ForumsThe Tavern[necro] Military Tactical Club

29 18295
26,390 posts

Hey, this is Hyper.
Look, I am a big fan of ludicrously detailed plans; anyone who has seen me in the forum games knows that. But I have never really OP'd for one.
So, I got the idea to start this club. It's very simple;
1. I give you a situation.
2. You make a plan.
3. I tell you the result of the plan.
4. According to the result, you may possibly be promoted to a higher rank. Simple enough, right?

---------------------------RANKING SYSTEM-------------------------
Look, the entire point of a club is the club hierarchy, right? A good tactician should be rewarded with some sort of promotion, and they will be. All you have to do is keep your percentage of good plans high, and do lots of plans, and you'll go up the ranks like it's nothing! Here is a list of all the ranks that you can achieve in the club. Each rank will be followed by three numbers; the first number is the percentage of good plans that you need for the rank, and the second percentage is the maximum number of bad plans that you have made, and the third number is the minimum plans you need to have made, total, in order to advance to the next rank. And after the rank's actual name, you'll see the abbreviation for it, too! You gotta love those simplifications!

The enlisted tactician? They've just joined up, and now they're trying to make a name for themselves in the MTC. They have no clout or power whatsoever. Give them their due respect as a fellow MTC tactician, but feel free to call them "rookie".

Private First Class/Pfc.[15%/85%/2]
Staff Sergeant/Ssgt.[35%/65%/7]
Sergeant Major/Sgm.[40%/60%/10]

Junior Officer
Now you're getting into the big leagues. This is where the chump stops coming and the champion enters the room. The junior officer does have some special privileges; they are eligible for small team leadership(see Mission Types), and they are also eligible for those shiny new Officer medals. Cool!

Warrant Officer/Wo1[45%/55%/12]
Chief Warrant Officer/Cw2[50%/50%/13]
Chief Warrant Officer 3/Cw3[55%/45%/14]
Chief Warrant Officer 4/Cw4[60%/40%/15]
Second Lieutenant/2Lt[65%/35%/16]
First Lieutenant/1Lt[70%/30%/18]

Senior Officer
O-ho-ho! Now you're actually getting somewhere. The senior officers are the best of the best. These high-ranking fellows are eligible for large-team leadership(see Mission types), and of course, more shiny new medals; the ones available for senior officers!

Lieutenant Colonel/Lcol.[85%/15%/23]

General Officer
The general officer is the golden standard. They are the best of the best. They are eligible for full team leadership, brand new shiny medals, and of course, one more thing. General officers are eligible for thread moderatorship. That means that once you reach the General Officer ranks, you can make your own scenarios. You can also recommend people for promotions or medals, etc. etc. Sounds cool, right?

Brigadier General/BG[92%/8%/26]
Major General/MG[93%/7%/27]
Lieutenant General/LG[95%/5%/28]
General of the Army/GA[100%/0%/30]

There are only about a million medals you can earn! Here they are! If there is a single asterisks after the medal, it means that only junior officers or above can earn it. If there are two asterisks, then only senior officers or above can earn it. And finally, if there are three asterisks, it means that only general officers and above can earn it. Four stars means that the medal is mission-specific! And last but not least, five stars means it's not a real medal, and it's a game-type specific medal.

Armed Forces Service Medal
Expert Pistol Medal
Expert Rifleman Medal
Combat Action Medal
Humanitarian Service Medal
Meritorious Service Medal
Purple Heart Medal
Medal for Humane Actions

Bronze Star Medal*
Army Distinguished Service Medal*
National Defense Service Medal*
Army Achievement Medal*
Defense Superior Service Medal*

Silver Star Medal**
Legion of Merit Medal**
Distinguished Service Cross**
Army Commendation Medal**
Army Soldiers Medal-Heroism**

Congressional Medal of Honor***

Global War on Terrorism Service Medal****
Joint Service Commendation Medal****
NATO Medal****
Kosovo Campaign Medal****
WWII Victory Medal****
WWI Victory Medal****
Korean Service Medal****
United Nations Medal****
Vietnam Service Medal****
Afghanistan Campaign Medal****
Iraq Campaign Medal****
Liberation of Kuwait Medal****
Civil War Campaign Medal****
Prisoner of War Medal****

PVP Medal*****
Full Team Medal*****
Rush Medal*****

Whew, that's a lot of medals!

---------------------------------------------MISSION TYPES-----------------------
Ah, mission types! Well, there are a few different kinds of missions, player-wise. Let me just cue you in on this.
Full Team Game: These are rare and require a lot of teamwork, and good skills on all members of the team. Basically, it's a rank game; the general officer forms a plan. For the purposes of this, let's say that his or her plan is to have Team A split up into three different parts, Team B and Team C, plus the other half, Team 1, will also split into three parts, Team 2 and Team 3. Teams A,B, and C will do recon, then Teams 1,2, and 3 will come in locked and loaded. It's then the senior officer's job to refine that plan; for example, maybe Team A will be using binoculars, Team B will be scaling the wall to check out the defenses, and Team C will be distracting the guards. Then, the plan will become further and further detailed, like a chain reaction. You build upon your superior's idea. In a full team game, there will usually be only two teams, and each will have a whole lot of members. They will be assigned the same mission and formulate a plan. The team with the best plan, IMO, wins. Simple.
PVP Game: Ah, the wondrous PVP is brought to the MTC! Basically, in PVP, there will be two teams; attackers, and defenders. The attackers(completely unaware of what the defense team is going to do) create an assault plan jointly, and the defenders(equally unaware of what the attack team's plan is) will formulate a defense plan, jointly. Joint, in this case, means that anyone can submit an idea, and the rest of the team will vote on if they think it's good or not. The higher ranking you are, the more clout your vote holds. If the defense is broken, the attackers win. If the assault is staved off, the defenders win. Simple.
Singular Game: The singular game is standard fare. You will receive a situation from me, and will command with what you have. The better you do, the better for you. There is only one player in the singular game, and the rest are all NPCs.
Rush: Rush is an experimental idea. Basically, in Rush mode, there will be two teams(size doesn't matter). Once we have ascertained that all participating members are present and ready to go, I will present the scenario and a time limit. Once the scenario is presented, the clock starts ticking. You have a limited amount of time to complete and submit the plan. If the plan is submitted after the deadline, you forfeit the game. If both plans are submitted on time, I will judge to see which is the best. If both plans are submitted after the deadline, then there will be a rematch.

Statistics Sheet
This is for my convenience. Please copy and paste this every once in a while so I don't have to go digging for it.
User Name:
Rank: Recruit.
Rank Grade: Enlisted.
Medals: None.
Missions Won: 0
Missions Lost: 0
Win/Lose Ratio: None.
Total Missions Played: 0

Once a few people have joined, I'll give ya'll a scenario and you can start. Good luck, and have fun!

  • 29 Replies
329 posts

oooh can i join? it seems u put alot of work into this....btw 1st

4 posts

User Name:Areceus
Rank: Recruit.
Rank Grade: Enlisted.
Medals: None.
Missions Won: 0
Missions Lost: 0
Win/Lose Ratio: None.
Total Missions Played: 0

1,941 posts

User Name: Healmeal
Rank: Recruit.
Rank Grade: Enlisted.
Medals: None.
Missions Won: 0
Missions Lost: 0
Win/Lose Ratio: None.
Total Missions Played: 0

13,657 posts

You sure this shouldn't go in the forum games? It looks more like a forum game than a thread... And club....

5,845 posts

But at the same time, it looks alot more like the ZSC than those short-response RPGs we have heaps of.

13,657 posts

But at the same time, it looks alot more like the ZSC than those short-response RPGs we have heaps of.

I know, but... As far as I could read out of the
1. I give you a situation.
2. You make a plan.
3. I tell you the result of the plan.
4. According to the result, you may possibly be promoted to a higher rank. Simple enough, right?

It does not point towards discussion like the ZSC does.
There is a reason we allow the ZSC, and that is for one the amount of discussion and longer posts there, another is the lack of real ranking and need to advance, because that is hella annoying.
Users join by writing out their survival plan, and get critiques on this until it seems believable. This here has a sign up sheet.
I don't like sign up sheets.
1,255 posts

User Name: Valkery
Rank: Recruit.
Rank Grade: Enlisted.
Medals: None.
Missions Won: 0
Missions Lost: 0
Win/Lose Ratio: None.
Total Missions Played: 0

1,255 posts

I say let this club stay in the Tavern, and see how it pans out. It may elicit some long posts and a large following of people. Let it go for a week and if it seems like it is more of a forum game move it then.

26,390 posts

Got some new stuffs for you guize. I'm instituting a word count minimum for the higher ranks; if you make a plan and the word count is below the minimum for your rank, it will not count in your statistics. Hopefully this will get you to churn out some good plans.
General Officer Word Minimum: 500
Senior Officer Word Minimum: 400
Junior Officer Word Minimum: 350
Enlisted Word Minimum: 250
If you need a tool to help you count the words, just google it, and some will pop up. Like this one.
And the other thing I wanted to say; in a team match, I can either pick your teammates randomly or the highest ranking people will be the leaders and they will pick people to be on their team.

This here has a sign up sheet.

It's not a sign up sheet, per se. It's just so I can keep track of the stuff.

need to advance, because that is hella annoying.


oooh can i join? it seems u put alot of work into this....btw 1st

Yes, you can join.
And actually, technically I was first, so ha.

I don't care if it gets moved, but I thought that the tavern, at least, might elicit more intellectuals than the forum games. If you think it belongs in the FG, feel free to move it, but give it a chance first.

Rct. Areceus
Rct. Healmeal
Rct. Valkery
Rct. Crazenird

Because everyone is on the same level, that means the Full Team game is eliminated, plus the PVP game as well. I suppose it's best for me to make a singular game first, so you can all start.

Game Type: Singular Game.
Open To: All.
Mission Name: Operation Pursuit.
Plan Deadline: November 23, 2010.
Mission Information
Date: March 20, 2003-April 21, 2003
Objectives:(1)Invade and explore the country of Iraq, (2)Overthrow the Ba'athist Iraqi government, (3)capture any high-ranking enemies you find, (4)secure the oil infrastructure and government, and (5) find and capture Saddam Hussein.
Equipment Information
Primary Weapon(US): M16 Assault Rifle.
Primary Weapon(UK): L85A2 Assault Rifle.
Primary Weapon(Enemies): Unknown.
Secondary Weapon(US): Beretta M9 Handgun.
Secondary Weapon(UK):L9A1 Handgun.
Secondary Weapon(Enemies): Unknown.
Protective Equipment(US): Interceptor Outer Tactical Vest, MICH Combat Helmet.
Protective Equipment(UK): Osprey Body Armor, Mk. 6 Helmet.
Protective Equipment(Enemy): Unknown.
Vehicles(US): M1 Abrams.
Vehicles(UK): Challenger 2.
Vehicles(Enemy): Unknown.
Miscellaneous: All friendly soldiers are equipped with a radio, a month's worth of rations(canteen included), a flashbang grenade, and a medical kit. The medical kit contains a tourniquet, some antibiotics, adhesive bandages, and painkillers. The radio is self-explanatory.
Manpower Information
United States(total): 50,000 Soldiers.
United Kingdom(total): 45,000 Soldiers.
Enemy(total): Unknown.
United States(soldiers under your command): 100.
United Kingdom(soldiers under your command): 100.
United States(vehicles under your command): 10.
United Kingdom(vehicles under your command): 10.
Enemy(fighting you): Unknown.
Enemy: The enemy has constructed several trenches and makeshift sandbag covers in the immediate vicinity of your invasion; expect heavy resistance in that area. Most likely, this is only to provide the higher ranking soldiers with time to escape. Do not spend too much time in the initial assault or the priority will be allowed to escape. Being that a lot of the so-called enemy soldiers are civilians that have been drafted to the cause, it is recommended that firing to kill be the last resort. Try to get them to surrender first, it's not likely that a bunch of scared, untrained civilians will hold out for long.
Friendly: You have no fortifications, as this is an assault. If need be, you can probably commandeer the enemy's defenses if things go south for you, but the idea for this is to get in and get the job done before getting dragged into a major battle. If need be, you can call in an equipment drop, but we may not need that.
---------------------------------------------------------------------Position Summary: You are in command of 200 friendly troops with the orders to invade Iraq. Your troops are presently just off the border of Iraq, but as soon as they cross over, the enemies will be there. Just get in as quick as you can, search, find, destroy. Simple enough.

Good luck and have fun.
2,754 posts

User Name: Rick073
Rank: Recruit.
Rank Grade: Enlisted.
Medals: None.
Missions Won: 0
Missions Lost: 0
Win/Lose Ratio: None.
Total Missions Played: 0

26,390 posts

Yes you may.
Please see the scenario on Page 1, and respond to that.
There is no need to copy and paste your statistics at the current time, because you really don't have any. Lol.
If you would like to join, there is no need to ask, just jump right in. All people are accepted(see *Exceptions*), so the first thing you want to do if you're interested is check out the scenario on Page 1 and start formulating a plan, you've only got 2 days!

*Exceptions*: EnterOrion cannot join.
Lol, just kidding.

2,754 posts

Cross the border and engage any enemies we come upon. Once we reach any enemy fortifications, move the vehicles up front like so:

:| |
Men:| vehicles |enemy
:| |
Then ask for them to surrender or we WILL shoot them down.

Moving on, we will invade the capital from two sides in a pincer movement likes so:
| | | |
| | city | |
Us | | | |us
| |__________| |
We will then storm the government building and overthrow the government. After, we will continue moving along, sweeping Iraq clean of any remaining enemies. Hopefully, Saddam Hussein will be cornered and captured with his generals.

26,390 posts

Cross the border and engage any enemies we come upon. Once we reach any enemy fortifications, move the vehicles up front like so:

:| |
Men:| vehicles |enemy
:| |
Then ask for them to surrender or we WILL shoot them down.

Moving on, we will invade the capital from two sides in a pincer movement likes so:
| | | |
| | city | |
Us | | | |us
| |__________| |
We will then storm the government building and overthrow the government. After, we will continue moving along, sweeping Iraq clean of any remaining enemies. Hopefully, Saddam Hussein will be cornered and captured with his generals.

I'm sorry Rick, but that plan does not have the minimum word limit for the Enlisted tacticians. The minimal word limit for you is 250 words. Reload and try again.

I'm instituting a new step in the process; if you would like, you can post your plan(thus far) on the thread before the deadline and say "review" or "critique" or something of the kind. Then everyone is open to say what they think might improve the plan; it's your choice whether or not you take their advice. You can do one review per mission. And be aware, I will also be one of the people doing the reviewing for your plan, so keep that in mind!
2,754 posts

ummmmm this seems like too much writing for me. yah writing was never one of my strong points... soooo yah i quit

26,390 posts

ummmmm this seems like too much writing for me. yah writing was never one of my strong points... soooo yah i quit

Okay, goodbye then. Sorry if it was too difficult, but that's kind of the point.
Does anyone else think that the minimum word limit is too high?
Showing 1-15 of 29