She is simply a sickening person who deserves a good kick in the balls.
That pretty much just sums up everything. Nicely said NoName.
Honestly, it doesn't surprise me. I don't see what makes her more important than anyone else who does it. Personally, I don't really care. What she does doesn't effect me anyways.
What I find sad is that all of you care enough to post about this, or even remember a nobody that only contributed to rotting children's brains when they should be outside.
What I find sad is that all of you care enough to post about this, or even remember a nobody that only contributed to rotting children's brains when they should be outside.
Apparently you cared enough about it to post here.
It's a topic and a simple discussion. Is it a major thing? Of course not, but it's a topic and we can put our opinions on the topic here. Some people might care. No need to be so judgmental.
Apparently you cared enough about it to post here.
I forgot to add the end joke. It went something like: What I find sad is that all of you care enough to post about this. Wait. oh no! I'm postying! i'm still posting aahh!
Dude, no one is messing with her life. Just discussing the hilarity of her stupidity. Shes got too big of a drink of Hollywood, and is Brittney Spearsing hard.
Honestly, it doesn't surprise me. I don't see what makes her more important than anyone else who does it.
That is true. She is a person, and she does ordinary things. However, there are a few problems with this: -She's a celebrity, and I think that celebrities should have more responsibilities because they know that people look up to them. -She has a LOT of fans (or used to) that are between the ages of 8 and 18, and if they see this article, it's basically telling them that it's ok to take a hit of salvia or smoke a joint -She's ruining her already tainted image. Does she care that along with the people that like her, there's a lot of people that hate her, and now there's going to be even MORE people that hate her?
It tells kids that doing drugs... any drugs, period... is alright because their role model does. That's pretty wrong to me, and more proof of the people under the employ of Disney are hypocrites.
Her shows and other things still air on Disney though. Any children or teens that see e news or on tmz they can see that she has smoked a legal substance that gets you high from a bong. The children will think it's also alright for them to do it since there favorite celebrity is also doing it.
Why is it every time a celebrity does something your every-day slack off does, it is a major media sensation?
It's legal, yes but not in all states. The drug makes you hallucinate for a good 5 minutes (not a long time), but the drug is making you hallucinate. They even recommend that someone be a"sitter" when you take the drug so you don't do something crazy.
Anyway, I'm perfectly fine with her smoking. Beyond her "fame", she is an ordinary citizen like us. I don't think her celebrity status should give way to expectation.
Should ordinary people take saliva though?
But, I'm kind of with Efan on this one, who cares. And I'm kind of in the middle. She's a celebrity, does it really give us the right to know her every move, probably not. We probably shouldn't even know that she smoked it.