Use this thread to express your opinions on different games. You can list games any way you want, adding factors like console, series or genre to your post. However, please be sure to add a reason for your choices instead of just spamming up names.
Legend of Zelda: I like -game- best, because it is... CoD: I really enjoy -game-, as... Xbox: I think the best game for this is -
My favourite game would definitely by Skyrim. It has many things to keep you busy like quests, errands ad so on. Also, people don't respawn (I find this a good thing) however some NPC's are un-killable until you complete the quest that they are involved in, rendering the NPC killable. So, once you complete ll the quests... YOU CAN KILL THE WORLD! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Or you can leave it.... nah, too boring
I know Skyrim is a great game, i finished it 4 times, i mean the mais story and the factions, but I lovoed Kingdom Hearts, but in the future I hope it changes because it means that the game studios are making great games, what is good for most of us
I have played basically every title on the Nintendo 64, these 10 games are worth any kind of money:
1- Banjo-Kazzoie (The greatest designed game on the N64) 2- Paper Mario (It's insane awesome in every way except difficulty) 3- Ocarina of Time (It represents the zelda series, deff a top 3 pick) 4- Banjo-Tooie (Banjo Kazzoie on crack, nearly a better sequel) 5- Mario Kart (Defined being social with friends) 6- Super Mario 64 (A Great game, defined the 3D platformer) 7- Majoras Mask (Amazing despite it being a bit short) 8- Mario Party 2 (The greatest MP for a ton of reasons) 9- Diddy Kong Racing (I had fun with this game, despite the hate) 10- Super Smash Bros (It's a blast until your the only one playing)
It's almost an unfair question. I'd say that I have different favorite for different console generations.
For handhelds, my favorite game was Pokemon Diamond. Yes, I enjoyed Red and Silver, but Diamond had great game mechanics. And things weren't super crazy complicated yet.
For anything pre N64, I'd say Super Mario World for the Super Nintendo. I played that so much I know all secret stages and most secret blocks.
For the N64 my favorite is probably Pokemon Stadium 1&2 for the mini games. It was my favorite multiplayer format for the console.
Around Gamecube, PS2, original XBOX I got into KOTOR. I still play it on my PC.
And for the modern systems, my favorite has to be Zelda Skyward Sword. I appreciate the quality and playing hours of the game. It's probably my favorite Zelda game.
Best games Half-life Portal Borderlands Fallout 3 sometimes I am in the mood to play Starwars the Force Unleashed And the COD series is good for the most part but I don't like how everyone only plays Multiplayer. Sometimes I will play Halo but I don't really think it is that good of a game anymore