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ForumsForum GamesDungeons 'n Dragons 3.5 Forgotten Realms Setting

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Dungeons & Dragons, the oldest RPG in the world, and also one of the easiest to play/run.This is 3.5 D&D, not 4th edition,The First Adventure I shall be running is called "Crown of the Kobold King" This game is pretty much a "Generic Fantasy RPG" set in the Forbidden Realms (Drizzt the Drow ring any bells?). you start at [b]1st level.

AgeAll non-humans live longer, except Half-Orcs)
Lookshowever technical you want to get)
Race:Human(extra feat/skill),Dwarf(+2 Con,-2 Cha), Elf(+2 Dex,-2 Con), Gnome(+2 Con,-2 Str),Half-Elf,Half-Orc(+2 Str,-2 Int,-2 Cha), Halfling(+2 Dex,-2 Str)

ClassFighter,Rouge,Wizard,Cleric, or pick one from book, see below)
Level Equivalency:2(for level adjustment +1 characters)
Attributes:Strength(Str), Dexterity(Dex),Constitution(Con),Intelligence(Int),Wisdom(Wis),Charisma(Cha)

Attribute Bonusessee below)
all start at 8,25 points(just do 15-18=1 for experienced players, it's pretty balanced)

Saves:Fortitude(Con),Reflex(Dex),Will(Wis) (see below)
Hit points:10(Fighter)8(Cleric)6(Rogue)4(Wizard)+Con Bonus
AttackBase Attack Bonus+Str Bonus(Dex bonus for ranged, see below)
Damagebased on weapon + Str bonus 2-handed x 1.5 Str Bonus, see below)
Armor Class(AC):10+Dex Bonus+Armor+Misc(see below)
Featssee below)
Skillssee below)
Equipment:300 gp and Adventurer's Kit(with everything you need like bedrolls and rations and so on) (see below)

I have a PDF of the Player's Handbook, which I will e-mail to you if you don't have a copy, you don't need to memorize it or anything, but it would help to have it handy for this game.If you want to play another race,then No level adjustments above +1.If you give me a good reason to play a race that's not +1 level adjustment I might let you. If you want a different class, just ask(I know all classes for 3.5).

Rules not Used:
-There is no Armor Class Penalty.
-There is no Encumberence, but please be realistic(no portable rams).
-There will not be any Racial Bonuses to anything other than starting attributes.
-To Simplify the Arcane Check Penalty, Wizards cannot wear armor period.
-all Spells are allowed, but I will only list Evocation spells for Wizards and Healing Spells for Clerics in this forum as they are the most martial spells.

Your feat(s) will be:
(Fighter)Power Attack(-1 Atk,+1 Dam),Cleave(immediatly take another attack if you kill your target, you will need high Str)
(Rouge)Stealthy(+2 Hide/Move Silently)
(Cleric)Improved Turning(+4 to Turn Result)
(Wizard)Spell Focus: Evocation
(Human)Toughness (+3 HP, this is if your race is human and is in addition to your class feat)

Your skills will be equal to 4+mods(I'll handle it), you get 1 bonus skill for every point of Int bonus, your starting skills are:
(Fighter) Intimidate, Heal
(Rogue) Hide, Move Silently, Open Lock, Disable Device,Sense Motive, Bluff, Appraise, Pick Pocket,

your starting equipment equipment is:
(Fighter)Greatsword(2-12) or Longsword and Large Steel Shield(+2 AC), Breastplate(+5 AC,Max Dex Bonus +3),and a potion of Cure Light Wounds(1-8+1 hitpoints)
(Rougue)Thieves Tools,Short Sword(1-6),Dagger(1-4),Longbow(1-8, no Str bonus) Studded Leather(+3 AC,Max Dex Bonus +5),
(Cleric)Chainmail(+5 AC +2 Max Dex Bonus), Hvy. Mace(1-8), and 4 potions of Cure Light Wounds(1-8+1)
(Wizard)Spellbook, 4 scrolls of magic missile(1-4+1),4 potion of Cure Light Wounds and Quarterstaff(1-6)
(Halfling/Gnome)Cannot use Large Weapons (Greatsword) and cannot wear or use Large equipment (cannot wear medium creature's armor)

Attribute bonus is equal to +1 for every 2 points above 10.
After you pick your class, race, skills, feats, and equipment I will finish the sheet(saves,attack,AC)
If you have NO idea what i'm talking about, just google D&D or feel free to ask some questions.

  • 46,375 Replies
26,677 posts

Thank you, Hyper.

26,390 posts

Thank you, Hyper.

And about your end of the deal...? It wouldn't matter if I switched out Cassio for a marshmallow Peep, your character is on a hair trigger and it's nigh impossible to have a conversation with him without offending him in some way. Do you at least agree to tone down his violence a little bit? Reasonable people do not pull out swords and put them to a person's throat when that person makes a joke that they don't like.
26,677 posts

Hyper, I have already agreed to that and he didn't do that until the sixth offense in a row...

23,530 posts

And about your end of the deal...? It wouldn't matter if I switched out Cassio for a marshmallow Peep, your character is on a hair trigger and it's nigh impossible to have a conversation with him without offending him in some way. Do you at least agree to tone down his violence a little bit? Reasonable people do not pull out swords and put them to a person's throat when that person makes a joke that they don't like.
Yeah, not even in barbaric taverns in D&D, sure they throw a punch or two, but the blades are saved for later.
26,677 posts

Dibs, I'm not dealing with your ****. Either shut up and stop being an *** or I'm leaving...

26,390 posts

Hyper, I have already agreed to that and he didn't do that until the sixth offense in a row...

I'm gonna have to disagree. He's grabbed people by their throats for the first offense before.
But anyway, I guess we'll have to wait for what Noobs says. So we finish this mission with things just the way we are, and if they aren't any better, we trade out Cass for Demetrius.
It should also be noted that he's going to get better about the attitude, at least as far as Angel goes. Corellon hasn't come up yet, so that's not really a problem. Cass only started insulting Vrocshar when Mord had the aforementioned sword to his throat, so that's not really a good comparison. And Neri can help control Mord, and Cass will get the message eventually. Maybe it won't be necessary at all.
26,390 posts

Dibs, I'm not dealing with your ****. Either shut up and stop being an *** or I'm leaving...

Why are you always so awful to Dibs? He was just echoing my sentiment.
And again with the insults and profanity. Can we try to keep this civil, please?
22,207 posts

Noobs, I would really prefer Neri be there. If you don't want to have to do anything, you don't have to. Are you sure?

*Grumble Grumble*
Gotta tweak a few things in the campaign first and I'll get back to you on that.

. Is that all right with you, Noobs?

For the love of god don't play the Golem.
What about a Cass Jr., 4th Wall Destroyer but not quite as annoying IC?
26,390 posts

What about a Cass Jr., 4th Wall Destroyer but not quite as annoying IC?

Ha, no. It just wouldn't be the same. And two Cassios is too many for the same world, I think the fourth wall would explode and the zombies would start pouring in. What class/races do we have, I might be able to create a new character? That might be fun, and I do have the rest of the campaign to work on the character. Still, if we need a prebaked, Demetrius seems like he'd fit in okay.
And Dragon, before you ask for me to send in Hyperion, the answer is no. It's been like a year and he's changed a lot anyway.
22,207 posts

It should also be noted that he's going to get better about the attitude, at least as far as Angel goes. Corellon hasn't come up yet, so that's not really a problem. Cass only started insulting Vrocshar when Mord had the aforementioned sword to his throat, so that's not really a good comparison. And Neri can help control Mord, and Cass will get the message eventually. Maybe it won't be necessary at all.

I do somewhat like Cass, so that'd work (from my perspective, anyway).
26,390 posts

I do somewhat like Cass, so that'd work (from my perspective, anyway).

Yup. He's like an acquired taste, you've just got to give him some time. The more you know about him, the less you hate him, trust me.
Also, you can't honestly say that none of Cassio's comments make you laugh from time to time. He has his humorous moments, or at least I think so.
26,677 posts

Thank you, Noobs.
*psst*, Demetrious isn't the Golem.

Hyper, never on the first offense.
Actually, he insulted him right before Mord put him to his throat.
Hyper, you have no idea how much of an *** Dibs is to me...

26,390 posts

Hyper, you have no idea how much of an *** Dibs is to me...

I will concede that I only see 1/5 of the picture, and from that Dibs has never really done anything to you. I might be wrong, but I'm calling it like I see it.

Hyper, never on the first offense.


*psst*, Demetrious isn't the Golem.

He's like Hyperion, but not a religious zealot. And he's also kind of a dickface, but whatever. So's Hyperion, and he's a religious zealot too.
22,207 posts

Meh, I'd prefer more spice and pepper over salt right now.

26,390 posts

Meh, I'd prefer more spice and pepper over salt right now. what are you saying?
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