ForumsWEPRAgain, there is no proof for evolution (please only comment if your going to be cordial)

19 4006
107 posts

My previous thread was locked, but I intend to say what i need to say.
[quote]THE FEMALES WOULD HAVE THE SAME THINGS, WHAT MAKES THEM ANY DIFFERENT? with a 'glob of skin' or not, if everything is the same then breeding will still occur.
Now that is a contradiction, I'm afraid if all the animals had these awkward flaps of bony skin the hole species would die out together!

  • 19 Replies
107 posts

that was my mistake the second half of that was supposed to be my own word. The first part on up to the occur was the quote and from there down was my own words.

4,005 posts

Again. You obviously don't understand evolution so there is no point in your 'saying what you intend to say' because you are just plain wrong. Go to the other thread and read the information on the links I provided.

Also, when a mod locks your thread, not a good idea to open the same one again. You'll likely get banned. Bad form mate.

If you truly wish to understand evolution instead of repeating a bunch of incorrect nonsense you heard who-knows-where please let me know and I will be more than happy to tutor you.

15,053 posts

dude seriously stop your not smart evolution is a proven concept

4,375 posts

dude seriously stop your not smart evolution is a proven concept

Nothing is 100% true. And don't call someone stupid, untill you learn to use capital letters and periods.

I came here actually looking to just read some good information, none was found. D:
3,817 posts

Dude, if a thread is locked, it means it is made to stay locked.

Evolution is proven. Did you even read my dog breading example? Jee I feel I am ignored now....

Like everyone else said, you obviously don't understand even the basics of evolution. If it is not locked by the end of this sentence, may I ask what is your alternative theory?

107 posts

O.K. people you don't know me or how smart I am so stop saying these things! I do FULLY understand evolution and I have stood back to contemplate its mistakes and they are the ones that i have state before, an animal simply won't be able to undergo the massive changes that would need to take place to get all the variates of animals we have today

would you like me to give another example of impossible evolution that would have had to take place for an animal to be alive today?

And I will hope that the mod wont ban me. and then again why would he if his argument is true!

3,817 posts

Nothing is 100% true. And don't call someone stupid, untill you learn to use capital letters and periods.

Are you sure about that?

We can be sure some things are true, and call them "Proven Facts", even though they have a possibility of being wrong. As long as they have evidence supporting them, it is safe to be with them. Such as the proof in the earth being a sphere, not flat....
15,053 posts

O.K. people you don't know me or how smart I am so stop saying these things! I do FULLY understand evolution and I have stood back to contemplate its mistakes and they are the ones that i have state before, an animal simply won't be able to undergo the massive changes that would need to take place to get all the variates of animals we have today

would you like me to give another example of impossible evolution that would have had to take place for an animal to be alive today?

And I will hope that the mod wont ban me. and then again why would he if his argument is true!

don't worry you'll be banned if you keep this duplicate thread stuff up

ok seriously anythings possible when you mutate the genetic code for god sakes you obviously don't understand it otherwise you'll think yourself as stupid right now
107 posts

[quote]Like everyone else said, you obviously don't understand even the basics of evolution. If it is not locked by the end of this sentence, may I ask what is your alternative theory?

My alternative theory is Intelligent Design. but iI have learned over the years that as soon as that is mention all debates grow exceedingly hot so I try not to bring it up as it is impossible to have a real debate with that subject!

15,053 posts

Nothing is 100% true. And don't call someone stupid, untill you learn to use capital letters and periods.

sorry for double psot

does not using those really make my post unreadable does it change my words into an alien language? i don't think so i don't like needing to use perfect grammar on the interwebs
4,005 posts

an animal simply won't be able to undergo the massive changes that would need to take place to get all the variates of animals we have today

This statement right here completely disproves this statement:

I do FULLY understand evolution

Again, as someone who has studied the subject matter, and is continuing to study the subject matter, and is working toward a career as an educator at the university level teaching this subject matter, you do not fully understand evolution. If you did you would not be making the statements you have made.

Again, if you would like to actually learn the material so that you do, in fact, understand the subject I would be more than happy to tutor you. I am not, however, going to stand by while you repeat this misguided rhetoric to the community in the off chance that some poor soul is ignorant enough to actually buy into the intellectually bankrupt arguments you are making against a proven fact and which are borne of your obvious ignorance of the subject.
107 posts

[quote]ok seriously anythings possible when you mutate the genetic code for god sakes you obviously don't understand it otherwise you'll think yourself as stupid right now

You said any thing is possible if YOU mutate the genetic code this is suggesting that someone is mutating it. evolution stats that it mutates itself without the guidance of an Intelligent Being to guide it.

107 posts

an animal simply won't be able to undergo the massive changes that would need to take place to get all the variates of animals we have today

This statement right here completely disproves this statement:

I do FULLY understand evolution

now just because I understand it doen't mean that I believe that it is right!

15,053 posts

You said any thing is possible if YOU mutate the genetic code this is suggesting that someone is mutating it. evolution stats that it mutates itself without the guidance of an Intelligent Being to guide it.

OH MY GOD i'm seriously gonna lose it NO there is no intelligent creator behind evolution and made everything YES the genetic code can mutate itself haven't you heard of mutations in babies who come out deformed? it happens! i swear...
4,005 posts

Intelligent design is epic fail.

You don't understand evolution, you don't want to understand evolution, you just want to raise every misguided, dishonest, intellectually bankrupt, and straw-man argument you can so you can try to have grounds to support ID. Well, it's bullshit. It's been PROVEN bullshit. I'm done with you.

Mod, please lock.

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