So you would want to make new posts in AGv3 that are copies of dead ones on these forums?
Um...I'm not really a voice of authority here regarding AGv3. Yet if you want I can toss in my two cents.
I'd think that just as long as you did not copy+paste the original post from said threads it would be fine. Use your own words to convey the idea from original post and see how it fairs. However, as said, I'm just throwing ideas around.
We can only assume you're asiking about duplicating posts from AG2 to AG3 forums once the AG3 forums are in place?
Since we don't know what the AG3 forum setup will look like yet (it's probably the last thing we'll build before AG3 goes live), we can't really say how we'll migrate old posts (if at all), but we certainly won't need/want users to duplicate data that we may migrate over ourselves.
nobody will go 70 pages back to see the old topics
You'd be surprised what people do just do bring old topics back and get points in the process. I've seen some topics in the tavern being brought back from august and some other places too.
You'd be surprised what people do just do bring old topics back and get points in the process. I've seen some topics in the tavern being brought back from august and some other places too.
It's either this, or the glitch that brings month/year old topics as the "most recent thread". Either way, it gets posted and it takes a minute out of a mod's day