Use this thread to express your opinions on different games. You can list games any way you want, adding factors like console, series or genre to your post. However, please be sure to add a reason for your choices instead of just spamming up names.
Legend of Zelda: I like -game- best, because it is... CoD: I really enjoy -game-, as... Xbox: I think the best game for this is -
i dnt see how any1 can like the wii, its graphics are terrible, there is only so much u can do in the games b4 u get bord and the **** console is overrun by games from the sega mega drive era, there is no 'wow' factor with any if these games and its just recycling old things, no creativity is in this consoles games
1) Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Hands down the most entertaining game ever made so far. It is on the N64 and I must have beaten it 20 times.
2) Dynasty Warriors 3: AMAZING. The thing I like about this game is that it's HARD. Not impossible, but you can make crazy scenarios using the difficulty settings that make this game have a high replay value.
3) SWTOR - New edition, but it's amazing. Go get it.
I really like the Smash Bros series. I can play it over and over again and not get bored. Plus you can do a really easy match if you want or challenge yourself with a hard match. There are also many things to unlock which makes you want to play it to unlock the stuff.