ForumsWEPRGender Selection... would you?

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1,322 posts

So I have a question for all those that would care to answer. Its for a paper that I have to do for my A&P class. Feel free to leave a comment

question: You have decided that you want to have a baby(make a baby...). You find out that technology that will allow you to choose the gender of that baby is available to you. It is not like invitro where multiple embryos are made and some are possibly discarded. The XX and XY gametes are separable so that only XX or XY gametes will meet the egg. why, why not, and if so which gender would you choose? and if so would u do it for following kids and which would you choose if u did it for the siblings?

please take the matter seriously. I'd like to get an accurate representation of the plethora of views on the subject.

please... no condemning others for their views. discussion is encouraged. keep it friendly

  • 33 Replies
9,462 posts

Overall it wouldn't really matter that much to me. But if I decided to I think I would go with a male for the first one and female for the second. No real logical reason for that, just a preference in how I would like to see things turn out if I ever had kids.

3,386 posts

Sorry but if the technology to choose the gender were available, wouldn't having twins or triplets be available as well?

If it was, I would have a girl and a boy, just so that way my kid would always have someone to rely on.
If not, I would want a boy. So that way, you don't have to waste money on so many clothes and make up and crap. Not to mention the drama the girl would have in the teenage years. I still wouldn't mind having a girl, but I think guys don't require as much matenince. Just food and sport stuff.

3,386 posts

Before the insert button went ninja and killed me,

Just food and sport stuff.

Well I had a really long explination, but to sum it up, I think guys wouldn't need much to be very happy, Food and sport equipment should be just fine.
13,817 posts

I don't have any strong preferences towards one gender. I'd probably go with male first followed by female for the exact same reasons Mage has went. Plainly, I don't mind which whether my firstborn is a boy or a girl. I do see Moon's point on the supposed convenience of having a boy, though I wouldn't consider rearing a family if I didn't have the means of comfortably supporting one.

Boys and girls have their own needs. Generalisations e.g. girls spending more money than boys don't always apply.

Food and sport equipment should be just fine.

Don't forget the toys.. The computes and the video games.
9,462 posts

Well I had a really long explination, but to sum it up, I think guys wouldn't need much to be very happy, Food and sport equipment should be just fine.

Yeah, just jiggle something in front of our face and we are happy for hours.

You preferring of a boy reminds me of a saying I once heard. "If you have a boy, you have to worry about your boy. If you have a girl, you have to worry about everyone else's boy."
1,747 posts

I wouldn't pick a gender. I'll just get what life gives me.

5,845 posts

I'm not sure whether the idea of a little brother or big brother is cooler, or a little sister/big sister whatever. I'd choose the gender of the second child to be opposite to the first, first child would be as nature intended it to be.

Just food and sport stuff.

And porn. Lots and lots of porn.
9,504 posts

To make note, I see a pattern here, even though there has only been one page. And to be honest, I think there will need to be more of a female representation, but it looks to me all the guys on this page would prefer boys, while all the girls (1) on this page would prefer a girl. It's the same thing for me; I would want to have a boy first before having a girl. I have no clue how that sort of thing works, but to me, it would be about showing my son all the things that I enjoyed in my life and having him enjoy it as well. The other gender may not have the same preferences or have conflicting influences (mom and friends). But man, once I had a boy, I would teach him many things as he grew up and train him in a specific sport and have him participate in various games with that sport.

Something my dad never did with me... :'(

5,845 posts

while all the girls (1) on this page would prefer a girl

Didn't moon say she wanted a boy?
3,224 posts

Definitely not. For me it's like an admission that I would love my child less if it were a certain gender. That is not something I would or could ever admit to myself or partner.

9,504 posts

What if you already had a couple kids and they were both female? Would you then wish to manually have a boy?

1,322 posts

the science behind it is this.... (as far as I know its theoretical)

sperm of X and Y chromosomes are not the same. Y sperm are faster and smaller. that's part of the reason that the production rate of males is greater than that of females. (its statistics)

it is theorized that you can... by centrifuge or other means... separate Y enriched semen from X enriched semen. by doing this you would then be able to introduce only the fluids with X or Y. therefore, if all that is present is fluid of one or the other then the only possibility would be of whichever chromosome enriched fluid you introduced.

the people irl that i have talked to have most all said no due to religious reasons. Some said they didn't care either way and about 2 out of the 30 have said they'd do it to have a boy.

the first was a girl who said she wanted her first born to be male, just so that he would be male

the second was a guy who said he wanted a male because he's the last of his line and he's going to continue to make babies till he gets one.

some said that if...due to sex linked disorders... their prospective children would have maladies from being one or the other then they would choose to have the one that wouldn't be afflicted.

then on the other side of that... one person said that they would not ever choose and would end up adopting if that scenario arose... for the reason stated by one of the people on the first page. They felt that choosing gender was like objectifying your child and it wouldn't be the same kind of "love" that would come with a naturally selected child

2,891 posts

As a parent, I know for a fact that this technology already exists -- the sperm cells that carry the Y chromosome (girl gene) swim better/faster than those carrying the X chromosome. They just separate the sperm cells, do a little in-vitro, and there you go, pick your gender.

We have a very healthy 2-year old boy, and we found out this summer that my wife is pregnant again, and I honestly hoped it was going to be a girl, but we found out we're having another boy. Guess what? I wouldn't use any technology in the world to change the gender of our yet-unborn child. This baby is already loved, and while my wife feels very outnumbered, we're not complaining one little bit about having another boy.

2,891 posts

it's like an admission that I would love my child less if it were a certain gender. That is not something I would or could ever admit to myself or partner.

... or the kid. "Yeah, we wanted a boy so badly we spent tens of thousands of dollars to make sure you were born a boy."
13,817 posts

For me it's like an admission that I would love my child less if it were a certain gender. That is not something I would or could ever admit to myself or partner.

I share those feelings too, thus in the end I wouldn't opt for such a procedure. I stated that I would go for a boy as Mage said because I'd prefer to see how things go with one but it really doesn't matter to me.
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