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how awesome or bad you think its going to be

  • 109 Replies
13,657 posts

There just milking the last book by making 2 movies.

People who say that are usually the ones that either don't want HP to be made a movie at all, or didn't read the books.
That last book would be a pain to watch as a single movie, it would ruin the story telling completely, and make a lot of fans really mad. Rather, while "milking the books" the director and producers make sure they can fit in as much of the story as possible to give the story a grand finale.
So, if they really want to milk it, it is fine with me. It makes for a better end to me.
8 posts

To be honest I think it will be a boring waste of time. I'll admit, I'm a Harry Potter fan, but the last book was excruciatingly boring. Without Hogwarts, I think the series is a bit boring. Sure, these next two movies will be more mature and perhaps higher quality, but I just can't see the entertainment value I did when I was younger watching the first few movies.

Just realized the movie is releasing tonight. Although I think it may be a bust, I'll probably check it out this weekend.

560 posts

I agree with Cenere. I think it's very good that they're making 2 movies out of it. It's such a big book for 1 movie. They would miss out on all the important stuff like the other movies if they didn't have 2 movies.

16 posts

I'm going to watch it Thanksgiving weekend.
We always expect more from the movies, because the books were so good, but I know that there's just so much to cram into a movie of only a few hours.
So, I really like how they decided to split the last book into two movies instead of just one. =D

48 posts

Both the movie and the game are coming out today. I think that they didn't release it in July like all the other movies was because they needed more time to finish the game.

I saw the trailer for the game and they really messed up Voldemort's voice. I still might get it though.

I can't say anything about the movie since you all know what the trailer looks like. I will see it soon though, so I will update you guys.

1,303 posts

I think its right they made it into two movies the book is pretty long. But the only thing that worries me is how is it gunna end it will be really wierd. Anyway im watching it next wednesday ill report back when i watch it (expect ranting )

922 posts

I'm going to see it tonight, so I will find out how it is myself. The previews for it look pretty good and the reviews seem good too. So I'm going to see it in like.... 40minutes? :P

6,672 posts

K first of all, did you read the woman's review of the first six HP movies? I thought it was cool she watched them for over 12 hours straight.
And second, did anyone else read the MovieTimes review of the movie? Only three stars! This makes me wonder if they ruined it from the book. I think it would be...interesting...if they changed the second half around so that Moldywort kills Harry.
I'm seeing the movie a week after opening night. *apparates away*

ok people you all need to LISTEN UP.

MOVIE REVIEWERS DO NOT GIVE BAD RATINGS BASED ON WETHER THEY FOLLOWED THE BOOK. otherwise a clockwork orange would have like 3 stars too.

movie reviewers base there reviews on the MOVIE not the movie/book ratio.

and i hate how everyone gets all butt hurt like "oh they didnt follow the story line exactly like the book" harry potter is one of the few movies that actually does make a GOOD movie while following the plot extremly well. they dont particularly change anything they jsut leave some stuff out.

now onto MY review

great movie, great movie. the acting was awesome, the animation was awesome, the action scenes were awesome.

movie/book ratio. they followed the plot fairly well, exploring the deathly hollows and what not. however because it is a MOVIE they did cut some stuff out. they cut a good majority of how the book explored dumbledoors past. which i thought they should have done for it was a major force in that book to know about dumbledoors life. overall though they created some of the major scenes EXACTLY how i piictured them in the book, ESPECIALLY the scene were ron has to destroy the locket, that scene was amazing.

my review of the movie as a whole 4/5
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

I watched it was rather good, actually, in my opinion it was way better than the last three ones.
I think they did a great job setting up the finale.

I enjoyed a lot the cartoon characters resembling something from "The Nightmare Before Christmas". The little animation was a brilliant idea.

6,672 posts

it topped every harry potter movie yet i think

922 posts

I saw the movie yesterday and I think the first part of movie was actually one of the best of the movie series. The movie has pretty entertaining and didnt drag as much as the movie before it. Overall I think that most people will probably enjoy it. I didnt have high expectations for the movie, but It had some good humor in it and great action scenes. You should probably see the first part. I can't wait till part two to come out in may of 2011. :P

1,303 posts

Now i havent seen the film yet but ive been hearing a lot around about this harry hermione nude scene?????? Now i know this is the bit when ron tries to destroy the locket in the book. But a lot of people have been saying its a wierd and uncomftable scene. I will probably talk about this bit on here when ive seen the film but for now I was wondering what you guys who have seen the movie had to say about this scene?

9,504 posts

Now i havent seen the film yet but ive been hearing a lot around about this harry hermione nude scene?????? Now i know this is the bit when ron tries to destroy the locket in the book. But a lot of people have been saying its a wierd and uncomftable scene.

Pshaw, it's special effects in the likenesses of Harry and Hermione.


the horcrux takes the form of jealousy to try and take over Ron's mind, and make him try to kill Harry, because of how useless he was with his injury. He saw how close they were getting while he was being cared for and that formed the first part of his envy.


But there's seriously nothing bad about that scene. The whole movie is pg-13, and stating it's a "nude scene" isn't really accurate.
1,344 posts

I really liked the movie. It was way better than the 6th movie. It ended well. They added some scenes, too. It's a lot different from the rest of the movies, because they're out of school. It seemed to go by very fast.

They had a totally different tone in this movie. In previous movies, they focused on school and the warmth of Hogwarts, but now they're outside, in cities, and in the Ministry of Magic.
I thought it was cool how the voices and vision was blurred outside of the magical barriers.

560 posts

Pshaw, it's special effects in the likenesses of Harry and Hermione.


the horcrux takes the form of jealousy to try and take over Ron's mind, and make him try to kill Harry, because of how useless he was with his injury. He saw how close they were getting while he was being cared for and that formed the first part of his envy.


But there's seriously nothing bad about that scene. The whole movie is pg-13, and stating it's a "nude scene" isn't really accurate.

you had better be right freakenstein, cuz my parents would not want me seing THAT.
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