ForumsWEPRPlagiarism and Reliable Sources

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Plagiarism is defined in dictionaries as "the wrongful appropriation, close imitation, or purloining and
publication, of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions, and the representation of them
as one's own original work."

Sources: Wiki
Book: Webster's Dictionary

There are two kinds of plagiarism:
-- deliberate plagiarism is where you are intentionally plagiarizing for
personal gain;
-- accidental plagiarism is where you mistakenly plagiarize without intention, whether it is
from incorrectly citing your sources, have a complete or partial ignorance to plagiarism or citing, or have
a complete disregard for citing.
Both types of plagiarism are grounds for referrals to the sticky, warnings,
and bans. (Freakenstein)


In this section of the forum we want all your posts to be original. This is a debate forum. Citations and original ideas are very important. Please try to follow these guidelines when posting here:

1. All opinions are welcome as long as there is evidence to back up those claims.
(Subjective views do have a place and time)

2. If any portion of your post has been copied from somewhere else besides your own work, then a source MUST be provided.

3. All sources that are cited must be reliable. (This brings us to the next important topic)


**Reliable Sources**

Again, I've decided to quote wiki on this, but please read the end where I discuss Wikipedia. Wikipedia explains reliable sources in such a simple and great way.

The word "source" as used on Wikipedia has three related meanings: the piece of work itself (the article, book), the creator of the work (the writer, journalist), and the publisher of the work (The New York Times, Cambridge University Press). All three can affect reliability. Reliable sources may be published materials with a reliable publication process, authors who are regarded as authoritative in relation to the subject, or both.

Questionable sources are those with a poor reputation for checking the facts, or with no editorial oversight. Such sources include websites and publications expressing views that are widely acknowledged as extremist, or promotional in nature, or which rely heavily on rumors and personal opinions. Questionable sources are generally unsuitable for citing contentious claims about third parties, which includes claims against institutions, persons living or dead, as well as more ill-defined entities. The proper uses of a questionable source are very limited.

Source: Wiki

Please remember to determine if your source is biased or objective. Here are a few tips for spotting a biased source:

-- Opinions masked as facts

-- The article/journal is peer-reviewed (when applicable)

-- Examine the validity of the study, if one is used (Sample size, diversity, etc)


Why cite your sources?

-- To give the information's credit to the author

-- Allows for further reading on the topic

-- Increase your credibility on AG

(Freakenstein and Asherlee)

How to cite

-- A simple link:

If you are starting a thread, it is already expected of you to provide a source for what the thread will be about. Simply copy and paste the URL and provide what/where the source is. You can even use words with the links (refer to BBCode Guide v.4.1 for details)."

-- Use Parenthetical Notes

"INFORMATION" (AUTHOR/SITE, YEAR) " You don't have to go into detail and use MLA or APA format, just properly show where you are getting your information from. If you are using a direct source, just quote the info, provide where you found it, and your credibility is saved.


What about paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is a restatement of a text, passage, or work giving the meaning in another form.
(Source: Webster)

The use of paraphrasing in WEPR is accepted. We should all strive to post a source when paraphrasing another's work. The source does not always have to be a link, a simple mention of where you received your information would suffice. However, if you are challenged by another user on AG to show evidence of your claims, then you must post your source without exception.

(Kudos thepossum for bringing this to light)

What do I do if I spot plagiarism?

Don't spend time on the thread pointing out that someone just plagiarized--report it to a moderator.
Provide 3 links:

1. The user you believe is plagiarizing
2. The actual post he/she plagiarized
3. If you've found the original work

(Asherlee and Freakenstein)


As you can see, I quoted and sourced wikipedia for some sections of this post. Wikipedia can be a reliable source. You can determine whether or not the information you are using from a Wikipedia article is reliable by referencing the superscripted numbers:

will take you to here:

These are the references you want to check for reliablity.

  • 56 Replies
32 posts

There are a number of ways to cite and reference properly... If you have a recent copy of MS Word, it helps you out quite a lot. Typical formats include APA and MLA... Try wiki/googling them for more info.
The reference style which many online sites use (eg that shown in wiki above) isn't professionally correct and also isn't possible in serious write-ups/reports/etc. Hyperlink in a physical paper document? Lol I don't think so.

189 posts

it's very annoying when every year they switch the rules around on copyright, you do it one way, get well at it then BOOM new way... BOOm another way... you just can't get used to it they should find one way to sort this thing out and keep with it (this refers to every kind of copyright)

14 posts

I hate plagarism. Its a delicate thing when writing papers for college.

100 posts

So would it be considered plagarism or blasphemy if I rewrote the bible backwards and titled it, "gnihtoN tuobA odA hcuM"?

3 posts

i think that there should be website that when you type in words it could track down where it came from

130 posts

Swazzer, there are such websites. They aren't necessarily free. An academic institution that I'm associated with requires students to submit their assignments to which does a reasonable job of highlighting borrowed material.

Of course, if the borrowed material isn't correctly attributed, then that's a fairly serious matter.

9,504 posts

i think that there should be website that when you type in words it could track down where it came from

Try Google.

My professors usually do this or search the databases of Academic Search Premier. If you type in a paragraph and the whole (or majority) of the paragraph shows up in Google under a good number of websites, you have plagiarism.

A little rant: In my neck of the woods, that's a 0/200 and a referral to the dean. Twice or thrice is an expulsion. In the real world, it's a felony and a loss of credibility. So in that respect, don't think it harsh when The Squad beats down your profile page.

A ban from a website? Or a loss of a phat whad of moolah? :P
257 posts

I hate plagiarism too. Just put it in your own words, and if you can't, then don't write it.

12 posts

Plagiarism is a easy way to get an A on a assignment. Yet, chances are you're going to get caught and if you're an adult you can get sued for a bunch of money. Probably most people have done it, but there are ways to go around plagiarism. Just read the information and put it into your own words, it's that easy! It might take longer but you'll still get a good grade (in school) and you wont get sued (adults!)

9,504 posts

but there are ways to go around plagiarism. Just read the information and put it into your own words, it's that easy! It might take longer but you'll still get a good grade (in school) and you wont get sued (adults!)

Good example of deliberate plagiarism, Plumpkins!

Intentional plagiarism carries a much stricter and swifter penalty than accidental. Taking out a section of someone's work, paraphrasing into your own words, and "forgetting" to add the parenthetical notes is actually much easier to find than you realize. Any person can peruse through the essay/thesis/what-have-you and realize "hey, this guy seems to know a lot about [insert subject here] without any assistance!" And it also takes a lot less to figure out that said plagiarist does not have a works-cited page stapled to the back of the "work".

Deliberate plagiarism, by courts, can be given stricter penalties, as they can figure out that you took steps to remove any "original work" from your work. It's simply easier to not be lazy, no offense.
827 posts

No matter what happens, plagiarism is wrong. Taking someone else's credit and claiming for one's own will treat that person unfair. If i do have to use someone else's work, I will give them credit in the Works Cited Page, footnotes, or citations.

1,558 posts

Thank you, xXKa****oXx, for pointing out the obvious. Just kidding, I know you're new.

I will give them credit in the Works Cited Page, footnotes, or citations.
Easy-Bib = Thank you God for helping me not plagiarize. Try it out, it helps a lot.
1,036 posts

plagiarism is wrong.

If you claim it as your own but if I want to say something I heard I'm not going to say blah blah said on page blah blah blah. Plagiarism is also takin too far A LOT
1,606 posts

Stealing from one man is plagairism, but stealing from many is science.

1,017 posts

Is it just me, or can you not get to any of the links? To me they are all broken. :/

Showing 1-15 of 56