Yay for the contrasting opinions. :3 Can get both views, although, @Xzeno, I'd like to better understand were the "it's wrooooong" feeling stems from.
I personally couldn't, or at least I don't think so. It's more a matter of attention than right/wrong, though. Would rather have an "I'm yours and you're mine" than "we're ours" situation.
I don't think homosexuality is a definitive characteristic of polygamists.
It definitely isn't. Saw a British documentary on this a while back, several of the couples they had in were in relationships were one of the three were intimate with both of the others, while the others were more like close friends. Apply this to any gender combination. It doesn't imply homosexuality more than heterosexuality.
In cases were all three are intimate with each other, at least some degree of bisexuality would probably be present, though. >_>
Sorry If I was confusing. You see, a large part of my friends are homosexual. They have never tried to turn me against my beliefs. Others have, and that's what I mean.
I'm curious as to what others this were, how they tried to "turn" you, and how you relate that to this thread. Are you saying you'd be uncomfortable if someone tried to get you into a poly-relationship or...?
Hey, a thought just occurred: Groups of three are suboptimal. Usually breaks down into two vs. one. Perhaps this counteracts perceived benefits of, say, greater income. Need longitudinal study.
@Xzeno, I'd like to better understand were the "it's wrooooong" feeling stems from.
As indicated above, I have some doubts as to the depth of such a relationship. I'm not entirely convinced such a relationship can hold together as well or as meaningfully as a two person relationship. Comments like Possum's serve to reinforce this perhaps misguided notion. I just can't see it working out for me.
Like you said, more of an attention issue than right/wrong.
Well, I'm Asexual, so I'm going to say 'no' or 'only if you paid me a LOT of money'.
....do u mean u are heterosexual? or do you reproduce through budding?
setting beliefs aside... even though i can't truly set them aside since they're somewhat a part of me.... I have never been attracted to any male that I've ever met. There may have been a sense of admiration but not one of "longing" to be with that person. The entities that I am attracted to are female. I don't think that if i were to ever be in a polygamist relationship that it would include any other male than myself. I can't see me being able to not play favorites. I personally want just one person to be "mine" as the Zoph put it. I don't see it being "right" for me... maybe it would fall under "otherwise"...
A comparison of what? Homosexuals and polygamists? Again, they are not one in the same.
What I mean is, they tried to turn me against my belief. Either way my point is I dont care what they do as long as they leave me alone.
Here we go with this 'belief' again. What is your belief, exactly. Also, homosexuals or polygamists are not going to try to 'turn' you. It doesn't work that way. It's not a "don't call us, we'll call you." It's more of a, "you call us when you've figured out this is how you really are" sort of deal.
Comments like Possum's serve to reinforce this perhaps misguided notion.
I'll tell you one thing, in my case, you're right about the meaningfulness of the relationship. Though that might just be me. I mean, I honestly don't think I can ever love anyone more than everyone else. It's just the way I think.
possum does lead to a good point. I would think that a person would have to be a very non-jealous person to be a part of a successful relationship with two or more other people.
I would think it would have to be part of your personality to sort of love everyone all the same, as possum puts it.
Anyway, the way I see it, it does take a 'special' group of individuals that are OK sharing one another in an everyday-life and sexual manner but that doesn't make them 'bad' or 'wrong' - just differently normal.
Let's mark this day on the calendar. It may not ever happen again!
Anyway, the way I see it, it does take a 'special' group of individuals that are OK sharing one another in an everyday-life and sexual manner but that doesn't make them 'bad' or 'wrong' - just differently normal.
That's just how I feel about it. From the accounts I've seen in documentaries, some people finally feel a sense of 'completion' once they entered into the relationship. I say, good job on finding happiness not everyone is so lucky!
That's just how I feel about it. From the accounts I've seen in documentaries, some people finally feel a sense of 'completion' once they entered into the relationship. I say, good job on finding happiness not everyone is so lucky!
That's without even starting on the financial benefits of it. A polyamorous relationship holds benefits financially, emotionally, socially and in a multitude of other ways. As I keep saying, as long as everyone is ok with it, then it has no downsides or easily-defensible arguments against it.
Honestly, more women, more sex. So more power to them. It depends if they're a full fledged religitard (every step you take is based on your religion) or if you just wanna live your life. It's mere point of view.