ForumsWEPRObama - Tax Definition Manipulation

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This video is fairly old, but I believe it does a fine job of displaying how manipulative Obama is.

Obama talks about tax increase.

Obama talks about raising taxes. Of course, he believes they are not taxes because these price increases will save everyone money in the long run. Regardless if these &quotrice increases" save us money in the long run, it's still a tax. When interviewed, Obama is confronted with the dictionary. His reply? Skip to 4:50 in the video.

Obama condemns George of "stretching" the definition of tax, because he looked the word up in the dictionary.

Imagine debating with you friend the answer to a science question on your homework. Then, imagine looking the answer up in the teacher's answer book and having your friend tell you "because you looked it up in the teacher's book, you're wrong."

I know that many people believe a tax increase is perfectly fine, and the fact Obama doesn't consider it a tax is moot. I don't really want to get into a debate about taxes and if they should be increased or not, but I would like to ask everyone why Obama must change the subject when someone proves his definition of tax is wrong.

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Obama is the most dishonest President we've ever had - and that's saying something.

The people that voted this punk into office need their face slapped. Maybe a - "slap an Obama voter day" - or something.

Just a thought

That is the most liked response on that video. T____T

The fact he isn't just outrightly saying it is a tax is like a kid with cookie crumbs on his face denying that he ate all the cookies!
Do we really want someone like that to be our representative to the rest of the world?

Go to the video and stop at 1:08.
Just brood over that for a bit. This points out that he is doing this to try and get a popularity increase, not what he NEEDS to be doing. It seems that he isn't trying to get health care done, he is trying to switch everyones view of it. While I will agree that getting rid of pre-existing conditions is great, has anyone in D.C actually read through the entire plan?
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