ForumsWEPRInterplanetary Diplomacy

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3,817 posts

Do to the several threads about serial killers and lack of empathy, I started thinking about what we would do if we met a species that we had NO empathy for. If we were to run into an alien species, how would we react? What if there technology was similar or worse than ours? What if they had rich land? What if we had no empathy for them? And if you are going to post, could you at least read the last page? Threads like these seem to attract a lot of one hit wonders...

  • 24 Replies
815 posts

Assume we did run into a alien species then the government would try to cover it up, as it would disprove most religon causeing outrest and riots crap like that. We have to start thinking why have they ran into us because it is unlikely in our life time or in 100 years that we will start exploreing the uncharted areas of space, the most logical reason to run into them would be that they are after resources, in saying this we must take a aggresive stance until they are proven to be peaceful. As for technology, they would already great surpass us if we ran into them now as they can travel great distances over space and we cannot so we would have no chance of fighting them, but just because we cannot fight as well we shouldn't be made into a inerglatic prison b!tch.

2,027 posts

If we were to run into an alien species, how would we react? What if there technology was similar or worse than ours? What if they had rich land

This reminds me of the movie Avatar.
9,504 posts

As for technology, they would already great surpass us if we ran into them now as they can travel great distances over space and we cannot so we would have no chance of fighting them, but just because we cannot fight as well we shouldn't be made into a inerglatic prison b!tch.

Not all alien races would have far-surpassing technology, if you think about it. They could be far behind to where they would be primitive in nature. What if there was life but no INTELLIGENT life?

As to the topic of what would happen, I'd imagine the same deal would happen with the colonization of the Americas, so long as we were able to do the job. All the scientists would want to embrace them and learn from their natures, but the government would want to use them as our resources aren't exactly hitting the surplus.
3,025 posts

Reminds me of the V's: The New Series.
I gave it a shot, and its actually a rather immersive series.

This is more of a forum game or something, it's a hypothetical situation suiting the 'if a Zombie Outbreak came' category.
If they did come, they may be covered up, for the wrong reasons. Religion shouldn't get in the way of what would be THE TRUTH if they did come.
I'm not going to go into a 'is God real' debate, but the way of dealing with aliens would probably be dealt in that way for the wrong reasons.
However they may be shown, for the right reasons. However whether or not we had good intentions revealing them, it could just slap us in the face.
Depends on the aliens to be honest, we should all know they came here, but not quite interact with them all that much.

Also, they are probably an EXTREME culture, plundering nearby colonies etc for their resources to put forth into military strategy (high speed and finding planets suits this very well) or trading for a prosperous empire (thus having usually good intentions).
First: Riots
Second: Depression
Third: Happiness
Fourth: Possibility of madness
Fifth: More rioting
Sixth: Back to normal


- H

1,573 posts

Id love to be a one hit wonder. Make my money and wham bam thank you general paying public.

Ahem... as for aliens. I have often thought about this.

There seems to be two main trains of thought (serious ones anyway)

1. If they can get here and are that advanced they must be peaceful

2. If they can get here they are so advanced and will kill and enslave us all.

Then there are the third lot of douchbags that have read too much sci-fi and go "yeah but if they were bad then humanity would prevail cos we are so amazing n sh*t"

I would love to believe that and would (hopefully) not be taken like a senile fool with brown fear running down my leg... but I think if an alien race could get here and wanted to kill/enslave us... they wouldnt have much trouble doing it.

However if WE found THEM and we had the upper hand... I feel sorry for that if it ever happens. Humans are not nice to things they can control.

3,817 posts

Then there are the third lot of douchbags that have read too much sci-fi and go "yeah but if they were bad then humanity would prevail cos we are so amazing n sh*t"

I would love to believe that and would (hopefully) not be taken like a senile fool with brown fear running down my leg... but I think if an alien race could get here and wanted to kill/enslave us... they wouldnt have much trouble doing it.

I will have to disagree with you there. First, it assumes there technology is so far greater than ours that it makes us an easy target. In truth, it only takes one big advancement to be able to travel space: like a large leap in dark matter or cold fusion.

Second you have to look at history. Home territory wars have always been effective, as long as there guerrilla warfare. Lets look- The U.S against Great Britain in the revolutionary war, guerrilla warfare. The British didn't really want America that badly and gave up easily, even though they were much more powerful. Similar circumstances with the U.S in Nom, Iraq, Afghanistan... Though America has much better technology, more manpower, and all that else they lost to guerrilla warfare.

The only thing we would really have to fear would be NUKES FROM SPACE....Then we are pretty much doomed....
1,573 posts

Second you have to look at history

Or lets not. We are not on earth for this one. Yes we would fear bombs, as well as viruses and some things that we prolly couldnt even imagine. Im thinking outside the human box here. Dark matter and cold fusion means tech that we cant even dream of. Lasers powerful enough to make a gamers pants wet and bombs that could swallow our solar system.

For a race to have made that advancement to come here they would be waaay ahead of us socially and will likely be more cohesive than us.

There would be no guerilla war. Spacial bombardment until we surrender would be enough. Sending nukes out to them just wouldnt cut it. I doubt they would be close enough to even worry about that.
1,573 posts

I personally have seen a few ufo's

How dyou know they were not just military spacecraft?
There is no evidence, plenty of speculation and certainly lots of hints but evidence is something concrete.
3,817 posts

Or lets not. We are not on earth for this one. Yes we would fear bombs, as well as viruses and some things that we prolly couldnt even imagine. Im thinking outside the human box here. Dark matter and cold fusion means tech that we cant even dream of. Lasers powerful enough to make a gamers pants wet and bombs that could swallow our solar system.

For a race to have made that advancement to come here they would be waaay ahead of us socially and will likely be more cohesive than us.

There would be no guerilla war. Spacial bombardment until we surrender would be enough. Sending nukes out to them just wouldnt cut it. I doubt they would be close enough to even worry about that.

What would be the point of that? Who would want to rule over a scorched earth? Bombs that powerful would wipe out the majority of earths resources - all that would be left would be molten. And the molten resources would not make up for the resources they would lost bombing us in the first place. The most cost effective way would be to enslave the human race- which would not be very effective using bombs. And besides, if they bomb us, who would be left to surrender? Then there is the fact that killing innocents- especially in mass, typically makes the general population angry. Specially children. Would you want to surrender to those nice little aliens who just killed the majority of earth?
1,573 posts

What would be the point of that?

Well that depends on the motive of the race and what they view as resource. Perhaps they can just convert matter to energy and dont care for our puny wood, water and metal. Think Unicron from transformers.

Would you want to surrender to those nice little aliens who just killed the majority of earth?

Would we have much choice?

A great way to enslave the population would be to release a virus in a few major cities that is engineered to die out after a few million people become nom nom. The leaders of earth will sell us for cattle food asap. tbh Im over-analysing here. A few bombs would do the same, but Im trying to be inventive.

They could send robots down and use the moon as a landing base to build factory's to produce them. Then they wouldn't risk a single life in guerilla warfare.
3,817 posts

Well that depends on the motive of the race and what they view as resource. Perhaps they can just convert matter to energy and dont care for our puny wood, water and metal. Think Unicron from transformers.

That would still require the matter to be semi-intact for at least transport. Atomizing the earth would make this process difficult.

Would we have much choice?

There is always get a shotgun/rifle and go hide in the woods. I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees... Besides, why would they care if we lived or not? Me going off to live peacefully in the woods will probably not keep them from there objective.

A great way to enslave the population would be to release a virus in a few major cities that is engineered to die out after a few million people become nom nom. The leaders of earth will sell us for cattle food asap. tbh Im over-analysing here. A few bombs would do the same, but Im trying to be inventive.

The virus would require a good amount of human captives- from all over the world- to engineer.I would imagine the costs of doing so would be quite high. Then there is the fact biological weapons tend to fail- just check the anthrax that only killed like twelve.

They could send robots down and use the moon as a landing base to build factory's to produce them. Then they wouldn't risk a single life in guerilla warfare.

The war is still won for us the instant they spend more than they gain. We could still guerrilla warfare them, it may actually be easier do to the fact they would attack anything humanoid/with a heat signature. Depending on how advanced they are, we could make ourselves look like a tree and throw them off or make simple decoys with fire and bushes. And we CAN reach the moon, if not with a large army with a few nukes.
5,061 posts

What if there was life but no INTELLIGENT life?

Possibility of intelligent life is still there, no? If we interfere with the delicate biosphere of another planet, it could result in the extinction of an entire species. Space exploration needs an ethical code in my opinion.
4,005 posts

How would we define intelligence then? Something that has similar capabilities to our own? Well if there is life out there like that then we'll never reach it nor will it reach us. And if you are referring to life which may have evolved to such a point as to be capable of coming to us then I doubt they would even bother with us. Their intelligence would be so far advanced that trying to communicate with us would seem so trivial as to be comparable to us trying to have a conversation with earth worms.

5,061 posts

And the case would be the same vice versa, odds are like the sci-fi novels usually say they won't interfere until we achieve a level of civilization and technology similar to their own.

However I do think that intelligent life should be considered anything from the level of eukaryote to post-human. Anything that has the slightest possibility to develop into intelligent life deserves the chance to do so.

9,462 posts

Their intelligence would be so far advanced that trying to communicate with us would seem so trivial as to be comparable to us trying to have a conversation with earth worms.

We both would have at least a fundamental understanding of mathematics and could communicate and build a dialog on that level.

The likely hood of any real war between interplanetary species would be rather unlikely, given we would either be much more advanced or they would. I think if it was us with the upper hand we would likely treat them very much like what we see in the movie District 9. This of course would mean us having the technology to get to them. We would likely be invaders.
If it was the other way around, we better hope they have good intentions.
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