I was watching Bill Maher the other day and one of the guests said that the Catholic Church as a whole should be charged with organized crime because of what the Catholic Priests did recently.
I thought about it and I suppose they could, but why do you think they haven't?
That would've been a little funnier if you hadn't spelled 'having' wrong.
I have an easier solution, arrange for the pope and the priests/bishops in question to visit, oh I don't know Guantanamo Bay, and suppose there's a prison break out, I'd say that solves our problems.
Wait- millions of Catholics participated in the cover up and or ****? Wow. And who, may I ask, would go to war over this? The Catholic nation, the Vatican, would be in jail pretty much...
well, calling the catholic church a criminal orginisation because of the abuse would be the same thing as calling the islam a criminal orginasation because of the terrrorists. both happens, but is both true?
well, calling the catholic church a criminal orginisation because of the abuse would be the same thing as calling the islam a criminal orginasation because of the terrrorists. both happens, but is both true?
Nope. It is not because of the abuse, it is because of the COVER UPS! If Islam had a "leader" like the Catholics do, and Islam's leaders promoted terrorism some how, then it would be a terrorist organization.
the pope didn't promote abuse: he just doesn't say that those prieststs were wrong. just like the moslim leaders, they don't promote terrorism, but they don't say it's wrong either. not that I say that the pope did a good thing by saying nothing.
the pope didn't promote abuse: he just doesn't say that those prieststs were wrong.
He also help cover the whole thing up, get the priests transferred to a new church to avoid prosecution. When that was no longer an option they still tried to keep the law out of it with "Well they prayed for forgiveness so that should be enough."
Yep he isn't the only one out of the group to do this, but given his current position he does hold the most power to set things right
. Its similar to the cases of police corruption, the direct commanding officers (lieutenants, captains etc.) of the corrupted officer have the biggest -ethical and actual- responsibility. Because of this they have the biggest incentive to try to cover it up. Whereas the Chief of all the Police force is barely accountable. Nevertheless if the case is quite big he will definitely try to fix it somehow.
Well, I suppose the Pope has diplomatic protection since he's technically a Head of State. Plus, imagine the big ruckus people will cause when they see the Pope convicted.
Personally, I think that we should just charge the people directly responsible for it. You don't charge a passerby for not reporting a crime do you? Perhaps you can bring up such charges towards the head honchos...but merely minor ones.
I still think if the Church is fu**ed, it is, nothing you can do about it, if they want to change, change. If not, just continue to lose believers.