17 5773
337 posts

So, I have been reading up on Emotional Intelligence.
This is the basic run through, but if you don't want to read it, basically it is a measure of how well you can read people by one look and how you can be perceived.
I've heard from a number of my teachers that you can actually be more successful if you have a high EQ than a high IQ.
Which is possible, but I had a direct question on this.
The higher your IQ does that mean your EQ is lower? I think it's a common known fact that people with a higher IQ tend to have a lack of social skills, so I attempted to put two and two together and say "Does that mean having a high IQ will put your with a low EQ?" However, when I came to this conclusion I thought of a second question "Does it apply both ways?" Does a person with a lower IQ have a high EQ? Possibly.
I would like to discuss this topic more, and I think the armor games community would find some type of interest in this.
And I just discovered something called SQ, which I guess means Social Intelligence?
I have not studied as much on the third, but one and two I've done a considerable amount of reading on.
So I guess my question is this Forum.
Which is the most important?
Intelligence Quality?
Emotional Quality?
Social Quality?

  • 17 Replies
5,845 posts

I couldn't say what what is more important, but on this

Does a person with a lower IQ have a high EQ?

No. An idiot who can't pronounce words isn't going to have a high EQ, although I suppose people who aren't nerds can often have a high EQ, as long as they don't get to the retard-state.

I fixed your link by the way.
337 posts

Thanks for fixing the link Pazx.
Still trying to get back into working the groove of things on AG.
Not logging on for over five months can do that.
But your point seems to have a small flaw in it, you kind of retort your own idea. Saying the people who aren't nerd can often have a high EQ, but say those same people are idoits.

254 posts

Well I would say there are book-smarts, world-knowledge and social/people skills. All are important and have practical uses, but they cannot always be used in place of each other and they acquired in different ways.

1,322 posts

this is under the assumption the values accurately describe the true state of whatever quality they are applied to for a person....

the actual value doesn't dictate what another value will be.

it may be a good indicator b/c certain trends might be present in a population.

most of the time... something that has to be learned *ur not born social* is best done when large amounts of whatever subject that trait deals with are partaken in. as for intelligence... its best trained with repetition of academic exercise over and over. you might have a higher potential than other people but if you never train your brain then you'll be just as good as a vegetable.

same is true for emotions and social intelligence. emotions are meant to be seen by a 3rd party. they aren't there to convey a message to yourself. they're there to show others how u feel. for those that hang out with others alot they experience more emotional interaction with other people the more of a chance you have of being able to pick up the key things you need to read emotions and social cues. the less you spend around others the less likely you are to be able to read them on other people. not everyone needs the same amount of time. some people can get calculus in one sitting and for others they'll be lost all semester. some people won't understand women no matter how long they are around them (just thought i'd put that in there :-P).

i don't know about where u all live but... in the part of the world i grew up in intelligent people are looked upon differently than "normal" people. whether its intentional or not above the average intelligent people are sometimes ostracized to some degree by other people that deem themselves less intelligent.

example: in high school i made good grades and other people thought me to be really smart. i asked one of my classmates once what she made on a test and she said "i don't want to say..." 20 seconds later the bell that ended class rang... 5 seconds after that I was walking to my next class and she happened to be in front of me and number 156 out of 155 graduating people from my class came up to her and was like "hey (insert name) how'd u do on that test?..i failed it bad"... immediately without consideration of being embarrassed of telling him she replied "oh i made a 70 on it... that was a terrible test".

less "intelligent" people somewhat shun those that they think are smarter than them. usually the less intelligent people far outnumber those that they think are intelligent. not having a high quality social life the intelligent people focus on school and studies and whatever sport they do and increase their IQ's. The less intelligent people neglect to spend time sharpening their IQ's and spend that time socializing and partying on the weekends thus increasing the number that's designated to their EQ and SQ. The smart ones that manage to pull off everything right are those, and we all know one or two, that can do no wrong and everyone loves them.

the people of high IQ and low EQ+SQ are usually that way because their peers made them that way. they get left behind at some point and because they don't socialize as much the social interactions of most people evolve without them. those were my thoughts on the subject

5,845 posts

But your point seems to have a small flaw in it, you kind of retort your own idea. Saying the people who aren't nerd can often have a high EQ, but say those same people are idoits.

I meant to say that there's a turning point. Someone with 4 IQ (wouldn't be alive, I'm just making an example) would have low EI (not EQ. I looked it up :3) Someone with, say, 80 IQ might have higher, and someone with 160 IQ would have lower.
148 posts

Which is the most important? Intelligence Quality?
Emotional Quality?
Social Quality?

This question can't be answered.
You need to have all qualities together, this is important.

Intelligence is needed for e.g. your job or even for you logical thinking. Bad intelligence means that you can't have a job or at least not a good one. Also people will avoid stupid people. That's a fact.

Emotional quality is also a huge factor that shows how a person is.
You need this quality to be able to express yourself. If you can't express yourself and your emotions, you won't be lucky. I know that, I ran through this phase, too.

And your social qualities are needed to do a great teamwork and for good communication. Communication is important as hell but I can't say that this is the most important, because it's not.

The higher your IQ does that mean your EQ is lower?

No, IQ and EQ aren't relative to each other. I am really intelligent, not super intelligent but I know what I need to know, and I am full of emotions.

How your IQ and EQ evolve depends on the respective person.
If you are lazy and unwilling to learn your IQ won't grow.
If you are someone who beats unguilty people, your EQ is bad.
So you have to know what emotions are to let your EQ grow.
I got my EQ high by going through the worst phase of live. I rought the point where I tried to suicide, but I got away from it.
Now my EQ is high and I can enjoy life.

Ok that were a few in-depth infos about my life, but I think it is ok to tell you guys here.

I guess having high IQ and EQ isn't so difficult.
But the rule: High IQ = Low EQ is wrong.
3,437 posts

Maybe I'm an exception to the rule, but I've found that I have both a high IQ (above average) and a very high EQ.

9,504 posts

Your Emotional Quotient, Intelligence Quotient, and Social Quotient all do not have to be linked together, meaning if one is higher the other one must be lower--it simply means how intelligent you are in that field.

they aren't there to convey a message to yourself.

Ever hear of the pyramid of self-actualization? To be able to realize that you can be all you want to be and can be, and be able to realize just who you actually are in life? That seems like a lot to do with interpersonal emotions to me. It gives you a sense of accomplishment and thus rewards you with self-esteem. Emotionally, this is powerful.

for those that hang out with others alot they experience more emotional interaction with other people the more of a chance you have of being able to pick up the key things you need to read emotions and social cues

Just because they hang out with a lot of people and are able to experience all the emotions to gain more knowledge from it doesn't mean they are smarter with emotional intelligence. There are very emotionally intelligent people that are shy.

not having a high quality social life the intelligent people focus on school and studies and whatever sport they do and increase their IQ's.

Because people are intelligent means they have a low quality social life? Where are you getting this information? Sounds biased to me.

If you are lazy and unwilling to learn your IQ won't grow.

Let's get something straight here. No matter how hard you practice or try, you can never get a higher IQ. You can get more knowledge, but not higher IQ. IQ is your capacity for learning, your rate that you learn, and a measure of how you stand intellectually versus other people (e.g. you take an IQ test at the age of 10 and are just as smart as a 15 year old, you have 150 IQ). Gaining all this knowledge does not make you smarter, it makes you wiser.

So to clear things up:

EQ, IQ, and SQ are not relative to each other, for they are different scores. One does not affect the other.

Learning does not make one spectrum higher, nor does not learning keep it low.

None is more important than the other, but one may be more important than the other in different fields of study and life.
3,562 posts

No. An idiot who can't pronounce words isn't going to have a high EQ, although I suppose people who aren't nerds can often have a high EQ, as long as they don't get to the retard-state.

mentally retarded people are obviously not what he meant. he meant people not as smart or who don't have the ability to learn as well as other people. emotional quotient is generally measured by how you treat others... and statistically speaking people with a lower IQ have a generally Higher EQ.
337 posts

and statistically speaking people with a lower IQ have a generally Higher EQ.

That's what I was getting at, that alot of people didn't understand. That is why I wonder if your EQ has an effect on your IQ.
9,434 posts

Seems some terms need to be made clearer in here...

IQ = Intelligence Quotient.
A score achieved through various tests designed to challenge various fields of intelligence (examples could be spatial IQ [the ability to use visual cues to solve problems], logical IQ [being able to reason your way out of a given problem], verbal skills [comprehending both unusual words and being able to think through abstract connections between words], math skills...).

There are different scales for IQ tests, depending on the test. The most common ones consider 90-110 average (90 being on the slow end, 110 on the bright). Yeah.

Then there's Emotional Intelligence Quotient.
This is not, as already mentioned, relative to IQ. How intelligent a person is will obviously affect how capable they are of handling what this stands for - not just emotions, as some of you seem to think, but also the socializing. Being able to know how to act and being capable of acting that way. I'd assume a high IQ to aid the first part of that - the second, not so much.

Both are quite important, but everyone has both to some degree.

Never heard about the so called "SQ" before. :/

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

SQ is NOT Social Quotient. SQ stands for Spiritual quotient.
SQ is a value that looks at a person's spiritual intelligence. Spiritual intelligence denotes a spiritual association to IQ and EQ.

2,763 posts

I think it's a common known fact that people with a higher IQ tend to have a lack of social skills

Not a common fact it's a common misconception.
1,766 posts

It's EI, not EQ just to let you all know.

I say that it's important to have all of these factors so that you can be successful in life.

The higher your IQ does that mean your EQ is lower?

However, when I came to this conclusion I thought of a second question "Does it apply both ways?" Does a person with a lower IQ have a high EQ?

Possibly, not all the time. Though it wouldn't make sense if your IQ and EI were outliers of each other. One would be higher than the other by just enough.

I think (if you were to choose only one) that EI would be my choice.
Perceiving, using, understanding, and managing emotions can be and probably are very useful. But I don't see how you can live without all of theme.

Also I can honestly say I have no idea what SQ is.
2,763 posts

It's EI, not EQ just to let you all know.

The term is EI (emotion intelligence) the measure is EQ (intelligence quotient).

I say that it's important to have all of these factors so that you can be successful in life.

I agree but IQ leads to better; health, income and longevity. Of course and low EI could be crippling. But EI and IQ are not correlated except for the low end of the distribution.

SQ just seems to be part of EI understanding people ergo groups. Or IQ understanding complex system, possibly both.
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