It may be the annoying cubicle neighbor whistling on and on. Or the cruel, jerk that goes to your school. But what I am after is the fact that people debate about, god, gays, politics, and money. I myself believe that every one has their own right to what, and the pursuit of happyness. If anyone would like to debate this please leave a comment... Duh!
ut what I am after is the fact that people debate about, god, gays, politics, and money. I myself believe that every one has their own right to what, and the pursuit of happyness
Wait, so are you saying we shouldn't express our views? Or we should, but not try to convince others to agree? Or what? Because you say at the end:
If anyone would like to debate this please leave a comment... Duh!
Well, there isn't anything to debate. You made a statement that:
I myself believe that every one has their own right to what, and the pursuit of happyness.
WTF Does that mean? Everyone has their own right to what, and the pursuit of happyness.... that makes no sense whatsoever. Could you please elaborate and attempt to elucidate the point you are trying to make so that some form of quasi-intelligent conversation can ensue? Thanks.
This reply is to Asherlee, and MRWalker82. I am sorry if I was not specific. By stating, [/i]"I myself believe that every one has their own right to what-"[i] I was trying to say that by "what" was their belief. And by debate, I meant type what ,you, believe in. Just sort of speak out. My stance is, that I tolerate diversity, belief, and forcing your thoughts on someone is selfish. I again, apolagize for any confusion.
This reply is to Asherlee, and MRWalker82. I am sorry if I was not specific. By stating, [/i]"I myself believe that every one has their own right to what-"[i] I was trying to say that by "what" was their belief. And by debate, I meant type what ,you, believe in. Just sort of speak out. My stance is, that I tolerate diversity, belief, and forcing your thoughts on someone is selfish. I again, apolagize for any confusion.
Sooo...Hitler's belief that Jewish people were inferior and deserved to die is OK with you? The KKK's ideals don't bother you in the least? Extremist forcing people to go into hiding, for doing something as simple as drawing a picture?
There are some ideals that should not be tolerated in the western world...
314d1, read next time, okay? I said forcing your beliefs on someone is selfish. I never justified Hitler, or extremists. and the "Klan", is lost I believe. I live in the west, I am aware, and I think people do terrible things all around the world.
314d1, read next time, okay? I said forcing your beliefs on someone is selfish. I never justified Hitler, or extremists. and the "Klan", is lost I believe. I live in the west, I am aware, and I think people do terrible things all around the world.
Taking a random clip doesn't mean it has anything to do what I said. You said " I myself believe that every one has their own right to what, and the pursuit of happiness" Which means all of those hate groups are fine with you. Your saying you have to tolerate there hideous beliefs. Then I replied with " There are some ideals that should not be tolerated in the western world"...
He does have a point there. You said that everyone should be tolerated, then said that some things shouldn't be tolerated. Well, which is it? And if some things are not to be tolerated then who gets to decide? How can we not tolerate certain things, yet tolerate others? Where is the line and who gets to, or how do we, determine what is tolerable, to what degree things are tolerated, and how can we ensure that we are being fair and kind?
Oh, and for anyone who thinks the Klan is lost, read this and this
Agreed. You state that imposing your beliefs on others is wrong, but by not tolerating certain things you are imposing your beliefs on those you believe are wrong. Either you believe in tolerance for everyone or you support censorship. Which is it?