Use this thread to express your opinions on different games. You can list games any way you want, adding factors like console, series or genre to your post. However, please be sure to add a reason for your choices instead of just spamming up names.
Legend of Zelda: I like -game- best, because it is... CoD: I really enjoy -game-, as... Xbox: I think the best game for this is -
My Favorite games that I currently own that are in my library would include:
Super NIntendo Donkey Kong Country Super Mario World
Psone: Gex 3 Deep Cover Gecko Spyro The Dragon Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Medieval
Nintendo 64: Gauntlet Legends Banjo Kazooie and Tooie Mario 64 Mario Kart
PC Borderlands (series) Fallout 3 and New Vegas Oblivion and Skyrim Bejeweled 3 Half-life Series and Portal Star Wars Battle Front 2 Dark Messiah Of Might & Magic Warlords Battle Cry 2 and 3 Warcraft 3 Peggle
Honorable Mention Games Team Fortress 2 Call of Duty MW2 Black Ops Plants Vs Zombies Diablo 2 Terraria Castle Crashers CS:GO Grand Theft Auto Farcry 3 Blood Dragon
Games I like but haven't decided MW3 PayDay 2 Rage Minecraft Alan Wake Garrys Mod AudioSurf Dungeons of Dredmor Soul Reaver 2 Legacy of Kain: Defiance McPixel Sanctum 2
Games I own But Don't like Strongly: Binding of Issac Toki Tori Trials 2 Ricochet Hero Academy Day of Defeat Mark of The Ninja
Well, I'd say my favorite console (and this can be up for debate), is the PC. I know a lot of you don't consider it a console, but why shouldn't it be? It has just as many, if not more, users than the Xbox 360 and PS3. Developers work and pay to have games released on the PC, so why should it not be considered a console?
Anyway, my favorite game is TESIII: Morrowind. No competition. I was introduced to the Elder Scrolls universe with Skyrim, and bought Oblivion and Morrowind out of pure curiosity. Now don't get me wrong, I love Oblivion and Skyrim. But Morrowind is different in one key way: everything revolves around combat in Skyrim and Oblivion. Morrowind focuses more on the political and social aspects of being a person with such power. And there is so much more to do! I remember when I first started, I'd ask about every topic with every person I met. And when I looked, I had about 40 or 50 quests waiting to be finished. Some were from the Tribunal Temple, some from House Redoran, and some were just from people I met on the road who needed my help. Heck, I'm still working on completing all of those quests I piled up! And when I was practicing my Speechcraft skill on random people in Balmora, (and got them to hate me), a few of those people were actually very important to quests I was on and I had to spend several thousand gold to get them to like me! I just have so many good memories of Morrowind, and so few bad ones. The game was difficult at level 1, but isn't every game? Morrowind has ups and downs, but it is still the best game I've ever played and still do play.
Informations of my Fav. Game : [quote]Name : Harvest Moon : Friends of Mineral Town Console : Gameboy Advance/Gameboy SP Gameplay : This game has no ending... You can marry wife , interact with townspeople , upgrade house and farming will not lose there.
Kingdom Hearts series - can't ever stop! The World Ends With You - First time I've ever experienced a game with a storyline so good that maximized the DS. Hope it gets a remake. SMTIV - It's Shin Megami Tensei. It's delving into everything that made Persona awesome, and incredibly creepy.
XBOX- Best exclusive I think is the Halo Franchise because it is a game which I have played for a lot of my life and it is one of the games that have brought me up to loving video games. Non exclusive- GTA V because it is open world, realistic and epic
My favorite consul game ever was Mercenaries on PS2. That is because you can literally do anything in that game that you can do in the real world of combat. Its like the Grand Theft Auto of war games. The Call of Duty series are all way to restrictive! I can memorize a COD game pretty fast. Here is are few examples of what you can do in Mercenaries Earn huge bucks from however you want
Capture wanted enemies and collect bounty from Allied forces
Hijack an enemy tank and use it against whoever you want and when ammo runs out, plant a C4 charge on it and use it as a high speed tank-bomb.
Purchase devastating air strikes for any fun target
Run people over with a Hummvee for big laughs
Shoot up entire cities with an assault gunship
Drag race with military vehicles.
Explore the massive Korean Countryside
Use an APC to carry friends into battle to fight with you Order weapons and vehicles while in the field