ForumsWEPRMarriage... Outdated?

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1,322 posts

I'm going to try and express my thoughts as clearly as I can... its still a lil murky in my own mind so bear with me.

with the exception of those that are religious... is marriage outdated? It seems to me that for those who are religious marriage is done for showing your union to your God... but for those that don't share those beliefs...

why not just say you're man and wife and not go through the hassle (or homosexual/bi/whathaveyou)? ...or why use a title at all? is it just a commonality world wide for all of out cultures? It seems that it would be trivial for non-religious people... It can potentially cost out the wazooh... there's the ever present possibility that you should've opted for a pre-nuptual agreement... it gives the pre-disposition that you're supposed to, based off of our culture, end up with one person forever (often times not the case... not too sure i know of many couples that don't go in expecting that when truly getting married for marriage rather than insta divorce for money)...

In your opinions... Is marriage just an archaic and out dated lifestyle? Or is there merit to it? Is it right to just keep following the traditions that people of an unknown number of generations ago started?

maybe we just believe we want 1 individual to call our own... or maybe we just think that way b/c its been preached to us from birth... hooray for being cryptic and probably losing everyone mid post >_>....

  • 14 Replies
3,817 posts

Actually marriage is one of those things that was there before religion but religion stole and attempted to make it its own. If you look around, almost every culture has some form of marriage, probably because it allows/allowed for "Teams", such as in western society the wife might stay home with the kids while the husbands go to work, the wives tend the field while the husbands go hunt whatever.

Next there is the ownership thing. Once society stopped hunter gathering, it developed a since of ownership. That since, of course, extended down to wanting to know who was your child, so you can know who gets your stuff when you die.

And now just a small paragraph about how modern marriage is still useful do to tax breaks, cultural bias of a man and a woman living together for sixty so years without being officially married, and even things like not being able to visit him/her in the hospital.

254 posts

Modern marriage shows your commitment to your spouse, I know it is really easy to get a divorce these days but it used to be that divorce wasn't even seen as an option.

172 posts

just a little history lesson. Marriage wasn't stolen by religion. Rather in the middle ages all one needed was two witnesses (did not have to be a priest) and say you were married. The problem was that people were going against their parents (noble) wishes and there were also problems concerning dwry restitution. As a means of combating that, te church made it that you had to have a priest hear your vows. It was purely for secular rather than religious reasons..

3,086 posts

I believe that marriage isn't outdated, but the way it is viewed, held and celebrated is. It should just be a word to say you are partners.

1,890 posts

No way is marriage outdated, my aunt just got married and if she heard me say that she would probably break my wrist. (She is a black belt in Muay Thai,Kickboxing and Ju-jitsu) It would not be pretty.

9,462 posts

just a little history lesson. Marriage wasn't stolen by religion. Rather in the middle ages all one needed was two witnesses (did not have to be a priest) and say you were married. The problem was that people were going against their parents (noble) wishes and there were also problems concerning dwry restitution. As a means of combating that, te church made it that you had to have a priest hear your vows. It was purely for secular rather than religious reasons..

Interesting, I don't think I have heard that could you provide sources on that?

Anyway aside from any religious points in it, marriage has a number of legal benefits even today, which is one of the reasons allow homosexual couples to marry is such a big deal.
172 posts

Yeah, when i go to my apartment next I'll look through my notes from my history on medieval spain class. My prof specializes in dowry restitution cases also, so she wouldn't be making it up lol

408 posts

Marriage comes with a list of legal benefits to the couple that can really help out. Besides from that it can help to show trust I believe, a sign that there is someone in this world that you can trust and confide in, something that can become truley important to one as time goes on.

9,504 posts

It seems to me that for those who are religious marriage is done for showing your union to your God... but for those that don't share those beliefs...

Well, whether you are religious or not, you really don't have to have a ceremony to declare yourself married. You can legalize it via the courts. Still, solemnizing the marriage with a ceremony makes it magical, romantic, and fun. Simply legalizing it and saying "I'm married" is just bland, to me.

And why is it bad if it's outdated? Religion is outdated too. Oh, and so are our cultural heritages. And shoes. And houses. Should we stop with everything that is ancient and outdated? Yeah, I say it's right to allow people to continue to marry. If that's what they want to do.
1,322 posts

you have good points... i really wasn't looking for anything other than opinions as to whether it is or isn't outdated tho. My aim was to see if people thought it a triviality or a necessity... or err... just not a triviality.

living in a house is outdated? 0_o

922 posts

living in a house is outdated? 0_o

yeah. didn't you know? It's why I live in a flat. lol
333 posts

lmfao.its only outdated if you make it outdated.

755 posts

Interesting this thread was brought up. I think it is a question we must ask ourselves. With the very high divorce rate in our country, a high rate of single mothers, it something to look at. Sometimes in a society the people can grow out of morals based on history of that society. Howerver, to eliminate marriage as a whole is simply ridiculous. There are many people still falling in love and with long lasting marriages. Just an interesting topic as a whole!

93 posts

It is all a matter of order when a man marries a woman...(continues with the classic love speech)
ok my turn now bye bye MR.KnowItAll
ok yet i must agree with the order thing imagine the following scenario
Creg is 25 he is dating samantha
Samanatha gets pregnant (....XD)
1 month later he is bored he has no complete obligation (even thow he is obligated with the child)
he leaves her bye bye knocks up another woman AND SO ON.......forever
imagine that times 4-5 billion people
1- men and woman will go jumping from relationship to another
2-the number of children will exceed the number of adults
3-there will be no true love (wow i watch too much romance anime)

i am a muslim so i cant have a girlfriend i dont mind it it is pretty easy that way hahhahaha

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