ForumsPopular MediaStargate: SG-1, Atlantis, Universe and the Movies

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Hey guys, no doubt at least one of you have heard of this, though your thoughts on it? I don't know.
First, this is simply a discussion (and hopefully a support) thread on Stargate, I prefer not have vulgar language unless it is quoted from something related to Stargate, and I hope the managers will help keep flaming (for whatever reason) down to a minimal, as usual

I'll start off with small sentences.

Stargate SG-1 - Unprepared for what would have faced the franchise (lasting many seasons more than it had thought), it was off-balance but prolonged very well up until the end of Season 8. The Mythology is extremely well done and the way everything ties together is pure gold.

Stargate Atlantis - Amazingly done with former missions having significant setbacks and benefits to the future where episodes first involving the Genii would have been nothing to the story for SG-1, it had impacted a very short time later and even further after that. Also episodes which aren't exactly related to the story always have something to hang back on (Season 5 "The Shrine" at the end, wow... oh, and no, I haven't seen further than the episodes on the disc The Shrine is on, so I haven't been able to spoil anything), which always comes in to play later. All of this is overwhelming (in a very good sense) and also ensures that something always goes on throughout the series - better built entirely than SG-1 (I also like how they used pure intelligence etc rather than luck).

Stargate Universe - Not the best, very dark and somewhat chilling. It has a much more alien feel as I can't adapt myself to this new turning, I (even as a teenager) don't appreciate that they have (admitted to) attempted to make Stargate more adapted for younger people. The reason I don't like this is simply that, well, what about the rest of the story? I greatly enjoy that now they have added an actual goal to the series aswell.

Another reason I made this thread is because, it kinda gets me down how nothing as amazing as this (lol, sad I know) isn't here now, it really dims everything else in life and I actually do feel very gutted at the lack of oppurtunity.

Am I the only one?

Oh, and I know that sounds sad, and I know it probably is, but I also grew up watching Stargate and (mostly thanks to Daniel Jackson) it has made me a better person without a doubt (Fable I and Stargate SG-1), so with that, I leave you to discuss (I will also talk )!

- H

  • 6 Replies
172 posts

*sigh* SG-1. How I love thee. Especially O'Neill and Daniel Jackson.

I own the series on DVD and I've enjoyed many an episode (even the Ori arc ). I never got into the movies (even the original that set it off.. though I did watch it in Italian XD) or the subsequent series. Why mess with perfection?

9,504 posts

Tielk is my favorite. I just love how the Stargate series blends Sci-fi, Fantasy, Religion, and Medieval culture into many different spectra of events, some even paired together or all in one. By the way. Tielk can totally take on Duke Nukem.

3,025 posts

I never got into the movies or the subsequent series.

I understand why you would feel that way - so did I, but after my (stupid) dad bought 5 seasons of Stargate Atlantis after thinking it was SG Universe, we gave it a shot and I would say (without finishing Season 5) that it is better than SG-1 by far (I only seen SG-1 up to the end of Season 8, though I've good understanding of Season 9).

Tielk is my favorite.


Guys, big muscly dude in SG-1 = TEAL'C.

I just love how the Stargate series blends Sci-fi, Fantasy, Religion, and Medieval culture into many different spectra of events, some even paired together or all in one.

You forgot Mythology
Thor (Norse God), Odin (Norse God) and Loki(Norse God) are all part of the Asgard (Loki was, but not anymore).
Every single freakin' Egyptian God in Mythology is a Goa'uld.
Greek Gods include.....
Kronos, he isn't entirely Greek, but he is also lantean, so they had to stick with an Egyptian side of him to avoid some serious name-taking business. :P (I'm talking about Stargate Atlantis)

- H
3,025 posts

Apologies for double post, I found out Kronos was actually spelled (and thus named) Cronus, which is quite different and may make it a different God altogether in terms of Stargate.
My bad.

- H

3,086 posts

Stargate: Atlantis has been my favorite so far! I know their is five or so series (I just finished #2 on dvd), but does anyone know when the next comes out? Was it cancelled?

As for the series itself, I saw it before watching sg-1 but that doesn't matter because I much prefer it.

3,025 posts

As for the series itself, I saw it before watching sg-1 but that doesn't matter because I much prefer it.

It does matter for the story, mind you. I suggest you watch SG-1 ASAP as you will get a better scope of the story and how exactly everything happened. People like Doctor Weir and Doctor McKay you will recognise from SG-A as they are also in SG-1, and etc.
There's also some crossover knowledge you hear from SG-A, which you won't be sure about (Goa'uld, for example).

I know their is five or so series (I just finished #2 on dvd), but does anyone know when the next comes out? Was it cancelled?

Yes, cancelled. The only running series of the Stargate Franchise at the moment is Stargate Universe, however there is supposed to be a film coming out that features the Atlantis expedition, and there already has been 2 films about SG-1 (one about the remnants of the Goa'uld and one about the Ori).

- H
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