
428 91271
109 posts

I'm starting this topic to "continue" a conversation started in the Christians vs. Catholics thread. I will include some of the details from there, but the rest are up to anyone new to read up on. I will specifically post the contents of one post, more or less.

We did not baptize Adolf Hitler. That is a lie. After people baptized for Obama's mother, an official release was sent out saying that unless you specifically know the person who's name you are bringing in to do temple work for (not the names that they already have) or they are in your family, you cannot do temple work for them.

We are not barred from being around ex Mormons. We do not necessarily believe they are with Satan. We excommunicate people for their good. In our views, it gives them a second chance. They can rejoin the church later, and their sins will be gone, just as they were when they were first baptized. I know many ex Mormons, and I do not get in trouble for being with them.

South Park is in no way an authority on anything. The fact that you're trying to cite that is pathetic.

Yes, there was polygamy. But it was revoked in the 1890's (even if only for legal reasons). Joseph Smith did not try to burn down a newspaper place. He was taken to jail for no real reason. If he shot back, it was only because they were shooting at him.

The reason non members are not allowed in the temple is because of the sacred things that go on in there. If just anyone was allowed in, the spirit would be disrupted. I will expound on this if needs be.

I am personally ashamed of the acts of other Latter-Day Saints who have done temple work for people without permission from relatives of that person. It is wrong, and we know it.

Tithing... It was actually in Christ's day when it started. The only reason it affects our worthiness to enter the temple (not our standing in general). The Lord gave us everything we have, and all he asks is 10% of what we earn. I'd say that's a pretty small price for life, liberty, and happiness.

Also, we believe in Agency and Accountability. You can choose to do what you want, but you will have to accept the consequences.

I have a testimony of Jesus Christ. He is my savior and my redeemer. I believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, and that Thomas S. Monson is the living prophet today. I believe the Bible to be true as far as it is correctly translated. I know that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can be forgiven for our sins and return to live with our Heavenly Father. I have seen the Atonement in action in my life. I know that God listens to all prayers to him. He answers them in his own way. I know that I can make it to the Celestial Kingdom if I but do my best to keep the commandments of God.

  • 428 Replies
378 posts

Quit bothering Link, its annoying when I see people being bothered about what they think, so stop. I completely agree with Links thoughts and you should be ashamed of harassing people of their beliefs. I'm Mormon and you don't see Mormons bothering other religions. Please stop.

3,085 posts

I'd say that some of the Missionary work that Mormons do could be classed as bothering other religions. I'll admit that some of the people in this thread aren't being the most polite they could be but some rather interesting questions have been raised - depth of knowledge can only be gained by probing intimate areas and I'm sorry if that's uncomfortable but, besides those who seek to provoke an angry response, some of us really do want to gain a better understanding.

378 posts

No Missionary work isn't bothering other religions. We just offer the opportunity don't want to hear we leave them alone. If they do that's great. It's not like we go, He your religion is wrong and you must join ours, we just kind-fully ask if they want to learn. We respect others decisions and I hope you do too.

9,462 posts

@MageGrayWolf i think it's sad that your arguments are the most logical on page 34, especially given that it contains some trolling. I will address your arguments when I have calmed down enough to be reasonable.

There was nothing trolling about the comments I made. Quite frankly it's getting a little old having an opposing view point get call trolling. But I will chalk that comment up to your temper.
3,085 posts

If you truly weren't bothering them then you would let them all find their way to you, I realize that much of the Missionary work is done at the request of interested people, some is still done door-to-door though without being asked. I respect others decisions but that doesn't mean I have to agree with them nor does it mean that I seek to let them hold those beliefs/make those decisions without question, I want to dissect the thoughts behind those decisions and tear them apart to understand them better, if the person can back up their decisions sufficiently with rational thought processes or provable evidence then that gives me a better understanding - flimsy decisions and thought processes fall to pieces so easily though.

378 posts

I don't think your opinion is wrong, I will believe what i believe and you can believe in what you believe in, there is nothing wrong about believing in a certain way. I respect you comments and what you think about it, but I will always be a Mormon no matter what.

378 posts

@ Avorne I never said you had to believe in what we do, but it's our right and we don't try to frown upon a religions, we are doing missionary service because we believe that every able man should serve a mission, and you will be blessed. It is highly encouraged in the church to do this. Plus Inever said you have to agree with me, but I love the church I belong to and will do missionary service when i am of age.

3,085 posts

But why do you make statements like that? You should be more open-minded to the possibility that you could be wrong. I'm always seeking to enhance and refine the knowledge I have, find the truth and make sure what I believe to be true is indeed true, if you say things like 'I will always be X' then you automatically make yourself more close-minded. You should try out other religions, research their history/holy books/beliefs and give them a go, understanding the culture of others brings greater knowledge and peace, to close oneself off from knowledge is always such a shame.

315 posts

Mormons created awesome irrigation systems. I'll give them that.

378 posts

I'm not closed minded, if I were to believe that another religion was for me I would do what was best, but I am a Mormon now and I dont think that will change, because of the fact I believe everything in that church and it makes sense to me.

3,085 posts

Even the stuff about Polygamy and dark skin being a curse for the sins of ones ancestors?

5,552 posts

but I am a Mormon now and I dont think that will change,

Why are you a Mormon. Specifically, what makes you think that being a Mormon is the only true religion?
378 posts

@ Avorne
It is not talking about what you are thinking of.

378 posts

@ Kasic

If I were to investigate another religion and think it's true I'd join.
But I know that Lds church is true, but I also respect other peoples decisions

3,085 posts

There is no such thing as 'knowing a religion is true', religions are based on faith not fact, that is why you're being close-minded to say that the LDS is right.

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