ForumsWEPRTucker Carlson says Michael Vick "should have been executed"

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Hey guys, I don't really post in WEPR that much because I don't consider myself intelligent enough to debate against others, but I was reading articles on ESPN, like I usually do, and I found a news article that I found particularly interesting and out of the ordinary, since most ESPN articles are recaps of games that happened recently. The article basically described Fox News' Tucker Carlson's point of view on the controversy surrounding NFL quarterback Michael Vick, who, as most of you may know, was sentenced to jail about 3 years ago and was released last year. I know that it's kind of old news, but I want to know your guys' opinions on Tucker Carlson's statement. Do you agree? Disagree? And please explain your thoughts.

Article: [url=]

  • 31 Replies
1,890 posts

Sorry for the swearing, I was really angry yesterday night. My GF broke up with me and I owe my parents 236$ for smashing their car by accident, then I broke my finger so yeah. I had a bad day.

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