What amount of forum posts, rank and/or points make a veteran user? Or is it post quality? Can veteran users be called veteran just from time? I'd like to hear your opinion (obviously.
Can't remember when I came to AG but I do know it was before the date on my profile. I use to go around and play flash games everywhere then I decided to enter some art stuff in this forum. That is why I made the account. I do remember the AG 1.0 version, it use to have flash animations and a few other things.
I'm going to agree with Zophia on this one. Post counts and APs can be gained quickly, thus it is not an indication of 'veteranism'.
I would say, like Zophia said, it is someone who understands the workings of AG. Even the amount of time does not always matter. For instance, if a user made his/her account back in 08, but decided today to join in the forums and game comments, I would not consider them a veteran.
Strop, how on Earth do you manage to remember so much junk? :P
Of that list, I start being able to answer at the third or fourth point and then have various holes in my memory throughout the rest because I really haven't cared to remember exactly or just didn't pay THAT much attention when it happened. If you can actually answer all those, I am a bit impressed. (I can answer several of them exactly, but won't post any answers since it'd ruin the test of knowledge for others.)
If you can actually answer all those, I am a bit impressed.
Me too, I can put together four or five answers but that's all; some of the questions are easier to answer if you actually were a moderator at some point in time :P
To me, veteran is a relative term. I don't really consider myself a veteran, but I've been here a long time and can answer more than half of Strop's questions. To me, the veterans are Strop, Knight, KingRyan, Crimsonblade and the lot. i.e. veterans are older and more knowledgeable than me.
Veteran User: Someone who helps people who are new and has been here awhile. They know more about the site than most people and are extremely active within the AG community and by rating games. I would say the more active the person is the more helpful they are to others and can assist with enforcing site rules. A veteran user should be very easy to get along with and doesn't break site rules. They also use very descriptive posting and comments to assist and help out. Overall a veteran user is someone people see alot of and is active to participate in the site community and communicate with others.
What was the preferred suffix for the wannabe troll who suicided several hundred accounts over the course of several weeks? What is his real pseudonym? Bonus points if you know the url of the board he runs himself.
AAAAAAAGHHHH! It's at the tip of my tounge... What I do remember about him... He used a number after his suffix, like 1991 or something like that He used the "mouse armatar" And he caused the incident that got lieutenant banned.
I would assume that there are different degrees of veterancy (That's not a word but I'll use it). If we start out with the lowest rank of NPVC (Not Potential Veteran Candidate) - someone who posts too irregularly or with too little a degree of relevancy to become a veteran, this is a self-contained stage so to speak - no veterans come from this pool. The step up from this, and the first real potential veteran category, are the promising newbies. These are the people that have only just joined but seem to make good/coherent posts and contribute to the forum. Up from them we have the future or semi-veterans - these are the ones that have been around a while and have a medium-level postcount but none of the real depth of experience that is expected of veterans (but it's likely they'll gain that in time). Then we reach veteran level, those people who we can identify as being veterans, the ones that have been around for a while and are quite well known. At the very top we have the 'elite' or super-veterans who are known by pretty much everyone and have a full range of knowledge and experience.
Yes, but you also joined the first month the site was running and were modded quickly if not one of the original mods..
I even played on Games of Gondor (sparingly). Carlie modded me early on that year. I was the first, that I am aware of, public user to be a moderator. At that time a few Admins were labeled as mods. In fact, I think Krin was one of them.