idk if that idea was already proposed, but, well w/e...My idea! >.>
I thought about putting a "medal" system. Something that says "You got in the top 25% of this game" And shows a little silver crown on the side. Maybe it could be related with AP or something else, idk about that.
Having a system based on high scores opens up a lot of opportunities for hacking. However the good news is that there will be some sort of achievements system on AG3..
Honestly, there's not that many hackers in AG to pose a problem with certain highscore ideas. Besides, they are being monitored. Any scores that make eyebrows twitch can be deleted. If someday the scores affect the AP, that will go away as well.
Out of an "active" quarter-million users, only an estimated 10 are hackers at the most.
oh, yea, topic, i think its a good idea, hate wen you get into some highscore category, and nothing happens, and you dont get recognition for it, except the few who see it and call you a hacker for beating them...
If someone inserts a hacked score in the scoreboards, and we delete it, it would re-adjust all of the other "top10/top25/etc" boards, if we were to implement them. That's just common sense.
As for getting AP/etc for a high score, it's something we're looking at but we haven't finished the discussion to share any other details with you folks yet.