ForumsWEPRAgain, there is no proof for evolution (please only comment if your going to be cordial)

19 4030
107 posts

My previous thread was locked, but I intend to say what i need to say.
[quote]THE FEMALES WOULD HAVE THE SAME THINGS, WHAT MAKES THEM ANY DIFFERENT? with a 'glob of skin' or not, if everything is the same then breeding will still occur.
Now that is a contradiction, I'm afraid if all the animals had these awkward flaps of bony skin the hole species would die out together!

  • 19 Replies
107 posts

I still don't really know how the quote thing works could someone explane that to me?

1,573 posts

I do FULLY understand evolution and I have stood back to contemplate its mistakes and they are the ones that i have state before,

How can you fully understand when you say the things you have been saying and I looked at your previous thread... yknow the one that got locked? You asked for people to be cordial yet you have done nothing exept state personal views and philosophy (or, I suspect, spout views that you have been taught by someone else).

Are you a creationist Alexander? I would like a straight answer with this one please then we might be able to see where you stand.

Part of the reason I ask is because a creationist has no right to dispute evolution when they believe some of the most illogical things that people can believe. So if you are one then I know you are merely fuming a personal motive and have no interest in debating your thread topic.

If you are not, however, a creationist, then what ARE your beliefs? Are you religious. Religion also has no place in logical debate with evidence and observational study.

If you are of sound mind and logical... how can you dismiss evolution based on a seemingly personal view about animal flaps being impossible to become birds. Which, by the way, is preposterous.

So... Im interested to know. Where do you stand.
5,043 posts

You're previous thread was locked because there is no point in having a whole community debate with a single person who denies all scientific evidence while claiming there is no scientific evidence.

I do FULLY understand evolution

No, you don't.

Don't recreate this thread, this is your warning.
107 posts

I believe in Intelligent Design as I stated earlier and I have given to all of you what I believe to be proofs for why evolution is wrong, so I would like you to give me your reasons that prove it is true, and i don't want you to re quote all the theories I want your facts!

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