Use this thread to express your opinions on different games. You can list games any way you want, adding factors like console, series or genre to your post. However, please be sure to add a reason for your choices instead of just spamming up names.
Legend of Zelda: I like -game- best, because it is... CoD: I really enjoy -game-, as... Xbox: I think the best game for this is -
N64 Is probably the best console in my opinion. Just cause it had all the best games. Favorite game is definitely Banjo Kazooie for N64. Best platformer ever
Gundam Battle: Gundam Battle Universe, as it's the last GB series, not counting Gundam Assault Survive, which felt mostly like a new game.
Pokemon(Core series): Black/White, it's the best i've played imo.
Pokemon(Mystery Dungeon): Explorers of Sky. It's basically the "Third version" to Time/Darkness, and Blue Rescue has somewhat inferior gameplay(it's the first game), and i haven't played GtI and the WII's, so can't comment.
Armored Core: Last Raven. I haven't completed it(because the disk is broke), but it's great. Probs the one with the best plot(branched paths ftw) and most challenging.