The tv show Happy Tree Friends is a completly disgusting and vulger show, (this show is supposed to be funny? Offensive would be a better word) I realy don't know why it isn't baned yet.
Heres the youtubes channel for it if you dont know what it is, but be warned it is EXTREAMLY violent. Here
Happy Tree Friends IS hilarious. If ya dont like it, then DON'T watch it, ya silly goose...and to address your question why it hasn't been banned yet? The answer is the same reason movies like SAW & Hostel haven't been banned. Freedom to make media (no matter who may be offended by it) exists in our country. I happen to think it's pretty funny though.
I watch it all the time. It ain't gonna be banned. I happened to see a movie box for it and its pg-13 for cartoon blood lol. It's funny to me but i guess i'm messed up
It's funny dude you are just being dumb... It's only PG-13 and you think its bad because its animated violence wow thats pretty sad... You must watch Tellatubbies...
Ha oh please, chill out Skull. Yes, that show is very idiotic and only an immature child would laugh at that humor, but it is not 'offensive' in any way. I mean, it is just a bunch of cartoon animals doing some stupid stuff. Not realistic at all.
well skullzero1, I see your point and there are probably many people like you out there (probably all PETA members) and it's ok. everyone has their own views and opinions. I think the person who came up with the Idea is twisted, and people who watch it regularly for fun are twisted, but I guess it's funny in a sick and twisted way.
o.o Happy Tree Friends is PG-13? The HTF that I know is at least MA-15+ (Australian rating).
It's animated violence, yes, but it's gratituous and extreme. The show's entire premise is violence and a magically reincarnating set of woodland critters meeting their various demises in a series of grisly, absurd ways.
Personally, I can't laugh at it- I don't find humor in this kind of exaggerated slapstick, but others might. I therefore see HTF as not having value in itself but as a cultural beacon, a representation of the direction of popular media. I mean, look at the deluge of posts on "eople hurting themselves" on YouTube, or the other animated shows like Family Guy (or the majority of things on Adult Swim...if you're allowed to watch it hehe). HTF simply agressively pushed the envelope by being ahead of its time (seeing as it actually became big around 2002-2003).
If a small group of people can be convinced it's cool, this belief spreads. I myself am guilty of holding singalongs of the theme song. If you're familiar with it, stop laughing.
Yeah... I used to watch it for pure experience. I never really liked it that much and also regret bringing it to my household in the first place. It isn't a good influence for my 12 year old brother.
Lol! I LOVE Happy Tree Friends!! Probably the best cartoon there ever is! I laugh so hard every time that I see it! The fact that little bunny's are killing each other is hilarious!
i don't mind violence, i actually quite enjoy it, but this is too far in my opinion, i cringe every time i see this. I guess im the kinda guy who when i see someone get kicked in the nuts i cringe instead of laugh. Idk, i have problems, im sometimes drawn to it when i feel like see something gross and then end up regretting it (curiosity killed the cat i guess). When I said idk why its not baned i meant that i dont mind it being there but why isn't the press going crazy. I mean, i think grand theft auto has better values then this, but i still like gta (at least gta teaches you that you the value of respect (took me a while to think of a value(im putting parenthesis in parenthesizes arent I? oh well... im going to put the parenthesis in italics so you wont get too confused)), while htf teaches you that killing animals is funny) for your money. (though not too fond of this show) i wrote this topic right after i watched an episode and i felt like discussing whats on my mind (specifically why is it still airing) Point is, I watch it occasionally, even though I gag, i dont watch teletubbys, and I think that this should get more attention then most violent video games (did i realy make that a conclusion?) Im starting to talk to myself so im going to end this.
Ive only seen a couple. I don't think its particularly funny, but it really takes a lot to get me offended. Like others have said, if you don't like it, don't watch it. And if you do, keep it going!
I have to admit that I've downloaded a few to my iPod... if its free, I'm probably going to watch it a bit.