Id personally love to see any celebrity take a bong rip of salvia, theyre all such fragile and dainty people theyd sketch and start flippin out cus they cant handle it, god, when they toke up they look like they look like theyre chasing the purple dragon, celebrities on drugs are hillarious, they jus cant handle em worth a sh*t haha.
She is 18, she legally has the right to smoke bong, although it may not be the best thing in the world she is allowed to by the court. They cannot prosecute her for being underage.
I think it's a bad thing because hmmm lets see she is on kids networks like Disney and making shows for children. I'm sure if any of these kids were to see her smoking a bong they would probably not like her anymore. I'm sure she lost some fans since the bong thing.
I lol'd when I saw her smoking from the bong. I didn't really care about it at all. People can do whatever they want with there life.
I personally wish we as a people would get over our fascination with celebrities and their personal lives. Yes, she may be a role model for a younger generation, but what she does in her personal life is her business, and as long as it isn't illegal there should not be a media sensation over it. Maybe it was not the smartest thing letting someone video tape it and release the video, but that does not change the fact that there is nothing really wrong with this at all.
Why should we concern ourselves with this? It's just a person some care about doing marijuana. She's eighteen. While I'm not enthusiastic about weed, I don't see a reason why this should be newsworthy either.
Oh, and she already broke off from Disney. Miley Cyrus is not Hannah Montana.
To be honest, this news is kind of sickening. Then again, everything she does sickens me. She sickens me in general. She could announce the Beatles to be the best band ever, and even that would sicken me.
She is simply a sickening person who deserves a good kick in the balls.
She is simply a sickening person who deserves a good kick in the balls
Anyway, I'm perfectly fine with her smoking. Beyond her "fame", she is an ordinary citizen like us. I don't think her celebrity status should give way to expectation.