Hey guys, I don't really post in WEPR that much because I don't consider myself intelligent enough to debate against others, but I was reading articles on ESPN, like I usually do, and I found a news article that I found particularly interesting and out of the ordinary, since most ESPN articles are recaps of games that happened recently. The article basically described Fox News' Tucker Carlson's point of view on the controversy surrounding NFL quarterback Michael Vick, who, as most of you may know, was sentenced to jail about 3 years ago and was released last year. I know that it's kind of old news, but I want to know your guys' opinions on Tucker Carlson's statement. Do you agree? Disagree? And please explain your thoughts.
I say that ****ing **** of a ****ing **** should get his *** kicked by three dogs then feed him to them piece by piece. That **** desevers to die for all his mistreatment of those dogs. And any **** who knew about it but did not report it should get their *** thrown in jail for 15 years minimum.
No he shouldn't be executed, not even the worst of people should be executed.No one is that bad.Everyone should get second chances and we shouldn't just forget about this people who have done bad things.Some people change and deserve to get a second chance.If he does it again put him in jail for a long time and Roger Godell can ban him from the league and then we can forget about him.I don't think he will do it again because he is to smart to.That is what I think.
not even the worst of people should be executed.No one is that bad
Not even rapist or serial killers?
Back on topic though. No I don't think Michael Vick should of been executed.(he deserved to be though). I think he should've had more time in jail. He should've had the minimum time of 20 years for what he's done.
If he can kill dogs for money and his own sick pleasure then he deserves to rot in prison.
They realeased him after what 1 year? All these 'celebrities' get 'reduced' sentences. That's what pisses me off.
If a normal person goes out and does what Vick did they would've gotten the full sentence. But since Vick is a celebrity he gets 1 year.
Excecuting Vick I think would've been unnecessary. I do think he deserved it though.
I think some people would rather have him rot in a jail cell though. And then he would be getting tortured in prison by other cell mates. Then he will know how it feels to get made into doing things you don't want.
Obama is definitely the smartest person I know. I would let a guy kill innocent dogs for money and only throw him in jail for a year or 2 cause i mean he really didnt do anything wrong and i would also thank the eagles for hiring an ex convict for millions of dollars.
My opinion? It pisses me off that celebrities always get reduced sentences. If they do something bad, they'll get what is the equivalent of a slap on the wrist jail sentence[compared to what a normal person might get] possibly some rehab/AA/anger management sessions, whatever, then it's all back to normal. That pisses me off and I think that Vick should have at least gotten the minimum sentence. Now, that said, as cruel as this dog fighting thing may be[oh, and it is] execution is simply too extreme. I will put this as bluntly as I can; the life of an animal is not, never has been, and never will be, as valuable as the life of a human. I am not saying I support this kind of abuse, but execution for it is taking it way too far. Vick should stay in jail for at least the minimum sentence if not longer, and then he should be let out. And as for Obama thanking the Eagles for taking him in? He should have kept his nose out of it, that was a stupid move. Vick does not deserve that job and it's not like he was starving on the streets. That is a god**** multi-million dollar job and I'm sure that there are people who deserve that job far more than Vick does. Vick can get a job at McDonalds for all I care. Giving someone a million dollar job after a felony they have committed is not giving them a pity-second-chance. It is forgetting about the incident altogether. Just one more thing, though; Vick is no longer rich. I just wanted to point that out.
Amount jailed star quarterback Michael Vick spent from July '06 to July '08, according to recent bankruptcy papers: $17.7 million.
Amount of that time he was in prison: 8 months.
Total amount of checks he wrote his mother, Brenda Boddieâ"not counting all her bills he paidâ"even while in prison: $21,400.
Amount he donated to her church: $327,900.
Amount he gave her for an Easter egg hunt: $700.
Number of Reese's Chocolate Easter Eggs that would buy: 5,259.
Amount of the check he wrote to Boddie labeled "chump change": $1,000.
Amount Vick was sentenced to pay to house and care for the 47 pit bulls he and his buddies didn't drown, strangle, hang, shoot, or electrocute for not winning fights: $928,073.
Average pay, per hour, of Vick's pit bulls' caregivers at the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah: $14.
Pay, per hour, Vick gets for washing pots and pans at Leavenworth: 12 cents.
Cost of a bottle of Shelter Blend Flower Essence aromatherapy used for "anxious, worried or easily stressed" dogs at the sanctuary: $27.50.
Number of hours Vick would have to work to afford a bottle of Flower Essence: 230.
Cost of a bottle of "Vicktory" wine with a painting of one of the rescued dogs on the label: $40.
Cost of a tin of tuna at some federal prison commissaries: 23 cents.
Amount Vick still owes banks in Toronto, South Bend, and Charlotte, for loans he took to invest in a car rental franchise, a wine store/restaurant, and other businesses: $6 million.
Total amount listed as "loan payment" over two years: $33,523.
Amount of judgment against Vick that he still owes former agent Andrew Joel: $4.5 million.
Amount Vick still owes the Atlanta Falcons from his signing bonus: $3.75 million.
Amount the NFL attempted to recoup from Vick's bonus money: $16.25 million.
Useful name Vick might need when he's released: Ron Mexico.
Number of homes Vick owned at one time: 4.
Number he lives in now: 0.
Unfortunate name of the investment firm Vick sunk $245,000 into: Leake
This whole lets execute Vick thing is getting a little old, in no way do I condone his actions or Obama thanking the Eagles for hiring him. However, there are people who have committed murder and **** and spent the rest of their lives on this earth, granted behind bars but they were alive, we simply can't kill people for dogfighting. Granted in a morally decent society such an atrocity would never have happened but unfortunately we don't live in a utopia.
I do agree that the double standard has stop, Vick should've been made to serve for a far greater period than 23 months. Had an ordinary person been caught, they would served a much longer sentence.
I saw that video on youtube and I kind of laughed when I saw it, first because it was on fox news and second was that Vick killed dogs and went to prison, people also kill people and they get sent to prison too. If anyone should get the death sentence it should be the murderers.
i hate michael vick. he did something unforgivable and should of received more time in prison for what he did. but i believe that mr. carlson is going a little overboard.
I love Michael Vick, because he's on my fantasy team! What he did was wrong and he paid his debt to socially. No he shouldn't have a dog but he is free now and re-started his career in Philly.
Tucker Carlson, who I never heard of, is insane. Killing dogs and killing people are two totally different things
What he did was wrong and he paid his debt to socially.
And no he didn't. He spent one year in jail. That's nothing really. He should've served 20 for killing animals that couldn't do anything to stop what he was doing to them.
Killing dogs and killing people are two totally different things
We're all animals.
Their is a difference though. But still killing animals is wrong.
re-started his career
He shouldn't even have a career for what he has done. He should be in prison where he belongs rotting in a cell.
Killing dogs and killing people are two totally different things
Carlson was foolish to make the statement that Vick should have been executed. However, that was not his main point. Although it's fair to criticize Carlson for such a statement, it is unfair to ignore the main point he was trying to make.
I believe the Eagles should not have taken Vick in, but that's not the thing that angers me so much. Obama thanked the Eagles for giving Vick a second chance. Vick abused and killed innocent dogs and Obama thanks the Eagles for taking him back in? Was Obama truly upset that nobody else wanted Vick on their team? If so, Obama can an hero for all I care.
Poor baby, he loses his career after holding dogfights and nobody wants him on his team anymore. Boo hoo hoo.
Vick could have gotten any number of other jobs and lived a decent life, it's not like Vick had trouble finding a job, he just had trouble becoming a pro football player... again. Woop de do.
But humans are obviously much more intelligent than dogs. So killing a person means so much more because there are so many things that person could have done in their life.
I say that ****ing **** of a ****ing **** should get his *** kicked by three dogs then feed him to them piece by piece
Yeah, like that's going to work. Nemo already said that for dog fights, you have to make these dogs as mean as you can. Vick did this, and killed a bunch of these mean dogs. Athletes, especially football players, are incredibly strong, so I think a 6 foot, 215 pound quarterback can defend himself from a couple of vicious dogs.
And no need to swear. This is a forum, you aren't impressing anybody. And that's coming from me, someone who says the F-word in every other sentence.
I believe the Eagles should not have taken Vick in, but that's not the thing that angers me so much.
Sorry for double post (again...) but someone earlier, don't remember who it was, made the point that NFL teams don't care about incidents off-the-field, they just want the player to do well on the field. I kinda agree with this. It really depends on the team. When Vick was caught for these dog-fights, he was almost instantly released by the Falcons. But on a different story, wide receiver Donte Stallworth was arrested for killing a person while speeding his car, but he was signed by the Ravens before this season, even though he drove his car at top speed right through somebody. Dog fighting is simply a hobby, and a really cruel one at that, and some wide receiver who's not at famous as Vick is easily given another chance? Vick was not instantly offered a second chance by any team. The Eagles were actually convinced by Donovan McNabb to give Vick a chance.