This Irish film maker, George Clarke, believes that he has spotted a time traveler in a Charlie Chaplin film called The Circus. This woman or man in drag as George likes to point out several times within his video, is walking on the side walk and clearly talking into some device that she is holding up to her ear.
Now, it says the most popular rational theory is it is a Siemen's hearing aid device developed in 1924. I think that could be very plausible.
However, this is kind of exciting and it's Friday. You guys tell me your thoughts and theories on this.
Yes I agree because even the 3d hologram is real. Its just not real in the way we perceive. Our perception could amount to the same thing.
It wouldn't just be our perceptions as we are part of it. It's very real, it's just something that by itself doesn't exist. It would require the existence of the 2D surface and the interaction of these two dimensions creates the third.
It would require the existence of the 2D surface and the interaction of these two dimensions creates the third.
In some ways it makes me think that there is a base level with no dimensions. If there is a "nothing" (I use this term loosely as I dont believe in nothing) that the big bang came from then it wouldnt have ANY dimentions. No time or space. With all that nothing floating around there was bound to be a something happening at some point. Anyway I philosophise and deviate.
It wouldn't just be our perceptions as we are part of it.
Thats sort of what I meant, I didnt word it very well. When I say our perception amounts to the same thing I mean its part of the hologram and no different than the world it perceives. However I didnt think much on the 2d making the 3d. Its a concept I can understand but will have to get my head round it (geddit! round, 2d... ahem, anyway!)
There was a good video I once saw on youtube, I will try to find it again.
Nope cant find it. Im sure it was about different dimensions and how we are all flat.
In some ways it makes me think that there is a base level with no dimensions.
But wouldn't that imply that all events occur at no defined time and at no defined point in space. It's just as if things have no defined "cause " for their occurrence. I know that you're just conjecturing but I find that a hard to comprehend.
But wouldn't that imply that all events occur at no defined time and at no defined point in space.
Well yes, because there was no time or space in existence. One thing that fascinates me is the theory that when some stars die their mass condenses to be soooo heavy that one gram of collapsed star mass weighs hundreds of tonnes, I think it may be lot, lot looots more so Im being generous. Space and time are merely medeums for the universe to be on, it, as or however else you care to think about it.
And as for not fully comprehending, I dont blame you, our brains just dont work like that.
i saw this on Ray Williams Johnson...of course and, well all i can say is that it...WAS ME!!! HAHAHHAHHA! lol jk. Maybe she had a bad ear infection or skin rash and had to scratch for about 10 seconds
Okay, this was front page Google News, but still deserves to be in the weird section: Mysterious Missile off Cali Coast Few details are surfacing about the mysterious missile launch seen Monday night (Nov. 8) from a point just off the southern coast of California, with aerospace and defense officials trying to find out exactly who launched it and why.
Are there any bases in that area that do particular tests or anything?
Actually there are quite a few. California has Vandenburg, Beale, Los Angeles, Travis, and Edwards AFBs, and Presidio, Ft. Hunter Liggett, and Ft. Irwin. There are also numerous Naval installations, however Port Mugu missile test facility, as well as China Lake, are very likely places to have played a major role in such an event.
I live in the Los Angles area.According to the news station that first captured the footage,the FAA(Federal Aviation Administration)recorded no sceduled launches and nothing fast-moving on their radar at that time.The U.S. Navy also denies that there was a missle launch,but did aklowlege that there was indeed a missle launch at the nearby base,but that was on November the fifth(Italian Sattlite)