ForumsWEPRDeporting criminal foreigners?

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879 posts

Swiss Consider Deporting Foreign Criminals

The Swiss People's Party (SVP) collected 200'000 signatures for their initiative about deportign criminal foreigners. In a month the people of Switzerland can vote if the initiative should be accepted.

What do you think about it? Is it racist? Or is it fair that criminal foreigners are deported to their home country?

(I know that the link is totally onesided, so I have here some data for you. Yes, it is from Wikipedia, but it corresponds with several newspapers I read)

  • 9 Replies
22,207 posts

meh, it should be the jurisdiction as to whether the infraction they were imprisoned for is upheld by the criminal's home country. if it is not, then it is simply a 'liability' of sorts that the home country must handle a felon for a crime they don't even uphold. It also seems a 'liability' that foreigners are in the country to start, but open borders are the norm almost everywhere...

3,085 posts

How on Earth is it racist to remove people from your country, if they weren't originally citizens, if they've committed offences against the country?

4,005 posts

meh, I say execute them. Bastards should have stayed in their own country if they wanted to act like hoodlums.

9,504 posts

Yeah, going with Avorne on this one. Deporting criminal foreigners does not equal racism. Deporting them and then uttering multiple derogatory terms does. I swear, the political correctness of this age lol

1st point: Foreigners have nothing to fear from deportation. If they are tried for a crime that is recognized in both countries, it is better if they are tried in their homeland, as they would expect a fairer trial.

2nd point: If a person commits a crime in a country, the nation, such as the U.S. will try the person IN that country; they will not deport the foreigner to their homeland to be tried there. Depending on the nations, the criminal would want the trial to be fairer on their end. Ultimately, the nation in which the criminal committed it in should be the one to try him or her.

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Removing foreigners who have committed serious crimes is not racist. Also once deported, an alien who has commited serious felonies should lose the right to ever return to the countrty, even as a visitor.

815 posts

I'm against deporting criminals, they did the crime in your country and they should do the time. For example all these Australians been caught smuggleing drugs into Asian countries are trying to be extridited back to Australia. This will never happen, if they were sent back to Australia they would face only 10 years while in these Asian contries there facing 50 years or the death sentence, all these were fully aware of the laws, most people would reveice a less harsh sentence, people who have proven that they cannot function in society should pay the price.

879 posts

I'm against deporting criminals, they did the crime in your country and they should do the time.

It's like this: First they have to go to prison (in my country) and then they are deported.


Any reasons for that statement??

In my opinion there are are pro and contras.
- You get rid of criminal people
- The foreigners that live in your country have a better reputation because the people know that they aren't criminals.
- The State saves money: They can't go to prison twice or more times and
879 posts

sorry: here the right answer:

I'm against deporting criminals, they did the crime in your country and they should do the time.

It's like this: First they have to go to prison (in my country) and then they are deported.


Any reasons for that statement??

In my opinion there are are pro and contras.
- You get rid of criminal people
- The foreigners that live in your country have a better reputation because the people know that they aren't criminals.
- The State saves money: Criminal foreigners can't go to prison twice or more times in this country. And you get also rid of some welfare abusers.
- The deportation is deterrend for others who want to commit a crime.
- You can't let endless many foreigners into your country (for example because there aren't endless many jobs in you country etc). So you can grant asylum to more honest foreigners.
-The criminals knew what happens, if they commit a crime. So it's their fault if they gamble away their chance.

- Foreigners and natives are treated differently by the law.
- The deportation won't resocialize anybody. It also doesn't solve the cause of the high criminal rate of foreigners.
- Maybe there are some foreigners who grew up in your country. So if they are deported, they are just foreigners in their "home country". They don't know anybody etc.

I think I'll vote for this initiative (or maybe for the counter proposal of the parliament). It doesn't solve the cause of the problem but for less it's a beginning.
996 posts

Is it racist?

It has nothing to do with race. If someone does a crime in another country, it's putting real citizens at risk by not deporting. The Swiss have every right to do this.
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