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title explains most. I personally thought that the movie Eragon was rubbish and it nearly turned me off the books. I mean, what was the author thinking?Roran is my favorite character by far. whats your favorite character?

  • 39 Replies
858 posts

[doesn't seem to be getting the message that she doesn't want to move him]

Sorry I meant love not move.

1,303 posts

just shut up about that whole thing and go find a new girlfriend who isn't 70 years older than you.

Well said but you can tell she fancied him a bit more after he became an half elf dude shallow *****. Anyway i think she will probably fall for him in the last one and it will be all soppy and annoying still im gunna read it.
4,196 posts

I think that the thing which irks me most about this series is that each book is way too long!

Brisingr is a hefty book with small writing...and although various things are explained, it rambles on about nothing for too long.

I think that it is in that book, but I could be mistaken, that the entire election of a new King Dwarf is found...which is a big waste of words...

And then the sword bit is just long and pointless.

Also, I quite dislike the idea that Eragon becomes part elf - it lessons the 'tragic hero' aspect of the novel and makes him less relatable to for the reader.

But, in the end, the story is gripping and I will be interested to read the last book...

3,437 posts

I think that the thing which irks me most about this series is that each book is way too long!

Go read something by Steven Erikson then we can talk. It's not that the books are long, it's that they're about nothing of real importance.

I think that it is in that book, but I could be mistaken, that the entire election of a new King Dwarf is found...which is a big waste of words...

Yep. Just like the election itself. Precisely how it was described. Gee isn't that ironic?

And then the sword bit is just long and pointless.

I'll forgive him this part. I mean, compared to everything else in that book (which was mostly day to day life) it was interesting.

Also, I quite dislike the idea that Eragon becomes part elf - it lessons the 'tragic hero' aspect of the novel and makes him less relatable to for the reader.

The elf thing doesn't lessen the tragic hero. Oh no, in fact the tragic hero is so overplayed I feel like throwing the book at a wall. Let me lay out the examples of Eragon's attitude over the books.

Book 1: Doesn't like killing but will do so in self defence
Book 2: Doesn't like killing but accepts it as necessary
Book 3: Doesn't like killing, whines about killing people, kills people, whines some more and then says "Poor me".

That's the problem. Paolini has done a piss poor job of developing Eragon. He has flaws, but his flaws hardly stop him, in fact his flaws become all but unnoticable once engaged in what some would call the main plot, however, that itself is so skewed and blindlying obvious of it's outcomes I'm still confused as to why the fourth book hasn't been completed yet.
33 posts

Eragon's complaining almost overrides the other plot lines. It seems to be more about his mindset, and how it changes, than the actual outcome. His evolution blots out the other characters plots, apart from Roran, and all he can think about is protecting Katrina. Better than complaining about how bad he is, but still pretty repetitive.
I actually enjoyed the sword part, but that's just me. The election was pointless, I must agree. I thought the clan rivalry was interesting, though.

26,677 posts

I can't find it anywhere, but when does the next one come out?

858 posts

It hasn't been announced yet. And it's not a trilogy anymore! It's a cycle!

26,677 posts

Paolini is taking way too long to write this one. He might be splitting the 4th into 2 again.

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