So today was election day in the US, and it got me thinking I wonder what religion everyone is? So yea there it is the question what religion are you? Atheism counts. Also tell me your favorite part of your religion. If you dont feel comfortable answering just don't. ok?
Catholic! Unfortunately, one of the most pleasurable pastimes of my practices is to destroy lazy Catholics in debate over doctrine. Trust me it's a scream.
I'm a reformed Catholic, non-practicing Methodist, hit and miss Lutheran, lover of Southern Baptist hymnals, occasional attender of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, studier of Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, part-time observer of Buddhism, intrigued by Jainism, Zoroastrianism, and Shinto, and fascinated by many forms of Paganism and Polytheism.
In other words, I have studied too much about religion to be anything other than an athiest.