ForumsNews and FeedbackAG3 Questions. Please Answer Them.

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I have many questions about AG3.

If you erase all the post from The Community, will we lose our AP?

Will there be a forum?

Will the Forum be deleted?

Will all the games data be on AG3?

Will any of these games be on AG3?

Will there be new Mod spots for AG3? I am looking forward to being one.

Will any user's be deleted?

Will the same Store Items be intact?

But the Question that I am really wondering is...

Will the user's have a big attack on there pages? (what I mean by this is will anything bad happen to the user's or Armor Games)

Please answer these questions.

  • 7 Replies
311 posts

If you erase all the post from The Community, will we lose our AP?

for AG2 you can't but yes i think. but in AG3 you *will* not get pionts for posting as much as poeple liking your post. and i have not heard of a erase all post button.

Will there be a forum?

yes but not the same as this one

Will the Forum be deleted?

they have not desited yet. it is hard to move it all.

Will all the games data be on AG3?

pretty much. you may lose some of the AGI (AG Information labraiy) for game you sign in to.

Will any of these games be on AG3?

if you mean the game on the site now most of them yes.

Will there be new Mod spots for AG3? I am looking forward to being one.

I don't know. at some piont yes but the have to like you first and you have to be with them for some time first. and regesting it only make you less likely.

Will any user's be deleted?

some in active one yes. but active ones no.

Will the same Store Items be intact?

probaly, but that has not ben talked about much if any i can recall. so IDK

Will the user's have a big attack on there pages? (what I mean by this is will anything bad happen to the user's or Armor Games)

uhmmm it deppen on e your opion of attack or a bad thing. i think not. but some poeople might not like a new feture or some thing.

phewwwwwwwlot of typeing! and you could have look at the forum and found out. (sorry no offence) that was a lot to ask and AG3 is still in its prime! it could change at any moment and a lot of it is "TBD" meaning "to be desited".
if you have any more question i will answer but i got to good and program some so i might not be the best one to ask.
9,504 posts

If you erase all the post from The Community, will we lose our AP?

Keep in mind that the way our AP is set up in AG3 may be totally different than the system now. AP will be flash-gaming based, while reputation will be community/message based. TBD--Stay tuned!

Will there be a forum?

TBD--Stay tuned!

Will all the games data be on AG3?

Will any of these games be on AG3?

All the games will migrate to AG3. We just have a handful right now, since we are just testing the functions of the gaming parts of the site.

Will there be new Mod spots for AG3? I am looking forward to being one.

You will have to look towards the future for that. If activity gets more colossal than it is now, then there may be more need for more mods. Until then, be as active, helpful, responsible, trustworthy, and mature as you can and contribute to the site. This will put you in a likely spot for a mod when the site goes active.

Will any user's be deleted?

All users will be migrated to AG3. There has been a suggestion as to delete inactive users on a set period of time. TBD--stay tuned!

Will the same Store Items be intact?

It should be, yeah.

Will the user's have a big attack on there pages?

Actually, one of the things that is clear on AG3 Beta right now is the privacy functions. You can choose who can message you and see your information (Friends, Followers, everyone else, etc.). This is also TBD. It may just be in a further release to be tested.

You should stick around and be alongside the AG3 topics. That way, you'll become more knowledgeable about what's going on. It's going to be an exciting release either way
311 posts

boy u have had a lot of practice havent you! you can alwasy say it better than i can. not to winn and cry, i like your replays after mine! it gives me (and every one) a good example of a better way for me to say it. you sound (well look or uhm you know what i mean) more OFFICAL like. but frank is right you should keep in tune! right now so many thing are TBD so check in on some of the conversations to see what is happening, and go ahead and state your opion on the topic and why you think that, it helps all the programers and desiners to know what people like and think! (but don't spamm of corse).

13,657 posts

Will there be new Mod spots for AG3? I am looking forward to being one.

There are always spots for moddom open. We are always looking.
Considering we are in between 2 and 6 active mods, and we all have lives to live and other stuff happening, we are always looking for users to relieve the work load a bit.
As for the other part of your - question, I just think you should not... care for it just now. Enjoy the site, the forums, help out and have fun, then it might happen. But as it is, I think all current mods have never actually had "modness" in mind when they were posting and being active on AG. It just happened.
2,891 posts

If you erase all the post from The Community, will we lose our AP?
AP will be split into two things: Reputation, and a new Armor Points setup. This has been discussed several times in the forum. As Kyahco said, the reputation system will give you a rank based on how many people 'like' or 'dislike' the content you write. I don't think we're going to give you any reputation or points just for writing content.

Will there be a forum?
Yes, but we're not sure yet what it will look like.

Will the Forum be deleted?
If you're asking if the old forum *messages* will be deleted, again, it depends on what new forum engine we use/build and then we have to determine which message threads to bring over to AG3.

Will all the games data be on AG3?
Yes, all games on AG2 will be on AG3, and you should NOT lose any data from saved game progress. Frank's response of "We just have a handful right now" is incorrect -- ALL games from AG2 should be available right now on the AG3 beta, and ALL games will be available when AG3 launches.

Will there be new Mod spots for AG3? I am looking forward to being one.
Generally, we look for very active community members to be moderators, and you're still fairly new to the site with few forum posts or game comments. I'm not sure yet that we'll need additional moderators for AG3 yet, but it's still a bit early to tell. Usually, users who ask to be mods are not considered. We generally look for helpful people within the community, and discuss them among the moderation team and then ask the user if they're interested, then promote their account to a moderator level.

Will any user's be deleted?
No, but banned users will remain banned on AG3.

Will the same Store Items be intact?
We haven't planned the new store yet, but the items we currently have will probably all still be available, as well as new items that we're planning to add to the store later.

Will the user's have a big attack on there pages? (what I mean by this is will anything bad happen to the user's or Armor Games)
This question isn't very clear, so I'm not sure how to answer it.

9,504 posts

Frank's response of "We just have a handful right now" is incorrect -- ALL games from AG2 should be available right now on the AG3 beta, and ALL games will be available when AG3 launches.

All the games should be available on the beta? Then...How come I cannot access more than like 20? I'm sorry that I made a wrong answer, but that's how it is for me. I'll check this out a little more...
14,745 posts

I'm eager to stick my nose into your little 'roblem' there Frank... I had no trouble with finding more than 20 games on the AG3 beta... all games I wanted to play were accounted for! With a lot of lagg, but they are all there!

Sorry to spoil your day my friend... :/

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