They should get their butts kicked, get put in the slammer, and executed by getting their crotches shot. Lol. They should pay big time. They should get their butts taunted!
Sorry but this really pissed me off. Just because they did something wrong first, means you have the right to torture them. Two wrongs DO NOT make a right.
Agreed, it was immature what they did, but I do believe they publicly apologized for it. Wether they really are sorry or not, is up to them. It was an immature argument, they made stupid decisions. That is the average day of a human.
Agreed, it was immature what they did, but I do believe they publicly apologized for it. Wether they really are sorry or not, is up to them. It was an immature argument, they made stupid decisions. That is the average day of a human.
that really isn't enough they should have some jail time because it is bullying and no the phrase sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me was obviously made by someone who doesn't know what it's like
that really isn't enough they should have some jail time because it is bullying and no the phrase sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me was obviously made by someone who doesn't know what it's like
Unfortunately this would constitute censorship. There was nothing illegal done here. While it may be immoral and detestable, it is not illegal. They simply posted comments online and made some other public expressions of dislike toward this girl. She wasn't forced to see it, they didn't damage any property, and they never physically did anything to her person. So far that still constitutes free speech. Oh, and WTF is the big deal about posting about a 7yo online? Who let's their 7yo online, especially to social networking sites?
Unfortunately this would constitute censorship. There was nothing illegal done here. While it may be immoral and detestable, it is not illegal. They simply posted comments online and made some other public expressions of dislike toward this girl. She wasn't forced to see it, they didn't damage any property, and they never physically did anything to her person. So far that still constitutes free speech. Oh, and WTF is the big deal about posting about a 7yo online? Who let's their 7yo online, especially to social networking sites?
well it could lead to her committing suicide there has to some action taken other than an apology
well it could lead to her committing suicide there has to some action taken other than an apology
Are you serious? She's 7, she's terminally ill, and for all we know she hasn't even seen the comments being made. Get real. There is a HUGE difference between bullying someone and posting derogatory things about them on the internet which they may or may not even see. By your logic, if I post something mean about you on the internet then that could cause you to commit suicide so I should be punished. Seriously.... WTF
Are you serious? She's 7, she's terminally ill, and for all we know she hasn't even seen the comments being made. Get real. There is a HUGE difference between bullying someone and posting derogatory things about them on the internet which they may or may not even see. By your logic, if I post something mean about you on the internet then that could cause you to commit suicide so I should be punished. Seriously.... WTF
oh come on they make fun of her when she has a terminal illness that's still bullying cyber to be exact your acting like they just deserve a little slap on the hand and a firm "NO" i say *metaphorically* spank their ass!
that really isn't enough they should have some jail time
What? For bullying someone? Terminally ill or not, bullying does not constitute jail time. Otherwise I think we'd all be in jail. You can't like everyone, and if you don't like someone, then you're going to say bad things about them. It's not like they forced he to look at the comments, it's not like they beat her. All they did was voice their opinions on her. If she wasn't terminally ill, this would just be another day.
because it is bullying and no the phrase sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me was obviously made by someone who doesn't know what it's like
I am not saying that words do not hurt(they do; a lot!) but they're definitely not worthy of jail time.
oh come on they make fun of her when she has a terminal illness that's still bullying cyber to be exact your acting like they just deserve a little slap on the hand and a firm "NO" i say *metaphorically* spank their ***!
"Free dome of speech...Until someone says something I don't like!"
You can't sensor something just because you don't like it. What if someone doesn't like your, say political opinions, does that mean they can jail you?(Poorly worded sentences, but I am in a hurry...)
Of course what they did was immoral. But its all or nothing with freedom.
oh come on they make fun of her when she has a terminal illness that's still bullying cyber to be exact your acting like they just deserve a little slap on the hand and a firm "NO" i say *metaphorically* spank their ***!
You see, the nice thing about 'cyber-bullying' as opposed to real bullying is you can just avoid the websites, or better yet, not let your 7 year old on the internet unsupervised. Problem solved.
By your logic every site or post that makes fun of or ridicules someone is bullying. That's just nonsense. Seriously. As I said, I'm not saying they are right, or even moral, but they are within every bound of their rights and those rights are protected by law. Yet you propose violating their rights simply because you disagree with their opinion. Do any of you kids have any fucking clue what a slippery slope that is???