If they keep re-addressing them, they obviously feel like the issue wasn't really addressed.
What you're missing is that
it's the same exact thing over and over and over and over ... and over again. Your argument is akin to trying to justify the fool who does the same thing over and over, expecting different results, and then wondering WHY the same results keep happening, but never learning.
Face it: nobody is going to be happy with my answer until I surrender to them and say "you're absolutely positively 100% correct, and I am a fool for even trying to say something. Oh how great is your wisdom." If they truly wanted a better answer, they would tell me what I needed to improve or expand on. Instead, they just try to make a counterpoint that is entirely out of context with the rest of my argument. Which brings me to the next point.
Well that's generally how an argument works. It's like saying, "I love Pizza with Pineapple, onion, and ham" and then someone arguing that the Pineapple makes it bad, and you get all mad that they don't "Fully" agree with you.
What they're doing isn't arguing. It's attacking things they are taking out of context a good portion of the time. It's mocking me for holding what they think are ridiculous beliefs. I have been careful not to mock in this thread, but you know what? I'm going to start playing f***in' hardball. Obviously nothing else works.
[quote]Trolling is In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.
All people are doing here is posting things against your viewpoint - hardly unexpected in a debate forum. Just because you don't agree with it or find their view of something offensive doesn't make it trolling. Trolling would be me saying..."YOU'RE A MORMON YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING" as it does not relate to the discussion in any ways, lends nothing to it, and just provokes you with an off topic statement that was made to be deliberately insulting and nothing else. What people are saying on this thread isn't trolling.
You have no idea what trolling has come to mean, do you? It now means (a) deliberately lying to people, trying to get them to believe you, or trying to get an emotional reaction; (b) saying things that, no matter how on-topic they are, are crafted to elicit an emotional response from those reading them; (c) Mocking people for saying things, again trying to get an emotional response out of them and/or to get others to agree with the troll. Trust me. I troll for a living, man. Do you think I don't know what a troll is? Do you know how hard it was for me to keep my last post even just that ticked off sounding?
Here's an example of trolling and an average reaction. In fact, my first reaction:
"The church doesn't allow it because it's pleasurable, and everything pleasurable is a sin." (pretty close to an actual post by E1337).
1. Pleasurable by whose standards? Yours? Who died and made you king?
2. Has it occurred to you that NOT EVERYONE LIKES TO F***ING MASTURBATE?
3. Shut up or I'll shut your mouth for you.
4. gtfo
I briefly glanced over the last 3 pages, I see no trolling, aside from possibly Eaglepaw.
See my previous statement. Also, the last three pages are not the pages I'm talking about. I'm the one who
started this thread. Asherlee can even tell you, a lot of the early things were trolling, or looked to be so.