Use this thread to express your opinions on different games. You can list games any way you want, adding factors like console, series or genre to your post. However, please be sure to add a reason for your choices instead of just spamming up names.
Legend of Zelda: I like -game- best, because it is... CoD: I really enjoy -game-, as... Xbox: I think the best game for this is -
... I like LEGO Games, because it is funny. SO MUCH! I like Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja (that name), because it is have great specials and graphics.
I LOVE Radiata Stories for PS2 it always kept me entertained and I love the Non-Human, and Human choice in the game, Most of the time I go for human side, reason being; better & stronger characters than the Non-Human side, well besides just one character, The leader of the Black Goblins Gruel.
4. Modern Warfare: the best war game ever I think, everything about that game is amazing, specially the story of MW and MW2.
3. GTA: All of them are great, but specially, San Andreas. I know that the graphics are horrible and stuff, but the story is one of the best I have ever played in my life.
2. Fallout: I've had only played Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas and I gotta say, the game is amazing, those two games are one of the bests, everything about them is incredible, the only game that I can compare to that is the next one.
1. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time: for me, best game of all times. To me, no other game is better than that, and I don't think ever no game will be (for me).
3. GTA: All of them are great, but specially, San Andreas. I know that the graphics are horrible and stuff, but the story is one of the best I have ever played in my life.
Wow. I didn't know it had a story. I thought you just stole stuff and got chased by the police. Favorite: Battlefield!
I think Call Of Duty is, not a certain 1, just the whole series and all of the games in general, you can disagree with me, but everybody has a different opinion.
Best console : Xbox 360 (and slightly the old but trusty ps2) Fav. game : Kingdom Hearts , Ratchet and Clank (I love those 2 guys) and the Bethesta's best 2 games : Fallout 3 and Skyrim ...
I've said this, but I think Battlefield is better then COD. I loved when COD took time to make great games, but now they're just milking the whole series. Battlefield, yeah, they took 6 years, but they got it good and awesome. Unlike certain game series *epic cough* COD *end epic cough*, they like to listen to feedback, I believe, for the beta of Battlefield 3.
I think Battlefield 3 is a epic game much funner than, COD it has its flaws like not being able to back out of a lobby, but you can destroy buildings fly jets and so on