shouldn't it culminate into something? Some sort of massive human goal or else your effects are still pointless.

In a way I think life is both extremely meaningful and pointless. I strive to do my best, help others, and love with all I am in life but I understand that some day I will die. Someday all my efforts will be gone as I will be gone and although I may affect others isn't it the same for them?
3,437 posts

Perhaps but for anything to have a point shouldn't it culminate into something?

Something like what? An afterlife? Why MUST life have to achieve something after the fact to have meaning? Why can't life itself have meaning? Why do we as humans scrounge on the petty lies and fears of our own making? Why not just accept what we are given and make it what we will. THAT can be our point, and a greater point cannot be made.
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