Use this thread to express your opinions on different games. You can list games any way you want, adding factors like console, series or genre to your post. However, please be sure to add a reason for your choices instead of just spamming up names.
Legend of Zelda: I like -game- best, because it is... CoD: I really enjoy -game-, as... Xbox: I think the best game for this is -
Why Sunshine? Becuase everything was right. It was a decent challenge, had many hidden objects (240), and was a joy to complete 100%. I don't mind the FLUDD gimmick. The Gamecube is there because it had Sunshine, as well as the best Mario Kart and the best Mario Party!
Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas were the greatest games ever Bethsada always puts great challenging and addicting games on the market. Fallout is a massive game that u can travel around in filled with hidden secrets and its awsome. if i had to play one game forever this would be it.
For FPS shooters right now, I would pick Battlefield 3. It's very realistic. Crazy gun fights, and vehicle warfare make the game exciting. The maps are quite expansive as well.
Well... I really liked super mario sunshine... Before my friend "borrowed" it and i moved before i could get it back -_- Most people wont agree with this but one of the most FUN(not challenging) games i have ever played was luigi's mansion. I know, Haters gonna hate, but i dont care. It was a great expierience and i really enjoyed it's great storyline.
The best game of all time: Skyrim by far it is such a large RPG (Role Playing Game) that your adventure will never end. Yes it does have some glitch's but I can excuse them
The best series is: Elder Scroll's, I know I am a huge fan but there is nothing you can't do with that series. The reason that I like it mostly because it does not make you rage like COD.
Best System: PC? if I can use that then Xbox360 because I am only credible to say that it is the best since I do not own a PS3.
can never knock the CoD series, halo series and things like that. But if it counts as a series, my favorites are the NBA 2k series and Madden NFL series. i am a big sports guy and these games actually, in a weird kind of way, help me better understand the games i play. But for PC, it is all about the backyard sports. Baseball, basketball, football, hckey, i own them all and they are all amazing and keep me playing for hours on end. PABLO SANCHEZ FTW.
Heroes of Might and Magic. A little nerdy but it was the first game I had ever played, made the year I was born and the game and the third in the series (never really knew why I didn't get the second one) entertained me for at least 10 years. What a shame PCs have advanced so much I can't play them any more .