Just by the title there are those of you who get steamed under the collar, after all I've just made a wave! Nobody like waves. but what I have to say is the ALL evidence for evolution is not concrete it is either true for every body (natural selection) or forged data (Ernst Haeckel's Embryo Drawings) meant to misguide the public!
ok so now an animal starts to develop wings they start out as flabby globs of skin then they start to generate bones and such and in a few million years it almost got full blow wings! but lacks the mussels to fully use them, so know the animal can not run at its full speed and can not get food and guess what it cant mate either because the females only choose the fit healthy males so the creature dies w/o breading and thats the end of wings! so tell me? how did creatures with wing evolve?
grew muscles you obviously can't wrap your "brain" around it don't tell me your older than say....12?
314d1 what i would really like is for you to give an example of one that has been repeated over and over again in a truly scientific way that does prove evolution!
I lost connection and everyone else took this one from me...
But Ill keep it simple. You know dogs, right? Do you know what happens if you breed several kind of dogs together? They take the traits of the parents. If those adaptations are useful, the puppy has a better chance of surviving(if this were in the wild...) and thus passing on its useful traits to the next generation and so on and so forth.
And why do you feel the need to attack the people?
Do to the pure ignorance that seems to be oozing off you at the moment.
Exactly, science should be repeatable and many of the tests that supposedly "rove evolution" are not repeatable or don't actually prove anything.
it should be, but i still find it believable than some magical dude in the sky just deciding to create everything.
the animal adapts to it's environment which means like it could become taller of furrier or even change into a new species by doing something like grow legs or lose legs obviously your gonna say "BUT I NEVER SAW IT HAPPEN" try and wrap your so called "brain" around this it takes millions of years to evolve and create a new species so don't expect to wake up tomorrow and see your dog is now a lizard
just adding on to that, but is the dog being killed because it can't adapt to be a lizard? no. Evolution and adaptation will only happen when there is need to, as the creatures with the 'survival' gene that makes them superior will survive, while the inferior one will die. and what happens if the inferior one has no cuase to die? nothing does.
See but the muscles would take time to develop, so at one point or another the creature would have two big useless appendages at which point it would die
and again please I'm not attacking you so please don't attack me there is no reason to be cruel just because we have different beliefs.
and to megagraywolf i disagree with the last one of your statments. there are limits to the physical changes that occur in species!
Good thing that's not what he said. He said that there are no limitations on the changes which can occur within the DNA. Way to actually read. Seriously man, you obviously have absolutely no knowledge of what evolution is and is not so either review the evidence shown to you or just start quoting Ray Comfort so we can write you off as intellectually vapid and lock this thread.
ok so now an animal starts to develop wings they start out as flabby globs of skin then they start to generate bones and such and in a few million years it almost got full blow wings! but lacks the mussels to fully use them, so know the animal can not run at its full speed and can not get food and guess what it cant mate either because the females only choose the fit healthy males so the creature dies w/o breading and thats the end of wings! so tell me? how did creatures with wing evolve?
my god, there are so many flaws and contradictions in that, i won't even say anything...
THE FEMALES WOULD HAVE THE SAME THINGS, WHAT MAKES THEM ANY DIFFERENT? with a 'glob of skin' or not, if everything is the same then breeding will still occur.
Exactly, science should be repeatable and many of the tests that supposedly "rove evolution" are not repeatable or don't actually prove anything.
This is a misconception. In school, you learn that facts can only be obtained from tests which are repeatable. However, this is untrue. You can also come to scientific conclusions through observing natural phenomena. There are many different studies and observations that support evolution and it is accepted by scientists that evolution has happened, does happened, and will happen.
ok so now an animal starts to develop wings they start out as flabby globs of skin then they start to generate bones and such and in a few million years it almost got full blow wings! but lacks the mussels to fully use them, so know the animal can not run at its full speed and can not get food and guess what it cant mate either because the females only choose the fit healthy males so the creature dies w/o breading and thats the end of wings! so tell me? how did creatures with wing evolve?
Are you familiar with several theories that state dinosaurs are relatives to birds, some even stating they have feathers? Feathers are useful in flight, some of the small ones then grew the flaps of skin. They were probably not able to fly, but it would be easy to glide for short distances, such as Archeopteryx. Then some develop the muscles necessary for longer glides and wing pumping eventually leading to flying so on and so forth until we have modern birds of every kind.
ok so now an animal starts to develop wings they start out as flabby globs of skin then they start to generate bones and such and in a few million years it almost got full blow wings! but lacks the mussels to fully use them, so know the animal can not run at its full speed and can not get food and guess what it cant mate either because the females only choose the fit healthy males so the creature dies w/o breading and thats the end of wings! so tell me? how did creatures with wing evolve?
First off the order you state is not indicated to be what happened. One example, as wings have evolved independently several times. (or should I say the information to form wings?) we will go with birds. This of course will be a simplified version.
The animal doesn't start off with flabby blobs of skin. Limbs actually started as fins. Since these appendages came from vertebrates, this means we have bones first in this particular case. Of course to move these new appendages muscles developed.
As the species began moving on land features that were previously not beneficial became beneficial in the new environment. Thus we now have legs. (There is also evidence that basic leg structure formed for use in shallow water that had become densely pack with debris.)
Some species developed a different function for their front limbs making it easier for them to gather food.
Over time these arms developed a striking movement that gave that species the best ability to catch other animals for food. This striking motion mirrors the motion preformed by wings to gain lift, though at this point it's used to catch food rather then gain lift. This species also develops basic feathers. This was used for isolation.
Further along some species that use this technique also develop to jump further in order to catch prey that would otherwise be out of reach.
Now this is the point where the "flabby skin" or in this case the use of larger feather comes into play. The skin flaps added to the existing bone muscle and limbs combined with the jumping and striking motion allows for that species to go even further then those who do not have this trait, thus allowing that species to catch food that is even further out of reach.
Finally those limbs develop away from being used to grasp anything in favor of becoming better at providing and sustaining lift, and we have wings.