What amount of forum posts, rank and/or points make a veteran user? Or is it post quality? Can veteran users be called veteran just from time? I'd like to hear your opinion (obviously.
I guess the amount of forum posts doesn't necessarily make you a veteran, although 1,000+ may be an indication for a experienced user. But there are also people, who go into a forum discussion and say "Yea, I agree" or something short like this. So I guess the quality and lenght of forum posts give you a higher reputation than alot short posts. A veteran should also be a member of Armor Games for about 1 year imo.
I would describe myself a half-veteran My quality and lenght of forum posts is good, but I'm not having alot posts.
I personally don't have a veteran classification. I think it's down to individual perception. There are quite a few people on AG who I would call veterans who post so rarely nowadays that I doubt most of you know them..
Jezz called it, although I'm pretty sure she knows more of those users than I do.
There are some old users that I don't consider to be veterans simply because they don't have all that many posts, at the same time there are other who have very few posts but are known because of their post quality.
It also comes down to post quality. I know a few people here who have 2,000+ posts but they don't have proper grammar or they don't contribute to threads that much.
I have to agree with both points you made 1337, except 3500 posts seems a little high to be considered a vet. I don't think that very many active people right now have reached 2000 posts, let alone 3500.
I have to disagree with a post count indicating veteranship or not. Some people have barely under/over 1000 posts, yet have probably been contributing very handily in this forum since before you even found the site.
In my opinion, a vet is someone who stops acting like a noob and gains respect in their peers' eyes.
the only number by which i would classify a vet user is by how long they have played... i have, by wat i can remember have been playing for 4 years... however i have been a member less than one.
and they would have joined in November '09 and before.
I disagree with this. I am a perfect example. I joined WAY back in february '09, was only a little bit active on the forums, then went ghost for about a year. 13 months later, i remembered about AG and got on+started being active again, to this day.
And for post count..... I think the number of posts doesn't quite matter for veteranship ( though it is an indicator of respect/contribution level), but moreof the quality+how friendly to the community you are in your posts. If you're a complete **** to everybody, you would hardly be considered 'veteran'.
Experience, Passion, Respect, Leadership, and Activity does a veteran make! You don't need rank or post count to show people that you're a veteran--'tis just a result of your reputation. You gotta know AG, love being on it, give and receive respect, take action where action is needed, and be here frequently. Activity does not denote veteran-hood, rather it is a catalyst for being one, which is why it's important.
Your quality of posts--not the number--also matter. People will remember you for your quality of posts, whether they are strong and detailed, make good arguments and counter-arguments, or just leave a lasting impression on the users of AG. They don't always have to be constructive, just that it gets the peoples' eyes in your direction in the good way.
or just leave a lasting impression on the users of AG.
I guess that's why I'm not respected as much as others are ;(
Personally, I believe that the only qualities or specifications of a veteran user would be how long ago they joined (for example, I joined in November 2008), maybe a year of being on AG would qualify as a long time, and their number of forum posts, let's say around 1,500.