I saw that there isn't a thread about it. Anyway, I think that Israel won most than anyone else because that it shows that Isael isn't the one pressurising the US into attacking Iran.
Some political guy from the US who I didn't catch the name or title of said something like this:
"Nations deal with the US because it is in their interest, not because they like us, not because they trust us, not because they think we can keep secrets"
So, either they're putting on a big happy faic or they really don't think it matters.
And the founder of Wikileaks is due to be arrested for **** 0.o
@logantheking: Why do you think that the US has the privilige to do whatever they want to the wikileaks people?
other countries now know some of the stuff the US has been saying behind their back,
Good for them. You would like to know what the biggest bully in the playground thinks of you, or would you want to be totally un-ready when he breaks his promise? Don't go saying that the US isn't the biggest bully or that it doesn't break promises. It singed 400 treaties with the indians. It broke almost all of them. Cherokee (multiple times), Trail of tears, Indian Removal Act, Sand Creek Massacre, ect. ect.
"We have crowded the tribes upon a few miserable acres o our southern frountier- it is all that is left to them of their once boundless forests- and still, like a horseleech, our insatiate cupidity cries Give, Give"
I think they USA should stop the Wiki-leaks people because they are dangerous, they have already caused they deaths of those who support the US abroad. The USA has made some mistakes but would you prefer that Iran ruled the world? I am aware of what the US gavernment did to the Indians in the 19th centuary. I think it was wrong, where did you get the idea that I supported it?
I think they USA should stop the Wiki-leaks people because they are dangerous, they have already caused they deaths of those who support the US abroad.
they are only passing on information, dont shoot the messenger.
well atleast we finally know what's happening 'behind the scenes', i mean it's happening regardless, now people just know about it.
I'm wary of whistleblowers.
I see it that he is implying the USA run the world...
Not necessarily, though you can tell his obvious support for his country. I just don't see Iran taking over the world and please don't bring China into this.
So, can anyone present us with actual (paraphrased) documents that is supposed to be dangerous?
From what I saw, the documents contain jargon that most ppl wont really understand. Also they can be mis-read or mis-interpreted quite easily. I have seen a few comments that people had, probably purposely, mis-interpreted the info saying stuff like "oh it was prolly a free minded person who died and the americans butchered him" etc etc...
It will take someone with REAL journalistic skillz to interpret this pile of words imho.
Everyone is debating back and forth, when we don't have all the information. We can't condemn a man for publishing documents that we known very little about.
AND the media is making a big deal out of the soldier who hijacked these documents, for being gay. Why his orientation matters is beyond me. All that does is fuel the ridiculous fire that "GAYS HAVE AN AGENDA"
the media is making a big deal out of the soldier who hijacked these documents, for being gay
I don't think it is the fact that he is gay in and of itself but that he used that as his excuse. He said that he was picked on for that and that is why he betrayed the confidential information.