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ForumsForum GamesDungeons 'n Dragons 3.5 Forgotten Realms Setting

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Dungeons & Dragons, the oldest RPG in the world, and also one of the easiest to play/run.This is 3.5 D&D, not 4th edition,The First Adventure I shall be running is called "Crown of the Kobold King" This game is pretty much a "Generic Fantasy RPG" set in the Forbidden Realms (Drizzt the Drow ring any bells?). you start at [b]1st level.

AgeAll non-humans live longer, except Half-Orcs)
Lookshowever technical you want to get)
Race:Human(extra feat/skill),Dwarf(+2 Con,-2 Cha), Elf(+2 Dex,-2 Con), Gnome(+2 Con,-2 Str),Half-Elf,Half-Orc(+2 Str,-2 Int,-2 Cha), Halfling(+2 Dex,-2 Str)

ClassFighter,Rouge,Wizard,Cleric, or pick one from book, see below)
Level Equivalency:2(for level adjustment +1 characters)
Attributes:Strength(Str), Dexterity(Dex),Constitution(Con),Intelligence(Int),Wisdom(Wis),Charisma(Cha)

Attribute Bonusessee below)
all start at 8,25 points(just do 15-18=1 for experienced players, it's pretty balanced)

Saves:Fortitude(Con),Reflex(Dex),Will(Wis) (see below)
Hit points:10(Fighter)8(Cleric)6(Rogue)4(Wizard)+Con Bonus
AttackBase Attack Bonus+Str Bonus(Dex bonus for ranged, see below)
Damagebased on weapon + Str bonus 2-handed x 1.5 Str Bonus, see below)
Armor Class(AC):10+Dex Bonus+Armor+Misc(see below)
Featssee below)
Skillssee below)
Equipment:300 gp and Adventurer's Kit(with everything you need like bedrolls and rations and so on) (see below)

I have a PDF of the Player's Handbook, which I will e-mail to you if you don't have a copy, you don't need to memorize it or anything, but it would help to have it handy for this game.If you want to play another race,then No level adjustments above +1.If you give me a good reason to play a race that's not +1 level adjustment I might let you. If you want a different class, just ask(I know all classes for 3.5).

Rules not Used:
-There is no Armor Class Penalty.
-There is no Encumberence, but please be realistic(no portable rams).
-There will not be any Racial Bonuses to anything other than starting attributes.
-To Simplify the Arcane Check Penalty, Wizards cannot wear armor period.
-all Spells are allowed, but I will only list Evocation spells for Wizards and Healing Spells for Clerics in this forum as they are the most martial spells.

Your feat(s) will be:
(Fighter)Power Attack(-1 Atk,+1 Dam),Cleave(immediatly take another attack if you kill your target, you will need high Str)
(Rouge)Stealthy(+2 Hide/Move Silently)
(Cleric)Improved Turning(+4 to Turn Result)
(Wizard)Spell Focus: Evocation
(Human)Toughness (+3 HP, this is if your race is human and is in addition to your class feat)

Your skills will be equal to 4+mods(I'll handle it), you get 1 bonus skill for every point of Int bonus, your starting skills are:
(Fighter) Intimidate, Heal
(Rogue) Hide, Move Silently, Open Lock, Disable Device,Sense Motive, Bluff, Appraise, Pick Pocket,

your starting equipment equipment is:
(Fighter)Greatsword(2-12) or Longsword and Large Steel Shield(+2 AC), Breastplate(+5 AC,Max Dex Bonus +3),and a potion of Cure Light Wounds(1-8+1 hitpoints)
(Rougue)Thieves Tools,Short Sword(1-6),Dagger(1-4),Longbow(1-8, no Str bonus) Studded Leather(+3 AC,Max Dex Bonus +5),
(Cleric)Chainmail(+5 AC +2 Max Dex Bonus), Hvy. Mace(1-8), and 4 potions of Cure Light Wounds(1-8+1)
(Wizard)Spellbook, 4 scrolls of magic missile(1-4+1),4 potion of Cure Light Wounds and Quarterstaff(1-6)
(Halfling/Gnome)Cannot use Large Weapons (Greatsword) and cannot wear or use Large equipment (cannot wear medium creature's armor)

Attribute bonus is equal to +1 for every 2 points above 10.
After you pick your class, race, skills, feats, and equipment I will finish the sheet(saves,attack,AC)
If you have NO idea what i'm talking about, just google D&D or feel free to ask some questions.

  • 46,375 Replies
22,207 posts

As promised, Cass is paying absolutely no attention to the druid at this point. He's looking around his surroundings in case he needs to run back the way he came.

Well there's the road to your left and plains to the front and right; behind you are the mountains and forest.

This is one of the many reasons I said that the whole "marriage" thing was a horrible ****ing idea to begin with. It causes conflict between the party, overprotectiveness, you go psycho if we can't split up, overdependence...oh well. Too late to cry over spilt milk now, but don't say I didn't warn you.

Not trying to deflect the blow, but Mord 'goes psycho' much more often than mine.

Noobs, you know exactly what Mord will do.....

Senor, I don't know why Mord would flip out. He would know off the bat that she is physically and mentally intact and is not suffering in the least. I can see anxiety and major stress, but not that.
26,677 posts

Noobs, he was in the middle of small war, he suddenly disappears and shows up with people that have already tried to shoot Angel and some random man, Angel is with him but Neri isn't, his body is pumped full of adrenaline and you don't think it would be unreasonable for him to lose his ****? Him sensing Neri is like the ringing in your ears; he never notices it's there until all major distractions (like wartime levels of adrenaline) are taken away. If Calm Emotions was cast, he would notice her, but not in his current state.

23,530 posts

Which way is north if the sun is setting on your right?
I don't know, behind me.
26,390 posts

Not trying to deflect the blow, but Mord 'goes psycho' much more often than mine.

Oh, I know. That comment was pretty much entirely aimed at him, you actually sorta manage to pull it off almost.

Well there's the road to your left and plains to the front and right; behind you are the mountains and forest.

Utah's better, I tells ya.
Anyway, Cass follows das druid.

Are ya gonna start your game up again, Dragon?
23,530 posts

This is one of the many reasons I said that the whole "marriage" thing was a horrible ****ing idea to begin with. It causes conflict between the party, overprotectiveness, you go psycho if we can't split up, overdependence...oh well. Too late to cry over spilt milk now, but don't say I didn't warn you.
Been saying that since the start. Me and Thor always were worried this would cause many unnecessary problems.
Not trying to deflect the blow, but Mord 'goes psycho' much more often than mine.
No doubt, Neri is fine in this situation.
Noobs, he was in the middle of small war, he suddenly disappears and shows up with people that have already tried to shoot Angel and some random man, Angel is with him but Neri isn't, his body is pumped full of adrenaline and you don't think it would be unreasonable for him to lose his ****? Him sensing Neri is like the ringing in your ears; he never notices it's there until all major distractions (like wartime levels of adrenaline) are taken away. If Calm Emotions was cast, he would notice her, but not in his current state.
23,530 posts

Oh, I know. That comment was pretty much entirely aimed at him, you actually sorta manage to pull it off almost.
Hint hint.
Are ya gonna start your game up again, Dragon?
What were we doing in there anyways?
26,677 posts

I have nearly quit this game and AG all together 4 times thus far. Mord's marriage to Neri is virtually the only thing that's kept me here through all of the ****. When Mord and Neri first got together, even before the proposal, Mord was uncharacteristically calm. If it wasn't for you, HYPER AND DIBS, Mord would still be like that. It wasn't until Drake, under command of Rem, wouldn't allow Mord to rescue here that Mord became overprotective. If the two of you feel like *****ing so ****ed much about him, ***** to yourselves. You two are the ones that ruined Mord, not me. If you are so ****ed eager to be rid of your problem, just ****ing tell me and I'll leave, alright?

23,530 posts

Lies, he has been aggressive before Drake, at the very very very beginning he was calm and alright, but practically right after the first day, in game, he went into aggro mode and only occasionally turns down the dial.

26,677 posts

He was aggressive from the beginning, yes, but read what the **** I said again.

When Mord and Neri first got together, even before the proposal, Mord was uncharacteristically calm.
23,530 posts

He was aggressive from the beginning, yes, but read what the **** I said again.
No I did, he was calmer before they got together. When they got together is when he went aggro. Before getting together, calm, after getting together aggro.
26,677 posts

Dibs, just shut the ****ing hell up, you know that's not what ****ing happened. Just tell me whether you want me here or gone.

23,530 posts

Dibs, just shut the ****ing hell up, you know that's not what ****ing happened. Just tell me whether you want me here or gone.
No, you are just trying to justify the marriage but I am also a biased source and you can just say I am trying to condemn the marriage. But I have thought about it before and even if I did it's too late now. You've become a permanent fixture in this. Besides I don't have a problem with you being here.
26,677 posts

Stop dancing around the question and just answer it...

23,530 posts

Stop dancing around the question and just answer it...
I did, I said I don't have a problem with you being here which for me means no I don't want you to leave.
22,207 posts

DB, for the sake of everyone tweak Mord to be less aggro. I don't have anything against him and somewhat understand what oyu mean, but it honestly isn't worth the arguing and other problems stemming from it.

I dropped something, got on the floor to look at it and I swear to god I saw a dark form pass from one side of my door to the other.

Good :P
You walk north....
Does Drake speak Elvish?

@Hyper: What was Cass doing again?

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