Use this thread to express your opinions on different games. You can list games any way you want, adding factors like console, series or genre to your post. However, please be sure to add a reason for your choices instead of just spamming up names.
Legend of Zelda: I like -game- best, because it is... CoD: I really enjoy -game-, as... Xbox: I think the best game for this is -
PC: Total OverDose 2 (Popularly known as ToD) I like this game as it involves awesome moves! It is a story based in Mexico. Warcraft: Reign of Fire & The Frozen Throne (RoF & TFT) It is a strategy game. Based on the battle of 4 races of Humans, Orcs, Undead, and Night Elves. There are even smaller tribes, like Trolls (Orcs), Nagas (Night elves), Alliance (Humans), Scourge (Undead), and much much more!
PS3: There is only 1 game. Burnout Crash! Can't describe it
Warcraft: Reign of Fire & The Frozen Throne (RoF & TFT) It is a strategy game. Based on the battle of 4 races of Humans, Orcs, Undead, and Night Elves. There are even smaller tribes, like Trolls (Orcs), Nagas (Night elves), Alliance (Humans), Scourge (Undead), and much much more!
I think everyone knows what warcraft is and if they don't know by now they should. I like how back in the day it was free to play and was more or a single player game with a decent campaign. It was bomb back in the day
I think everyone knows what warcraft is and if they don't know by now they should. I like how back in the day it was free to play and was more or a single player game with a decent campaign. It was bomb back in the day
I totally remember that time. I don't play Warcraft anymore, but back in the day, it was really fun!
I have played the beta of Tera online and that was the best game i ever played, it's not like other rpgs where the combat is base on point and click, the thing is fast and frenetic, and the graphics are awesome, you all should try it.
I still play my old PS2 games sometimes but I mostly play PS3 games.I guess my favorites would be Grand Theft Auto IV or Modern Warfare2 and 3.The more older ones would be GTA:San Andreas or the old NFS series for PS2.
Anyone who says any CoD game is the best needs to play some other games and stop following the FPS bandwagon. They are entertaining, but they're all pretty similar and definitely not among the best.
Anyone who says any CoD game is the best needs to play some other games and stop following the FPS bandwagon. They are entertaining, but they're all pretty similar and definitely not among the best.
I would agree with you, it is an alright game but it is way overrated. I just think that a good game should be able to stand alone on singleplayer as well as multiplayer. And this just doesn't seem to be the case with COD.