1 more idea from me i think on the home page we should have the date and all the times for the time zones sometimes i have no idea. exspecily the time zone thing some times i might want to be able to covert time to lets say somewhere in the UK
Though it might be beneficial in a way to see at what time a user is reporting from. Say Gantic is posting from California. To me, that's -3 in hours. So at 12:00 Noon, Gantic will post, his time being 9:00. There could be a fixture showing his time, and under that, your time that he posted.
Certain times may indicate whether a user will leave or come on, if you know the schedule, like going to bed or going to school.
I'd like that. It could be in a post that first shows California time (which would be universal to AG'ers if added), and under it showing their timezone when they posted. It could make a nice forum game as well when pulled off, but that's not that important :-)
Right now, everything gets set according to our server's time, which are hosted somewhere in the Eastern time zone, so everything's off by 3 hours for us here in California.
Everyone needs lunch even those highway workers who my grandpa always seems to drive by and they are looking at a hole all together and then he says "I'm paying them to do this?"