Trust me if you have time you can make looots of points in a week without spamming anything. Example if you have lots of friends and you talk a lot with them you'll make tons.
I know that, but I don't leave comments that much anymore that much. I want to have more forum post than I do comments.
Frank is correct. While bucket loads of AP doesn't inherently mean that a person is a spammer, it's an all too often occurence. You could make 1000 good comments in a week.
This is the fastest nonspammy way to get points just make lots of friends.
In some circles, chatspamming is still considered a very sleazy and underhanded way of gaining AP. I still hold it with some contempt. These days, I redirect most of my conversation to other mediums, such as that chatroom I run.
And there should be a word limit on game comments.
AG3 will have a separate review section for each game right? Oh, that shouldn't worry me then. You know my knack for thorough reviews right?
Yes chat spamming is a very easy way to get AP very quickly. I honestly dislike people that do it to me. I mean if you want to have a conversation I do go to chat rooms. I think AG3 should make a chat room maybe. They should also take out the AP given on profile comments though.
In some circles, chatspamming is still considered a very sleazy and underhanded way of gaining AP.
Sorry, I lol'd because you used sleazy as an adjective to describe chat spam XD
In my perspective, leaving comments on your profile is fine, as long as you are productive with it. I mean, I see profiles every now and then that are *gasp* worse than game comments. My send to receive ratio is 1:1, but that doesn't mean I make a lot of comment points. I have like...5 comments in a week lol
There's commenting, and then there's chat spam.
They should also take out the AP given on profile comments though.
I would say no to this, but AG3's way of communication should be different. We don't want to limit fun because of the negative effects of fun.
Sorry, I lol'd because you used sleazy as an adjective to describe chat spam XD
I would say no to this, but AG3's way of communication should be different. We don't want to limit fun because of the negative effects of fun.
I have to disagree with you. This is probably the only flash game site which gives out points for profile comments. I think we could do better without all the profile spam we've been seeing.
In my experience I've seen people try to "gain" AP by talking to five people simultaneously through profile Messengers. You'd probably know who I'm talking about. Anyway, I used to chat a lot via profile (especially with Pazx) but not these days.
I think rating shouldn't get points, but that it should still be kept. I mean, it can really help members just going into a game to see whether or not that game is really worth playing, but they should still experience it for themselves before they walk away from a low rated don't know, I guess I stand on both sides of the discussion
Personally I see no point in awarding points or anything for rating a game. It seems like it offers the least of all the activities to the site, and is the most used point spam tactic.
I agree with MrWalker. I've seen some members rate all of the games on AG in a couple days.
I think rating shouldn't get points, but that it should still be kept.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure they won't remove the whole rating feature. Time will tell I suppose.
I rate spammed today (5 games) But those were games I play all the time. Ex. Corporation Inc. I never knew I got Ap for rating so I Never bothered. I think for the most part it encourages people to vote.
I'm pretty sure they won't remove the whole rating feature.
No, I'm building a new one for AG3. We'll require a time limit between ratings because we're concerned that people aren't giving games *accurate* ratings when they do them so quickly.