ForumsPopular MediaHOTTEST Maidens of Music \\m/_ _\\m/

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I would like to find out which Maidens of Music the AG'ers find most attractive. if someone thinks that this isn't fair (maybe a female AG'er...or someone of different interests than myself) then feel free to say who u think is the most attractive singer/musician u know of...

I'm curious to see if people listen to some bands just simply b/c they've fallen in love w/ the figure head (usually the lead singer) rather then their actual voice.

a few of the lovely ladies I listen to are

Simone Simons :3...epic red head (she's not a true red head.. but i don't care) (Epica lead singer...and is featured with other bands)

Tarja Turunnen (ex nightwish female vocalist)

Inga Scharf (Van Canto's female vocalist)

I fell for Simone when I saw what she looked like and after having watched some interviews where she acts goofy and seems really sweet.. I had listened to Epica prior to having seen what Simone looked like and was like "meh" but afterwards I found myself more like ..\\m/_...

Tarja is another very flashy tight body suit kinda gal (simone's inspiration :-P)... but I really liked her operatic metal stuff before having seen that she's quite the looker

Now Inga is slightly different... she seems to be less flashy then the other two. I had originally seen a picture of her on one of the cover pictures of a youtube vid and was like "meh... not so pretty"... then i listened to her and an interview or two and I now have her in the same epic tier as Simone and Tarja.

If you'd like to make this into somewhat of a social experiment and do as I did with my list then please do... but if you'd just like to tell us who u think are the most attractive singers out there (not just metal.... i just have a bias towards it...) then feel free

*honorable mention*
Sharon of Within Temptation (thanks Mr. Daycee)

  • 36 Replies
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Anette Olzon... the new nightwish singer has her good sides. sadly, I preferred Tarja... but if the letter they fired her w/ was true then she deserved it. she brings a pop metal sound to NW... and the operatic metal is now gone... but its not all that bad.
7 days to the wolves to give a few songs that have my specific maidens in them...
Simone - The Haunting (Kamelot song)
Simone - Never Enough (Epica)

Tarja - The Phantom of The Opera (w/ NW)
Tarja - In the Picture (post NW solo work)

Inga Scharf
- Lost Forever (Van Canto)
Inga Scharf - Wishmaster (Van Canto) NW cover

- Angels
Sharon - Stand My Ground

my favorites usually don't growl, scream, etc.... but i mean if the girl can do it right then there might just be a chance lol

1,890 posts

Hey thanks DayCee! =)

1,890 posts

And yes, I meant when Beyonce was in Destiny's Child.

3,880 posts
1,322 posts

with regard to Walker....

what is the significance of the repetition of the word "lithium" in evanescenc's song? my science background has me only hearing the word w/ the connotation of the element being referred to rather then any other abstract term i can come up w/... I've always liked Amy, but Evanescence up until now was more of a one hit wonder w/ the "wake me up inside" song... I'll check out a few more of their songs. any suggestions?

Is Lacuna Coil's "Our Truth" the original or is it a cover? i don't remember... my old roommate used to spam the Rockband/Guitar hero games all the time... and i grew to know the songs by sound and never really paid attention to the people who actually played most of the songs. I'm liking Cristina's voice more and more...body's just a given ;-)

I think Maria is good looking and all... and has a good voice, but so far she just hasn't meshed w/ me that much (don't know how to say it)... do u have any other vids of her that might change my opinion?

i think its a plus that Grace gets involved w/ the crowd but the genre just isn't me

for Hahiha...
she was before her time :'(

now for Alizee.... there are those Maidens that pull off the cleavage look and similar looks to just wow their crowds... even tho that skirt is a lil short in some of the pics i've seen... Alizee manages to gravitate my eyes to hers and her face and her dancing in general... i mean rather than me staring at her rear end swinging its more of a being captivated by the whole thing... arm motions, face, etc. She manages to pull of one of the sweetest cutest forms of hot I've ever come across... and the voice is very soothing :3 .

are there any particular songs w/ beyonce in them that you would like to share w/ us? from the few i've happened upon i've never really been spurred into pursuing more... i mean i don't think its bad... just not really me... but u might change my opinion.

.....i would like to address that i just realized the right click has an undo feature... b/c i highlighted everything up until this point so that i would be able to move to the first page to scim through everything b4 i posted... and ended up accidentally deleting everything prior to this paragraph. i almost threw my computer across the room... that is all for this little fyi moment i felt like sharing w/ everyone....

Healmeal... I'm assuming u mean Hayley w/ paramore? i've never really listened to either... (if they were ever separate) so please my apologies for my ignorance. I do recognize the "Misery Business" song on youtube but that's all i've heard so far. I like that song... but again.. not really my cup of tea... cute girl tho :P

forgive me Nichodemus.... but you said you liked "Jessica" right?..... someone seems to have deleted ur messed up post so all i have to go w/ is the image MrDaycee provided... i'm asking b/c the song i pulled up has like a dozen girls in it (OH!) by girl's generation... would you please tell me what country they're from? ... i don't want to offend you by guessing... I'm not familiar w/ a lot of the obvious tale tell differences in the different Asian ethnicities. As for the song... they manage to pull off a good melody... :'( i just don't understand it. are there any songs where your particular girl sings by herself? what sets her apart for you from the rest of the girls? >_> again there may be something that answers my question that is completely obvious but due to the culture difference I'm unable to tell... my apologies.

and healmeal... could u explain your post? i'm not familiar w/ "life festivals"... and are u saying that you just listen to music rather then pick a band to listen to?

1,322 posts

holographic maiden (its still a maiden right?? O_o)

a holographic singer.... who's voice is (i think i read it right) 100% computer synthesized... quite the unique concept... i made a similar thread on holograms in general w/ Miku the hologram as an example in teh wepr section but i think it applies both places. its a fun triviality to listen to tho

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

forgive me Nichodemus.... but you said you liked "Jessica" right?..... someone seems to have deleted ur messed up post so all i have to go w/ is the image MrDaycee provided... i'm asking b/c the song i pulled up has like a dozen girls in it (OH!) by girl's generation... would you please tell me what country they're from? ... i don't want to offend you by guessing... I'm not familiar w/ a lot of the obvious tale tell differences in the different Asian ethnicities. As for the song... they manage to pull off a good melody... :'( i just don't understand it. are there any songs where your particular girl sings by herself? what sets her apart for you from the rest of the girls? >_> again there may be something that answers my question that is completely obvious but due to the culture difference I'm unable to tell... my apologies.

Haha...well yeah she does, and she looks innocently pretty in it.

Most of you would find it sickening seeing her act cute, but yeah we like it.

She's Korean, all of them are, but some of them came from America. Jessica is from San Fransisco.

Plus there were two girls :P Sunny and Jessica.

Girl's Generation has 9 girls, so lots of eye candy.
58 posts

Cristina Scabbia from Lacuna Coil, so hot. <3

1,322 posts

another one that I feel needs acknowledgment.....
Johanna Kurkela... she's a Finnish Classical music singer. She also assists on some of the vocal work for when Sonata Arctica requires a female voice.... and She's supposedly dating Nightwish's Tuomas (the keyboardist and songwriter)


she has one of the sweetest voices i've heard in a long time. ;-)

thanks everyone for contributing thus far.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Haha, glad to see most of us post pictures of metal maidens...Though I did post a pop's not easy finding Asian metal singers!

Phew, lucky I didn't see people like Kesha, Rihanna and Katy here.

1,322 posts

Iron Maidens :3... lol just through i'd play w/ words here...

Kesha, Rihanna, and Katy (which katy again)... i'm sure are all very good singers.... they just don't appeal to me. for the longest time I'd never even seen what either of the former two looked like prior to seeing a music vid and I still wasn't sold on the work I had heard.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Katy Perry. I detest people who take fashion to the extremes.

1,182 posts

immmm gonna have to say Katy as well...... absolutely beatiful..... however there are MANYYY other foreign singers whom names i do not know and faces i have not seen, but becuz of their voices I DO NOT CARE wat they look like... i would..... do un-mentionable things to

1,182 posts

ummmmm that holographic maiden is the scariest...... most disorienting.... most intriguing thing i ever saw..............

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

but becuz of their voices

One word. Autotune :P

As for Korean girls, let's just say a lot of plastic surgery involved.
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